



      Curves of Conflict

      2010-04-29 00:44:03
      CHINAFRICA 2010年5期

      Trade in ivory has created deep rifts amongAfrican nations, with two in particularat loggerheads. In the run-up to the 15thConference of the Parties of the Convention onInternational Trade in Endangered Species ofWild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Doha, Qatar inMarch, diplomatic ties between Zimbabwe andKenya soured over the East African countrys proposalto have the Southern African state bannedfrom trading in ivory.

      江城| 云霄县| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 虹口区| 鹿邑县| 册亨县| 博爱县| 西吉县| 清流县| 德兴市| 喜德县| 宁海县| 阿拉善盟| 柳河县| 温泉县| 西丰县| 筠连县| 大渡口区| 石渠县| 浦东新区| 宁晋县| 封开县| 鄄城县| 周至县| 瑞丽市| 临海市| 陆川县| 义乌市| 教育| 淳化县| 揭西县| 鄂尔多斯市| 南木林县| 公主岭市| 大渡口区| 鲜城| 东丰县| 永德县| 九台市| 武威市| 莱州市|