The First International Conference on Manipulation,Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale(August 29-September 2,2011,Changchun,China)
3M-NANO is a new annual International Conference on Manipulation,Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale,which will be held for the first time in Changchun,China.3M-NANO covers advanced technologies for handling and fabrication on the nanoscale.These technologies promise novel revolutionary products and methods in numerous areas of application.Scientists working in different research fields are invited to submit papers for all aspects of theories,technologies and applications related to manipulation,manufacturing and measurement on the nanoscale.3M-NANO papers will be recommended for publication in Int.Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics,Int.Journal of Optomechatronics andActa Physico-Chimica Sinica.Topics:Specific topics include,but are not limited to
Nanomanipulation and nanoassembly
Nanomaterials and nanocharacterization Nanohandling robots and systems
Nanopositioning systems
Nanohandling systems in SEM
AFM-based nanohandling
Nanofabrication processes and systems Sensor feedback from the nanoscale
Control issues in nanohandling
Process automation on the nanoscale
Micro-to-nano-scale bridging
Micro-Nano integration
System aspects of nanohandling
Modeling of nanoscale effects
Nanohandling applications
Down-scaling of manufacturing systems Self-assembly on the nanoscale
Error detection in nanomanufacturing
Optical nanometrology
Nanometrology for MEMS/NEMS
Precision lasers for nanometrology
Advanced techniques for nanometrology Quantum dots,graphene
Nanoelectronics and nanomagnetics
Nanophotonics and photonic crystals
Nanomechanics and nanomechatronics
NEMS applications
Nanomedical devices and applications
Bio-Nano devices and applications
Important Dates
Full paper submission:31 March 2011;Proposals for special sessions(5-6 papers):31 March 2011;Notification of acceptance:15 May 2011;Final paper submission:15 June 2011;Advanced registration:15 June 2011;Registration for accepted papers:15 June 2011
Contact 3M-NANO 2011
The Secretary of 3M-NANO 2011:
Miss Lanjiao Liu
3M-NANO 2011 General Chairs:
Dr.-Ing.habil.Sergej Fatikow
Full professor
Head of Div.Microrobotics&Control Engineering–AmiR
Dept.of Computing Science,Univ.of Oldenburg,Germany
Head of Technology ClusterAutomated Nanohandling
Research Center OFFIS,Germany
Dr.Zuobin Wang
Full professor
Director of Centre for Nano Metrology and Manufacturing Technologies(CNM)
Deputy Director of Int.Joint Res.Center for Nanophotonics&Biophotonics(IJRCNB)
Changchun University of Science and Technology
7089 Weixing Road,Changchun 130022,China
3M-NANO 2011 Organizing Committee