



      2009-03-18 09:56MeiZimanYuNan
      文化交流 2009年1期


      Nationally,the 70-million Huamao Art Museum,located on the campus of Ningbo Huamao Foreign Languages School,is the first museum in the country's private education sector.Locally,the museum sits on the geographic central axis of Yinzhou, a new district of the great Ningbo,a port city in eastern Zhejiang Province.

      金沙县| 安顺市| 保靖县| 江华| 五大连池市| 夏河县| 芦山县| 铜川市| 阜康市| 北川| 大余县| 静宁县| 平凉市| 黄骅市| 拉孜县| 昭觉县| 石河子市| 宜兰县| 兴山县| 夏河县| 平利县| 伊通| 富源县| 万源市| 巫山县| 祥云县| 西城区| 墨脱县| 临汾市| 舟曲县| 浪卡子县| 盘锦市| 城步| 齐河县| 古丈县| 宜州市| 赤水市| 西贡区| 湘乡市| 蚌埠市| 大新县|