



      Comparison of clinicopathological features and prognosis in familial and sporadic gastric cancer

      2012-08-15 00:54:32MaZhenhai
      外科研究與新技術(shù) 2012年1期

      /Ma Zhenhai

      (馬振海,Dept Gen Surg,Affil Hosp Dalian Med Univ,Dalian 116023)…∥Chin JGastrointest Surg.-2011,14(8).-796 ~795

      ObjectiveTo analyze the clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of familial gastric cancer and to improve the treatment outcome.MethodsClinical data of 67 patients with familial gastric cancer and 820 patients with sporadic gastric cancer in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University from 1995 to 2005 were retrospectively analyzed.ResultsCompared to sporadic gastric cancer,the percentage of familial gastric cancer patients less than 45 years old was higher(34.3%vs.14.6%).Early gastric cancer(23.9%vs.13.8%),diffuse gastric cancer(79.1%vs.29.0%),and lymph node metastasis(91.0%vs.70.9%)were more common in patients with familial cancer(P<0.05).The 5-year survival rate of familial gastric cancer patients was lower than that of patients with sporadic gastric cancer(20.5%vs.45.1%)(P <0.05).ConclusionFamilial gastric cancer has characteristics of younger onset age,advanced disease staging,higher positive lymph node ratio and poorer prognosis.Therefore,early diagnosis should be emphasized in the management of familial gastric cancer.10 refs,1 fig,1 tab.

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