Zoological Research
- Species delimitation based on diagnosis and monophyly,and its importance for advancing mammalian taxonomy
- How many species of Apodemus and Rattus occur in China?A survey based on mitochondrial cyt b and morphological analyses
- A new genus of Asiatic short-tailed shrew(Soricidae,Eulipotyphla)based on molecular and morphological comparisons
- Taxonomic revision of the genus Mesechinus(Mammalia:Erinaceidae)with description of a new species
- Karyotypes of field mice of the genus Apodemus(Mammalia:Rodentia)from China
- Species identification of crested gibbons(Nomascus)in captivity in China using karyotyping-and PCR-based approaches
- Impacts of late Quaternary environmental change on the long-tailed ground squirrel(Urocitellus undulatus)in Mongolia