



      Journal of CHINA PLASTICS

      2012-01-27 21:17:33
      中國塑料 2012年4期

      Journal of CHINA PLASTICS was authorized and approved by The State Committee of Science and Technology of China and The Bureau of News Press of China,and published by The China Plastics Processing Industry Association,Beijing Technology and Business University and The Institute of Plastics Processing and Application of Light Industry,distributed worldwide.Since its birth in 1987,CHINA PLASTICS has become a leading magazine in plastics industry in China,a national Chinese core journal and journal of Chinese scientific and technological article statistics.It is covered by CA.

      It is published monthly and issued on the 26th of each month.China National United Number is CN11-1846/TQ,and International Standard Serial Number is ISSN 1001-9278.Rate of each copy is USD20.00.Please subscribe to it through the Editorial Department of Journal of CHINA PLASTICS.

      Journal of CHINA PLASTICS

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      Tel:86-10-68983308,86-10-68985541 Fax:86-10-68983106,86-10-68987902

      E-mail:chinaplas@126.com,cp@plaschina.com.cn Website:www.plaschina.com.cn

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