



      Riding Green

      2010-04-29 00:44:03ByGUIGUI
      CHINAFRICA 2010年7期

      By GUI GUI

      To some extent, what the new energy car isgoing through in China is similar to lastyears Oscar-winning film, The Hurt Locker.They were both created with a noble purpose inmind, but received disappointing results at thebox offi ce. The customers didnt jump on board.The best proof of this is the market performanceof hybrid cars, the early front-runneramong new energy cars.

      青阳县| 长沙县| 朔州市| 伊通| 西畴县| 黄山市| 德化县| 和平区| 元阳县| 津市市| 威信县| 长宁区| 伊川县| 垦利县| 闽侯县| 宜宾县| 云林县| 黑水县| 汉源县| 浮山县| 奉节县| 泾源县| 扎囊县| 崇义县| 清流县| 九江县| 梁河县| 南溪县| 陆良县| 离岛区| 五大连池市| 会理县| 三穗县| 九龙县| 赣州市| 南开区| 曲沃县| 沙田区| 叶城县| 福州市| 沅陵县|