Communications in Theoretical Physics
- A New Treatment for Some Periodic Schr?dinger Operators I:The Eigenvalue?
- Semi-Relativistic Two-Body States of Spinless Particles with a Scalar-Type Interaction Potential
- Generation of different Classes of Multipartite Entanglement Using Cavity-QED
- Nodal Topological Phases in s-wave Super fluid of Ultracold Fermionic Gases?
- Entanglement Swapping in the Presence of White and Color Noise
- Investigation of Bose-Einstein Condensates in q-Deformed Potentials with First Order Perturbation Theory
- Dissipative Vortex Solitons in Defocusing Media with Spatially Inhomogeneous Nonlinear Absorption?
- A Study of Gaugeon Formalism for QED in Lorentz Violating Background
- Thermodynamic Geometry of Charged AdS Black Hole Surrounded by Quintessence?
- Dirac Quasinormal Modes of Static f(R)de Sitter Black Holes?
- Bilinear Forms and Soliton Solutions for the Reduced Maxwell-Bloch Equations with Variable Coefficients in Nonlinear Optics?