《寒旱區(qū)科學》及時報道寒冷、干旱環(huán)境下, 地球表層系統(tǒng)的過程和格局研究的最新成果。寒區(qū)研究: 側重低溫環(huán)境下, 寒區(qū)特殊的物理過程、 化學過程和生物過程及其相互作用的研究; 強調冰凍圈對全球變化和人類活動的響應, 及其對環(huán)境的影響和適應對策; 突出冰川,積雪, 河、 湖、海冰, 多年和季節(jié)凍土, 冰緣地貌等研究對象; 重視寒區(qū)工程技術。旱區(qū)研究: 側重干旱環(huán)境下, 旱區(qū)特殊的物理過程、化學過程和生物過程及其相互作用的研究; 強調旱區(qū)環(huán)境對人類活動和全球變化的響應, 及其對環(huán)境的影響和適應對策; 突出沙漠、綠洲、黃土和風沙地貌等研究對象; 扶植干旱區(qū)流域, 以水為主線, 山地-荒漠-綠洲系統(tǒng)的綜合集成研究, 積極為旱區(qū)的水安全、生態(tài)安全和糧食安全提供可靠的科學技術支撐。讀者對象為從事寒旱區(qū)科學研究的廣大研究人員和有關專業(yè)的院校師生以及相關領域的管理干部。
Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions
- Advance agriculture in the desert:the Israeli case story
- Land desertification and restoration in Middle East and North Africa(MENA)region
- Adaptation to climate change in desertified lands of the marginal regions in Egypt through sustainable crop and livestock diversification systems
- Toward sustainable desertification reversion:A case study in Horqin Sandy Land of northern China
- A mechanism for the origin and development of the large-scale dunefield on the right flank of the lower reach of Laoha River, Northeast China
- Effects of dune stabilization on vegetation characteristics and soil properties at multiple scales in Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China
- Effects of land-use changes on organic carbon in bulk soil and associated physical fractions in China's Horqin Sandy Grassland
- Effects of sand burial on survival and growth of Artemisia halodendron and its physiological response
- Effects of sand burial on growth and antioxidant enzyme activities of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in northern China
- Screening of cellulose decomposing fungi in sandy dune soil of Horqin Sandy Land
- Photosynthesis of Digitaria ciliarisduring repeated soil drought and rewatering
- The response of Caragana microphylla seedlings to water table changes in Horqin Sandy Land,China
- Seasonal change mediates the shift between resource and pollen limitation in Hedysarum scoparium (Fabaceae)
- ISSR analysis of Caragana microphylla (Leguminosae) in different temperature gradients
- Characteristics of high arsenic groundwater in Hetao Basin,Inner Mongolia,northern China
- Effects of sand burial on growth and antioxidant enzyme activities of wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)in northern China
- Seasonal change mediates the shift between resource and pollen limitation in Hedysarum scoparium(Fabaceae)
- Adaptation to climate change in desertified lands of the marginal regions in Egypt through sustainable crop and livestock diversification systems
- A mechanism for the origin and development of the large-scale dunefield on the right flank of the lower reach of Laoha River,Northeast China
- Effects of dune stabilization on vegetation characteristics and soil properties at multiple scales in Horqin Sandy Land,Northern China
- Effects of land-use changes on organic carbon in bulk soil and associated physical fractions in China's Horqin Sandy Grassland
- Effects of sand burial on survival and growth of Artemisia halodendron and its physiological response