



      Dissecting Rural Issues

      2010-04-29 00:44:03
      CHINAFRICA 2010年3期

      To balance rural and urban development,China must fundamentally reform the employment system for migrant workers, in recognizing their status as industrial workers and giving them back the economic and social rights, so that they can enjoy the country's social security, medical insurance and other public welfares and benefits.

      陆川县| 博湖县| 沅江市| 华安县| 福安市| 曲沃县| 库伦旗| 正宁县| 吉首市| 铜山县| 阿图什市| 兰州市| 黄冈市| 阜城县| 惠来县| 东光县| 沁阳市| 武威市| 达拉特旗| 衡阳市| 石河子市| 吉首市| 虞城县| 永靖县| 赤峰市| 临泉县| 巫山县| 秀山| 微博| 交口县| 临武县| 通江县| 绿春县| 德钦县| 洛扎县| 修文县| 思茅市| 清涧县| 台北市| 麦盖提县| 乌拉特中旗|