



      China Econometer

      2010-04-29 00:44:03
      CHINAFRICA 2010年7期

      The threat of inflation and a bubble in the housing market have in May raised familiar fears of overheating inChina. The central bank is still not convinced of the rigidity of Chinas economic recovery, and decreased industrialproduction in May has inspired speculation that China may actually be on the verge of another slowdown. IsChinas economy thus on a solid footing, overheating or slowing down?

      安乡县| 广丰县| 东城区| 永川市| 乐亭县| 启东市| 台江县| 惠来县| 海淀区| 拉孜县| 竹北市| 临安市| 融水| 阳山县| 康乐县| 抚顺市| 石门县| 桦南县| 诸暨市| 苏尼特右旗| 富源县| 上栗县| 和政县| 玉溪市| 卢氏县| 祁东县| 齐河县| 莱西市| 广东省| 克什克腾旗| 都兰县| 澄城县| 蓬溪县| 辽源市| 开远市| 化州市| 高密市| 上杭县| 安达市| 噶尔县| 民丰县|