Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
- p21 is Responsible for Ionizing Radiation-induced Bypass of Mitosis*
- Autophagy Attenuates MnCl2-induced Apoptosis in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells*
- Lack of Association between rs4331426 Polymorphism in the Chr18q11.2 Locus and Pulmonary Tuberculosis in an Iranian Population*
- Detection of Multi-drug Resistant Acinetobacter Lwoffii Isolated from Soil of Mink Farm*
- Green Tea Polyphenols Alleviate Autophagy Inhibition Induced by High Glucose in Endothelial Cells*
- Cytotoxic Responses and Apoptosis in Rat Kidney Epithelial Cells Exposed to Lead*
- Prevalence of High Non-high-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Associated Risk Factors in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Jilin Province, China: A Cross-sectional Study*
- Exploring Genome-wide DNA Methylation Profiles Altered in Kashin-Beck Disease Using Infinium Human Methylation 450 Bead Chips*
- ldeal Cardiovascular Health Metrics and Coronary Artery Calcification in Northern Chinese Population:A Cross-sectional Study*