Exhibition of Bronze Mirrors in Hangzhou Attracts Attention
By Yang Xiaohai
2012 Photos of Zhejiang by Foreign Friends, a photo contest jointly sponsored by Zhejiang International Cultural Associa-tion, Zhejiang Association of Friendship with Foreign Countries, and Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, was launched in April. Cultural Dialogue is a partner of this event. This contest is open to foreign friends who have visited Zhejiang or foreign friends who are now in Zhejiang. All entries for this years contest must be re-ceived by August 30, 2012. Foreign friends now living in Zhejiang may have an opportunity to take part in a photography tour called “Zhejiang and I” across the province The contest is to have two first-prize winners, four second-prize winners, eight third-prize winners, and a certain number of winners for excellence prize. Win-ners will be presented with cash awards and a certificate of award. Prizewinning photos will be displayed in an exhibition and put into a publication. The award-issuing ceremony and the exhibition are scheduled to take place in October 2012.
The exhibition opened to the public on March 30 and will con-tinue until May 30. The exhibition is a big event for China Research Institute for Bronze Mirrors. On display are 300 bronze mirrors, all from members of the institute. The organizers had traveled across the country for soliciting exhibits. In fact, the number was over 400 pieces. After much contemplation and selection, the organizers de-cided upon the 300.
Bronze mirrors have been on display here and there across China, but there has never been an exclusive event for the ancient beauty device. Di Xiubin, director of the institute and one of the organizers of the exhibition, comments that bronze mirrors are an important part of antique collections across the country. The quality and the quantity of these collectors items are great. For years, collectors had been regretful about the lacking of a national opportunity to display their bronze mirrors.
Though collectors in China have long since set their eyes on pre-cious bronze mirrors, the institute came into being in 2011. As soon as the institute was founded, the people of the institute decided to enhance the publics awareness of the beauty of bronze mirrors in their private collections. They decided to hold an exhibition, set up a website, publish a collection of bronze mirrors, and run a publication at regular intervals. The website has been running since last year and the collection has been published to go with the exhibition.
There are some eye-catching mirrors at the exhibition. The institute director Di Xiubin contributed some rare mirrors: one shows a pattern of a dragon playing with a pearl and the other shows a pattern painted in gold powder. Feng Yi, a collector of Shanghai, contributes a mirror of the Tang Dynasty (618-906) in the shape of a sea animal and grapes. Ding Fangzhong, a vice director of the institute, displays a mirror in the shape of a magic animal and richly decorated with patterns of magic ani-mals. □