




      2010-04-29 00:44:03ByYUNAN
      CHINAFRICA 2010年5期

      By YU NAN

      What are the most popular franchisedcommodities for World Expo 2010Shanghai? In Dong Huanglings view,the answer is Haibao. Haibao, the mascot of theExpo, has become the most sought-after productat the flagship store on Nanjing Road in Shanghai,the citys most bustling street. Dong, the storesmanager, says the happiest moment of her day iswhen she helps customers pack their goods andsees them leaving with a happy smile.

      洞头县| 罗田县| 石泉县| 蓬莱市| 永顺县| 沐川县| 尼玛县| 波密县| 湖州市| 罗江县| 龙川县| 灵石县| 阜城县| 湛江市| 台北市| 东乡县| 凤阳县| 兴城市| 措勤县| 江孜县| 赫章县| 庐江县| 理塘县| 天津市| 马公市| 绿春县| 从江县| 云安县| 易门县| 田阳县| 华池县| 吉林省| 闵行区| 彰武县| 扶沟县| 安仁县| 广元市| 叙永县| 大同县| 铜梁县| 洛宁县|