Communications in Mathematical Research
- A Maschke Type Theorem for Doi-Hopf π-modules?
- Fourier Moment Method with Regularization for the Cauchy Problem of Helmholtz Equation?
- On Commuting Graph of Group Ring ZnS3?
- The Existence of Three Positive Solutions for p-Laplacian Di ff erence Equation with Delay?
- A Joint Density Function in Phase-type(2) Risk Model?
- An Almost Sure Central Limit Theorem for Weighted Sums of Mixing Sequences?
- Risk Measure and Premium Distribution on Catastrophe Reinsurance?
- Extinction of Weak Solutions for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with Nonstandard Growth Conditions?
- A New System of Generalized Variational Inclusions Involving H-η-monotone Operators in Uniformly Smooth Banach Spaces?