Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)
- Robust Deep 3D Convolutional Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Unmixing with Hypergraph Learning
- Common Transceiver LIF-Lidar Based on Y-Type Optical Fiber for Marine Oil Spill Detection
- On the Transient Numerical Simulation of Solid Rocket Motor by Coupling Quasi One-Dimension Internal Flow with Three-Dimension Propellant Grain Burnback
- High-Efficiency Two-Port Encapsulated Low-Contrast Grating with Suppressed Zeroth Order under Normal Incidence
- Method for Calculating Cartesian Coordinates of Operator’s Arm Joints for Anthropomorphic Manipulator Master-Slave Control Using Exoskeleton
- GPPre: A Python-Based Tool in Grasshopper for Office Building Performance Optimization
- Subspace Minimization Conjugate Gradient Method Based on Cubic Regularization Model for Unconstrained Optimization
- Rethinking about the Formulae of the Relationship between Euler Angles and Texture
- Shear Behavior of Open Steel Tube Connectors in Steel-UHPC Composite Decks
- Comparative Study on Microstructures of Zincalume Steel(G550)Welded Joint Between Metal Inert Gas and Laser Beam Welding