



      Clinical analysis of primary duodenal adenocarcinoma of 89 cases

      2012-08-15 00:54:32ZhangSisen
      外科研究與新技術(shù) 2012年1期

      /Zhang Sisen

      (張思森,Dept Gen Surg,Affil Hosp Zhengzhou Univ,Zhengzhou 450052)…∥Chin J Gen Surg.-2011,14(8).-543~545

      ObjectiveTo evaluate the preoperative diagnosis and treatment of primary duodenal adenocarcinoma(PDA).MethodsClinical data of 89 PDA cases undergoing laparotomy from 1985 to 2009 in three hospitals in Beijing and Zhengzhou were analyzed retrospectively.ResultsThe prevalence rate of PDA is comparatively low and its clinical manifestations are not specific.The correct diagnostic rate of auxiliary examination were 93%by endoscopy,90%by gastrointestinal X-ray air barium double radiography,82% by MRCP,42% by BUS,70%by CT/MRI.The most common location of the adenocarcinoma(65%)was at the second portion of the duodenum.Among 67 PDA cases 48 cases underwent pancreatoduodenectomy,19 cases received segmental deodenectomy.The 5 year’s survival rate was 47%and 50%,respectively.ConclusionEndoscope and X-ray radiography are mainstays for the diagnosis of PDA.Early diagnosis and radical operation are the key to improve the resection rate and the long term survival.11 refs,

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