Communications in Mathematical Research
- A Split Least-squares Characteristic Procedure for Convection-dominated Parabolic Integro-diferential Equations
- Weak Convergence Theorems for Nonself Mappings
- Existence of Solutions for a Four-point Boundary Value Problem with a p(t)-Laplacian
- Strong Convergence for a Countable Family of Total Quasi-?-asymptotically Nonexpansive Nonself Mappings in Banach Space
- Equivalent Conditions of Complete Convergence for Weighted Sums of Sequences of Extended Negatively Dependent Random Variables
- A(k,n-k)Conjugate Boundary Value Problem with Semipositone Nonlinearity
- Derivative Estimates for the Solution of Hyperbolic Afne Sphere Equation
- Rota-Baxter Operators of Weight 1 on 2×2-matrix Algebras
- Constructing the Cocyclic Structures for Crossed Coproduct Coalgebras
- Additive Maps Preserving the Star Partial Order onB(H)