




      2012-01-26 07:56:13許元科1趙昌高2嚴(yán)邦祥1馬丹丹3陳征海4
      浙江林業(yè)科技 2012年4期





      (1. 浙江省景寧畬族自治縣林業(yè)局,浙江 景寧 323500;2. 浙江省景寧畬族自治縣林業(yè)總場(chǎng),浙江 景寧 323500;3. 浙江農(nóng)林大學(xué),浙江 臨安 311300;4. 浙江省森林資源監(jiān)測(cè)中心,浙江 杭州 310020)

      在浙江景寧及龍游發(fā)現(xiàn)了櫻屬(Mill.)新種——沼生矮櫻(Z. H. Chen, G. Y. Li et Y. K. Xu)。該新種與細(xì)齒櫻桃((Franch.) T. T. Yu & C. L. Li)相近,區(qū)別在于本新種為濕生灌木;嫩枝無(wú)毛;葉片卵形、卵狀橢圓形或倒卵狀橢圓形,寬1.5 ~ 3.0 cm,齒端無(wú)腺體,中脈、側(cè)脈連同網(wǎng)脈下陷,葉面皺縮,側(cè)脈6 ~ 8對(duì),葉柄無(wú)毛;苞片葉狀,綠色,果時(shí)宿存,邊有鋸齒,齒端無(wú)腺體,有時(shí)基部柄上具細(xì)小腺體;花梗、萼筒無(wú)毛;花瓣粉紅色,近圓形,先端微凹,中間具1 ~ 2小尖頭;雄蕊約20枚;花柱于花后顯著伸長(zhǎng)。核果縱徑約8 mm,橫徑6 ~ 7 mm;核表面棱紋不顯著。


      在浙江植物資源調(diào)查過(guò)程中,發(fā)現(xiàn)了櫻屬(Mill.)新種——沼生矮櫻(Z. H. Chen, G. Y. Li et Y. K. Xu),現(xiàn)予以報(bào)道。

      During the investigation process of botanic resources in Zhejiang Province, a new species ofMill.,Z. H. Chen, G. Y. Li et Y. K. Xu, is found. The details is reported as follows.


      Z. H. Chen, G. Y. Li et Y. K. Xu, sp. nov.

      落葉灌木,高2 ~ 3 m,樹皮紫褐色。小枝灰褐色;嫩枝淡紫褐色,疏被皮孔,無(wú)毛。冬芽卵形,無(wú)毛。葉片卵形、卵狀橢圓形,或倒卵狀橢圓形,長(zhǎng)3.0 ~ 6.5 cm,寬1.5 ~ 3.0 cm,先端漸尖或驟尖,基部寬楔形至近圓形,邊緣有單鋸齒或重鋸齒,齒漸尖,齒端無(wú)腺體,上面綠色,疏被短柔毛,中脈、側(cè)脈連同網(wǎng)脈下陷,葉面皺縮,下面灰綠色,中脈淡紫紅色,網(wǎng)脈清晰,側(cè)脈6 ~ 8對(duì),沿脈疏被柔毛;葉柄長(zhǎng)4 ~ 10 mm,無(wú)毛,紫紅色,頂端或葉片基部?jī)蓚?cè)各有1 ~ 2枚腺體;托葉披針形,常羽裂,邊緣有細(xì)小腺齒,宿存?;ㄐ騻阈位蚪鼈阈?,有花1 ~ 3朵,花葉同開;總苞片褐色,近匙形,長(zhǎng)2 ~ 3 mm,寬約2 mm,外面無(wú)毛,內(nèi)面被柔毛;總梗極短或無(wú);苞片葉狀,卵形或狹卵形,果時(shí)宿存,長(zhǎng)5 ~ 7 mm,寬3 ~ 4 mm,綠色,邊有鋸齒,齒端無(wú)腺體,基部具柄,柄上有時(shí)具細(xì)小腺體;花梗長(zhǎng)0.8 ~ 1.8 cm,無(wú)毛;萼筒管狀鐘形,紫色,無(wú)毛,萼片卵狀三角形,先端圓鈍或急尖,外面無(wú)毛,內(nèi)面邊緣具疏毛,全緣,花時(shí)平展,花后微反折;花瓣粉紅色,近圓形,基部無(wú)爪,先端微凹,中間具1 ~ 2小尖頭;雄蕊約20枚;花柱略長(zhǎng)于雄蕊,花后顯著伸長(zhǎng),柱頭頭狀。核果紫黑色,卵圓形,縱徑約8 mm,橫徑6 ~ 7 mm,兩端微凹;核扁卵形,表面棱紋不顯著;果梗長(zhǎng)1.0 ~ 1.5 cm,頂端略膨大。花期3月中旬,果期5月下旬。

      Deciduous shrubs, 2-3 m tall. Bark purplish brown. Branchlets grayish brown; young branchlets light purplish brown, sparsely lenticels, glabrous. Winter buds ovoid, glabrous. Leaf blade ovate, ovate-elliptic, or obovateelliptic, (3.0-6.5)cm×(1.5-3.0)cm, apex acuminate or cuspidate,base broadly cuneate to rounded. Margin acuminately serrate or biserrate, teeth with no apical gland. Adaxially green and sparsely pubescent, midrib, lateral and net veins impressed, leaf wrinkled; abaxially pale green and glabrous, glabrous, midrib veins light purplish red, net veins clear and glabrous, lateral veins 6-8 on either side of midrib,sparsely pubescent along veins. Petiole 4-10mm, glabrous, purplish red, 1-2 glands on apex and each side of leaf base; Stipules lanceolate, often pinnatifid, margin has minute gland teeth, persistent in fruit. Inflorescences umbellate or subumbellate, 1-3-flowered; involucral bracts brown, spatulate,(2-3)mm×2 mm, abaxially glabrous, adaxially pilose; peduncle very short or no peduncle; bracts leaf-like, green, subovate, ovate-oblong, persistent in fruit,(5-7)mm×(3-4)mm, margin serrate, teeth with no apical gland, base with stalk, sometimes with small gland on stalk. Flowers opening at same time as leaves. Pedicel 0.8-1.8cm, glabrous. Hypanthium tubular-campanulate, purplish red, glabrous. Sepals ovate-triangular, apex obtuse or acute, abaxially glabrous, adaxially margin sparsely pilose, margin entire, spreading, slightly reflexed after flowering. Petals pink, suborbicular, base sessile, apex retuse, 1-2 small tips in the middle. Stamens 20. Style slightly longer than stamens, significantly longer after flowering; stigma capitate. Drupe purplish black, oval, ca. 8 mm×(6-7)mm, ends retuse; endocarp ovoid, slightly compressed, unobviously sculptured. Pedicel 1.0-1.5 cm in fruit and apically slightly enlarged. Fl. Mar, fr. May.

      本種與細(xì)齒櫻桃(Franch.) T. T. Yu et C. L. Li相近,區(qū)別在于后者嫩枝伏生疏柔毛;葉片披針形、卵狀披針形,齒端具頭狀小腺體,側(cè)脈11 ~ 16對(duì);苞片褐色,有腺齒,早落;花梗、萼筒基部被疏柔毛;花瓣白色,倒卵狀橢圓形,先端圓鈍;雄蕊38 ~ 44枚;核果縱徑約1 cm,橫徑6 ~ 7 mm;核表面具顯著棱紋;產(chǎn)于貴州、四川、西藏、云南、青海。

      The new species is morphologically similar to(Franch.) T. T. Yu & C. L. Li, but different in the latter’s young branchlets appressed pilose;leaf blade lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, teeth with a minute capitate apical gland,secondary veins 11-16 on either side of midvein; bracts brown with gland teeth, caducous after anthesis; pedicel and hypanthium base adaxially pilose; petals white, obovateelliptic, apex obtuse, stamens 38-44; drupe ca. 1.0 cm × (0.6-0.7) cm; endocarp markedly sculptured; distributed in Guizhou, Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan, Qinghai.

      本種在浙江曾一度被鑒定為微毛櫻(Schneid.) Yu et Li,但后者樹皮灰黑色,枝、葉、花序多少被毛,葉片邊緣齒端有小腺體,花序總梗長(zhǎng)4 ~ 10 mm,苞片邊緣齒端具錐狀或頭狀腺體,萼筒鐘狀,萼片反折,果紅色;產(chǎn)于安徽、河北、山西、陜西、甘肅、寧夏、河南、湖北、湖南、四川、貴州、云南、西藏。

      The new species was defined before as(Schneid.) Yu et Li in Zhejiang Province, however for, bark greyish black, branch, leaf and inflorescence pilose; leaf margin teeth with small apical gland; inflorescence peduncle 4-10mm; bracts margin teeth with a conical to capitate apical gland; hypanthium campanulate, sepals reflexed; drupe red; distributed in Anhui, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, He’nan, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet.

      浙江:景寧畬族自治縣,大仰湖,海拔1 500 m,山地沼澤旁林緣、灌叢中,2012年5月22日,許元科、趙昌高等JN1205001號(hào)(模式,存浙江農(nóng)林大學(xué)植物標(biāo)本館)、JN1205002號(hào);同地,2011年3月19日, 陳征海照片景寧007號(hào)(花);同地,2010年9月8日,陳征海照片01號(hào);菖蒲湖,海拔1 350 m,山地沼澤旁林緣、灌叢中,2010年9月9日,陳征海照片菖蒲湖01號(hào)。龍游縣,六春湖省級(jí)濕地公園,2010年11月20日,海拔1 350 m,山地沼澤旁灌叢中,陳征海照片六春湖05號(hào);同地,2009年5月22日,海拔1 200 m,陳征海照片六春湖03號(hào)(果)。

      Zhejiang Province: Jingning She Autonomous County, Dayanghu, alt.1500m, forest edge, thickets near swampland on mountains, Y.K.Xu, C.G.Zhao etc. JN1205001(Holotype, ZJFC), JN1205002, May.22, 2012;ibid., Z.H.Chen digital photo No.JN007 (Fl.), Mar.19, 2011; ibid., Z.H.Chendigital photo No.01, Sep.8, 2011; Changpuhu, alt.1350m, forest edge, thickets near swampland on mountains, Z.H.Chen digital photo No.CPH01, Sep.9, 2011. Longyou County, Liuchunhu Provincial Wetland Park, thickets near swampland on mountains, alt.1350m, Z.H.Chen digital photo No.LCH05, Nov. 20, 2010; iid. .alt.1200m, Z.H.Chen digital photo No.LCH 03 (Fr.), May.22, 2009.


      This new plant type short, flowers pink, drupe turn from purplish red to purplish black when ripening, autumn leaves and trunk purplish red, really beautiful, a good ornamental tree.

      [1] 胡先骕. 經(jīng)濟(jì)植物手冊(cè)·上冊(cè)(第一分冊(cè))[M]. 北京:科學(xué)出版社,1955. 639-661.

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      [2] 俞德浚. 中國(guó)植物志[M]. 北京:科學(xué)出版社,1986. 41-89.

      Yu Te-tsun. Fl. Republ. Popul. Sin. [M]. Beijing: Science Press,1986. 41-89.

      [3] 陳謙海. 貴州植物志·第七卷(種子植物)[M]. 成都:四川民族出版社,1989,258-267.

      Chen Qianhai.Fl.Guizhou(Spermatophyta)[M]. Chengdu: Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House, 1989, 7: 258-267.

      [4] Li Chaoluan (李朝鑾 Li Chao-luang), Bruce Bartholomew. Flora of China [M],Beijing: Science Press, 2003, 9: 407-423.

      [5] 周麗華,徐廷志. 云南植物志·第12卷(種子植物)[M]. 北京:科學(xué)出版社,2006,617-634

      Zhou Lihua, Xu Tingzhi. Fl. Yunan (Spermatophyta) [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2006, 12: 617-634.

      [6] 韋直,何業(yè)祺. 浙江植物志(第三卷)[M]. 杭州:浙江科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社,1993:419-426.

      Wei Zhi, He Yeqi. Flora of Zhejiang [M]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Science & Technology Publishing House,1993: 419-426.

      A New Species ofMill. from Zhejiang Province

      XU Yuan-ke,ZHAO Chang-gao,YAN Bang-xiang,MA Dan-dan,CHEN Zheng-hai


      A new species ofMill.,Z. H. Chen, G. Y. Li et Y. K. Xu, is reported in this paper. This new species is similar to(Franch.) T. T. Yu et C. L. Li. The difference is thatis hygrophyte shrub. Young branchlets glabrous. Leaf blade ovate, ovate-elliptic or obovateelliptic, 1.5-3.0 cm in width, teeth with no apical gland, midrib, lateral and net veins impressed, leaf wrinkled, lateral veins 6-8 on either side of midrib. Petiole glabrous. Bracts leaf-like, green,persistent in fruit, margin serrate, teeth with no apical gland, sometimes with small gland on stalk. Pedicel and hypanthium glabrous. Petals pink, suborbicular, apex retuse, 1-2 small tips in the middle. Stamens 20. Style significantly longer after flowering. Drupe ca.8×(6-7)mm. Endocarp unobviously sculptured.

      Mill.;; new species; Zhejiang Province







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