Chinese Physics B
- Effects of vacancy and external electric field on the electronic properties of the MoSi2N4/graphene heterostructure
- Exciton–polaritons in a 2D hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite microcavity with the presence of optical Stark effect
- Effect of electron–electron interaction on polarization process of exciton and biexciton in conjugated polymer
- Exploring reservoir computing:Implementation via double stochastic nanowire networks
- Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and unconventional superconductivity in a quasi-one-dimensional flat-band system:Creutz lattice
- Mechanical and magnetocaloric adjustable properties of Fe3O4/PET deformed nanoparticle film
- Unconventional room-temperature negative magnetoresistance effect in Au/n-Ge:Sb/Au devices
- Spin gap in quasi-one-dimensional S=3/2 antiferromagnet CoTi2O5
- Enhanced resonance frequency in Co2FeAl thin film with different thicknesses grown on flexible graphene substrate
- Coercivity mechanism of La–Nd–Fe–B lms with Y spacer layer
- Effect of In doping on the evolution of microstructure,magnetic properties and corrosion resistance of NdFeB magnets
- Investigation of reflection anisotropy induced by micropipe defects on the surface of a 4H-SiC single crystal using scanning anisotropy microscopy
- Interacting topological magnons in a checkerboard ferromagnet
- Negative magnetoresistance in the antiferromagnetic semimetal V1/3TaS2
- Residual stress modeling of mitigated fused silica damage sites with CO2 laser annealing
- Photostability of colloidal single photon emitter in near-infrared regime at room temperature
- Electronic effects on radiation damage in α-iron:A molecular dynamics study
- Molecular dynamics study of primary radiation damage in TiVTa concentrated solid-solution alloy
- Comparative study on phase transition behaviors of fractional molecular field theory and random-site Ising model
- On-chip ultrafast stackable dielectric laser positron accelerator
- Engineering the spectra of photon triplets generated from micro/nanofiber
- Simultaneous guidance of electromagnetic and elastic waves via glide symmetry phoxonic crystal waveguides
- A polarization sensitive interferometer: Delta interferometer
- Efficient single-pixel imaging encrypted transmission based on 3D Arnold transformation
- Diffraction deep neural network-based classification for vector vortex beams
- Enhancing the Goos–H¨anchen shift based on quasi-bound states in the continuum through material asymmetric dielectric compound gratings
- Versatile and controlled quantum teleportation network
- On the generation of high-quality Nyquist pulses in mode-locked fiber lasers
- Estimating the yield stress of soft materials via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
- Tunable spectral continuous shift of high-order harmonic generation in atoms by a plasmon-assisted shaping pulse
- Controllable optical bistability in a Fabry–P′erot cavity with a nonlinear three-dimensional Dirac semimetal
- Decoupling of temporal/spatial broadening effects in Doppler wind LiDAR by 2D spectral analysis
- High-order Bragg forward scattering and frequency shift of low-frequency underwater acoustic field by moving rough sea surface
- Wave nature of Rosensweig instability
- Generation of orbital angular momentum hologram using a modified U-net
- Singular optical propagation properties of two types of one-dimensional anti-PT-symmetric periodic ring optical waveguide networks
- High-efficiency ultra-fast all-optical photonic crystal diode based on the lateral-coupled nonlinear elliptical defect
- Core level excitation spectra of La and Mn ions in LaMnO3
- Microscopic mechanism of plasmon-mediated photocatalytic H2 splitting on Ag–Au alloy chain
- Theoretical investigations of population trapping phenomena in atomic four-color,three-step photoionization scheme
- Theoretical investigation of electron-impact ionization of W8+ion
- Quantum geometric tensor and the topological characterization of the extended Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model
- Coexistence behavior of asymmetric attractors in hyperbolic-type memristive Hopfield neural network and its application in image encryption
- A lightweight symmetric image encryption cryptosystem in wavelet domain based on an improved sine map
- Dual-wavelength pumped latticed Fermi–Pasta–Ulam recurrences in nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation
- Effects of connected automated vehicle on stability and energy consumption of heterogeneous traffic flow system
- Parametric instability in the pure-quartic nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation
- Dilation,discrimination and Uhlmann’s theorem of link products of quantum channels
- Does the Hartman effect exist in triangular barriers
- Complementary monogamy and polygamy properties among multipartite systems
- Parameter estimation in n-dimensional massless scalar field
- Effects of drive imbalance on the particle emission from a Bose–Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional lattice
- A new quantum key distribution resource allocation and routing optimization scheme
- Quintessence anisotropic stellar models in quadratic and Born–Infeld modified teleparallel Rastall gravity
- Adaptive interaction driven by the learning effect in the spatial prisoner’s dilemma
- Decompositions of the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation and their symmetry reductions
- Real eigenvalues determined by recursion of eigenstates
- Impact of different interaction behavior on epidemic spreading in time-dependent social networks
- Discreet investors exert greater influence on cooperation in the public goods game
- A novel variable-order fractional chaotic map and its dynamics
- Wave field structure and power coupling features of blue-core helicon plasma driven by various antenna geometries and frequencies
- Three-dimensional magnetic reconnection in complex multiple X-point configurations in an ancient solar–lunar terrestrial system
- Hollow cathode effect in radio frequency hollow electrode discharge in argon
- Numerical studies for plasmas of a linear plasma device HIT-PSI with geometry modified SOLPS-ITER
- Measuring small longitudinal phase shifts via weak measurement amplification
- Enhanced measurement precision with continuous interrogation during dynamical decoupling
- Effect of overheating-induced minor addition on Zr-based metallic glasses
- Anomalous spin Josephson effect in spin superconductors
- Creation and annihilation of artificial magnetic skyrmions with the electric field
- Nanoscale cathodoluminescence spectroscopy probing the nitride quantum wells in an electron microscope
- One-step quantum dialogue
- Image segmentation of exfoliated two-dimensional materials by generative adversarial network-based data augmentation
- A multilayer network diffusion-based model for reviewer recommendation
- Speed limit effect during lane change in a two-lane lattice model under V2X environment
- Exploration of the coupled lattice Boltzmann model based on a multiphase field model: A study of the solid–liquid–gas interaction mechanism in the solidification process
- Experimental investigation of omnidirectional multiphysics bilayer invisibility cloak with anisotropic geometry
- Logical stochastic resonance in a cross-bifurcation non-smooth system
- Modeling the performance of perovskite solar cells with inserting porous insulating alumina nanoplates
- Terahertz toroidal dipole metamaterial sensors for detection of aflatoxin B1
- Studying the co-evolution of information diffusion,vaccination behavior and disease transmission in multilayer networks with local and global effects
- Dynamics of information diffusion and disease transmission in time-varying multiplex networks with asymmetric activity levels