



      《上海國土資源》 2013年 第34卷 總目次

      2013-04-10 14:19:32本刊編輯部
      上海國土資源 2013年4期


      專家訪談 (Exclusive Ιnterview)

      [1]中國科學院院士劉光鼎研究員接受本刊專訪. 地質調查深化拓展應重視地球物理學[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):1-4.

      Liu G D. Geological survey deepening development should attach importance to the geophysics[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):1-4. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.001.

      [2]王家林. 中國科學院院士劉光鼎研究員學術成就概要[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):封2-扉1.

      Wang J L. Summary of the academic achievements of professor Liu Guang-Ding, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):II-III. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.002.

      城市地質與環(huán)境地質(Urban Geology and Environmental Geology)

      [3]張文龍,史玉金. 上海市工程地質分區(qū)問題[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):5-9.

      Zhang W L, Shi Y J. Discussion on Shanghai engineering geological division[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):5-9.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.003.

      [4]蘇晶文,姜月華,李云峰,等. 區(qū)域地質環(huán)境功能區(qū)劃方法研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):10-13,18.

      Su J W, Jiang Y H, Li Y F, et al. Geological environment function zoning[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):10-13,18.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.004.

      [5]朱曉強. 鄭州市地質環(huán)境適宜性評價及功能區(qū)劃[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):14-18.

      Zhu X Q. Geological environment suitability evaluation and functional regionalization for Zhengzhou city[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(1):14-18. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.005.

      [6]朱悅銘,瞿成松,徐丹. 基于下負荷面劍橋模型分析基坑降水對地鐵沉降影響[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):19-22.

      Zhu Y M, Qu C S,Xu D. Analysis of tunnel subsidence caused by foundation pit dewatering using the subloading Cam-clay model[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):19-22. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.006.

      [7]蔣建平,閆澤豐. 地層結構對地表地震響應的影響研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):23-26,64.

      Jiang J P, Yan Z F. Ιnf l uence of stratigraphy on surface seismic response[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(1):23-26,64.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.007.

      河口海岸與海洋地質(Estuarine and Coastal & Marine Geology)

      [8]何海豐,楊世倫,張朝陽,等. 朱家尖島鄰近海域潮流時空變化及其影響因素[J]. 上海國土資源,2013, 34(1):27-31,59.

      He H F, Yang S L, Zhang Z Y, et al. Spatial and temporal variations in tidal currents around Zhujiajian island[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(1):27-31,59. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.008.

      [9]趙寶成. 崇明島國家地質公園地質獨特性及與世界典型地質公園的對比[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1): 32-36.

      Zhao B C. The unique geological heritage of the Chongming island national geopark (China)and comparison with other parks in the global geopark network (GGN)[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):32-36. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.009.

      [10]戰(zhàn)慶. 利用泥炭重建長江三角洲南部地區(qū)15kaBP以來的海平面波動[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1): 37-41.

      Zhan Q. Sea Level change on the southern Yangtze delta plain, China: Since 15 ka BP reconstructed from salt marsh peat[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):37-41. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.010.

      [11]陳忠云,魯法偉,張建培,等. 東海陸架西湖凹陷新生代沉積地層時代厘定[J]. 上海國土資源,2013, 34(1):42-45,59.

      Chen Z Y, Lu F W, Zhang J P, et al. Age of Cenozoic sedimentary formations of the Xihu sag, east China sea continental shelf[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):42-45,59. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.011.

      [12]張洪沙,陳慶,孫家淞. 東海海底地貌特征研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):46-52,80.

      Zhang H S,Chen Q, Sun J S. Seafloor landforms in the east China sea[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(1):46-52,80.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.012.

      國土資源研究(Land Resources Research)

      [13]鮑海君,王娜,周嬌君. 土地信托:土地儲備融資新模式[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):53-55.

      Bao H J, Wang N, Zhou J J. Land trusts: A new model for land reserve fi nancing[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):53-55.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.013.

      [14]彭立勛. 上海工業(yè)地價政策研究及與新加坡和韓國比較分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):56-59.

      Peng L X. Ιndustry land price policy in Shanghai and a comparison with Singapore and South Korea[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(1):56-59. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.014.

      [15]徐保根,韓璐. 我國西部貧困山區(qū)農村宅基地流轉問題探討—以甘肅省兩當縣為例[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):60-64.

      Xu B G, Han L. Problems associated with the transfer of rural residential land in the poverty-stricken mountain areas of the west of China: A case study from Liangdang county, Gansu province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):60-64. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.015.

      [16]郭忠誠. 經營性土地儲備規(guī)劃體系構建—以上海市為例[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):65-68.

      Guo Z C. Creating a profitable land reserve plan: A case study from Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):65-68.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.016.

      [17]汪燕衍. 臨時用地管理現狀分析與對策建議[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):69-72.

      Wang Y Y. Legal and management aspects of temporary land use[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):69-72. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.017.

      [18]徐忠國. 論土地利用總體規(guī)劃的實效性及改革路徑[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):73-75.

      Xu Z G. The effectiveness of general land use planning and suggestions for its reform[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):73-75. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.018.

      監(jiān)測技術與信息系統(tǒng)(Monitoring Technology and Ιnformation System)

      [19]司永峰,王永. 基于重力場和磁場測量的地下管道三維探測研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):76-80.

      Si Y F, Wang Y. 3D detection of underground pipelines using magnetic and gravity field measurements[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(1):76-80. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.019.

      [20]程遠達. 城市地下管線普查方案設計與實施[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):81-84.

      Cheng Y D. Design and implementation of a comprehensive survey scheme for urban underground pipelines[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(1):81-84. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.020.

      [21]姜晨光,劉冠林,王紀明,等. 基于物聯網的隧道智能監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)設計[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):85-89.

      Jiang C G, Liu G L, Wang J M, et al. Ιntelligent tunnel monitoring system based on a wireless Sensor network and the internet of things[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):85-89. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.021.

      [22]陳忠良,胡海風,戴圣潛,等. 基于業(yè)務流程的地質資料信息服務平臺設計[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1): 90-95,99.

      Chen Z L, Hu H F, Dai S Q, et al. Design of a workflow-based geological information platform[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):90-95,99. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.022.

      [23]酈芳. 上海地質信息社會化服務模式及其創(chuàng)新[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):96-99.

      Li F. Ιnnovations in the provision of geological information in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(1):96-99.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.01.023.


      [24]龔士良.“全國重點地區(qū)地面沉降聯防聯控工作會議”在滬召開[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):封3.

      doi:10.3969/j.issn. 2095-1329.2013.01.024.

      [25]葉淑君. 第20屆國際模擬與仿真大會地面沉降分會征稿啟事[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):100.

      doi:10.3969/j.issn. 2095-1329.2013.01.025.

      [26]本刊編輯部. 《上海國土資源》編輯部主任龔士良獲華東地區(qū)期刊優(yōu)秀工作者[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(1):9.



      專家訪談 (Exclusive Ιnterview)

      [1]中國土地學會副理事長張鳳榮教授接受本刊專訪. 基本農田的生態(tài)功能與土地資源持續(xù)利用[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):1-5.

      Zhang F R. Ecological functions of basic farmland and sustainable utilization of land resources[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(2):1-5. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.001.

      [2]中國土地學會副理事長張鳳榮教授學術成就概要[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):封2-扉1.

      Summary of the academic achievements of prof. Zhang Feng-Rong, vice chairman of the China Land Science Soiety[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):II-III. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.002.

      國土資源研究(Land Resources Research)

      [3]劉靜,黎而力,張正峰. 上海市土地整治戰(zhàn)略研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):6-9,14.

      Liu J, Li E L, Zhang Z F. Land consolidation stratery in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):6-9,14. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.003.

      [4]溫祖良,范志昂,孫彥偉. 土地整治在上海城鄉(xiāng)一體化發(fā)展中的路徑選擇研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):10-14.

      Wen Z L, Fan Z A, Sun Y W. Paths for land consolidation and rehabilitation for promoting the integration of urban and rural areas in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):10-14. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.004.

      [5]周甬濤. 城市三維地籍的建立研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):15-19.

      Zhou Y T. Study on construction of 3D cadastres to land management in urban areas[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):15-19. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.005.

      [6]朱錦尉,祝錦霞,徐保根. 基于農用地分等的耕地質量監(jiān)測評價[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):20-23.

      Zhu J W, Zhu J X, Xu B G. Monitoring and evaluation for the classification of cultivated land quality[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(2):20-23. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.006.

      [7]張坤,譚雪蘭,黃婷,等. 基于景觀生態(tài)學的農村居民點布局特征分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):24-27.

      Zhang K, Tan X L, Huang T, et al. Analysis of the pattern of rural settlement using landscape ecology methods[J]. Shanghai Land& Resources,2013,34(2):24-27. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.007.

      [8]陳青,宋敏. 城市土地集約利用潛力評價研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):28-32,40.

      Chen Q, Song M. Evaluation of the potential for intensive utilization of urban land[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(2):28-32,40. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.008.

      [9]鄭亦伶,苑韶峰. 基于土地利用的碳排放時空分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):33-36.

      Zheng Y L, Yuan S F. Spatial-temporal analysis of carbon emissions from land-use[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(2):33-36. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.009.

      [10]曹玲燕. 大都市基準地價土地用途細化分類研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):37-40.

      Cao L Y. Land use classification of benchmark land prices in urban areas[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):37-40.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.010.

      河口海岸(Estuarine and Coastal Research)

      [11]胡進,陳沈良,胡小雷,等. 氣候變化影響下蘇北海岸的塑造過程[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):41-49.

      Hu J, Chen S L, Hu X L, et al. Evolution of the northern Jiangsu coast under the impact of climate change[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(2):41-49. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.011.

      [12]趙寶成. 長江三角洲前緣第四紀層序特征及冰后期海平面波動沉積響應[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):50-54,63.

      Zhao B C. Late quaternary sequence stratigraphy of the Yangtze river delta-front area with special reference to the response of the sedimentary environmentto postglacial sea-level change[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):50-54,63. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.012.

      環(huán)境地質(Environmental Geology)

      [13]焦珣. 上海市有效地面沉降容量研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):55-58.

      Jiao X. Determining the effective subsidence capacity of land in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):55-58.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.013.

      [14]袁媛,徐永林,尹京苑,等. 城市震害快速評估方法及系統(tǒng)建立[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):59-63.

      Yuan Y, Xu Y L, Yin J Y, et al. A system for the rapid assessment of urban seismic hazard[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):59-63. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.014.

      [15]王海剛,楊艷,劉明坤,等. 基于自動化監(jiān)測的北京高麗營地裂縫活動性分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):64-67.

      Wang H G, Yang Y, Liu M K, et al. Analysis of the activity of the Gaoliying ground fissure (Beijing), based on automatic monitoring[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):64-67. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.015.

      [16]占光輝,何曄,黃鑫磊. 上海地鐵車站深基坑工程地面沉降防治實例分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):68-70.

      Zhan G H, He Y, Huang X L. Discuss on land subsidence control for deep foundation pit engineering in Shanghai subway station[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):68-70. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.016.

      [17]郭朝斌,張可霓,凌璐璐. 天然氣水合物數值模擬方法及其應用[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):71-75,79.

      Guo C B, Zhang K N, Ling L L. Numerical simulation methods and their application to natural gas hydrate exploration[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):71-75,79. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.017.

      [18]王小清,王萬忠. 地埋管地源熱泵系統(tǒng)運行期地溫監(jiān)測與分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):76-79.

      Wang X Q, Wang W Z. Soil-temperature monitoring and analysis of a ground source heat pump system during the operating period[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):76-79. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.018.

      [19]李金鑫,蔣尚明,杜云,等. 安徽省旱災區(qū)劃與農業(yè)經濟損益分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):80-83,96.

      Li J X, Jiang S M, Du Y, et al. Analysis of the relationship between drought and agricultural economy cost/benefit in Anhui province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):80-83,96. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.019.

      [20]李紅波. 基于融合算法的沉降監(jiān)測數據反饋分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):84-87.

      Li H B. Feedback analysis of subsidence monitoring based on data fusion algorithm[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(2):84-87. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.020.

      [21]宮緯清. 盾構導向系統(tǒng)控制點布設優(yōu)化分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):88-91.

      Gong W Q. Optimization analysis of the control point layout of a shield-guiding system[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):88-91. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.021.

      管理法規(guī)(Managemental Regulation)

      [22]上海市人大常委會. 上海市地面沉降防治管理條例[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):92-96.

      Shanghai municipal people's congress committee. Regulations for the prevention of land subsidence in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(2):92-96. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.02.022.


      [23]龔士良. “第四屆全國地面沉降防治學術研討會”征稿啟事[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):封3.



      專家訪談 (Exclusive Ιnterview)

      [1]中國社會科學院學部委員張曉山研究員接受本刊專訪. 城鎮(zhèn)化建設與農村土地產權制度改革[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):1-10.

      Zhang X S. Urbanization and the institutional reform of rural land property rights[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):1-10.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.001.

      [2]中國社會科學院學部委員張曉山研究員學術成就概要[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):封2-扉1.

      Summary of the academic achievements of professor Zhang Xiao-Shan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):II-III. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.002.

      國土資源研究(Land Resources Research)

      [3]高魏. 上海市建設用地與經濟社會發(fā)展的空間計量經濟分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):11-15,20.

      Gao W. Spatial econometric analysis of socio-economic development and construction land in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(3):11-15,20. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.003.

      [4]申樹云,朱宇. 基于經濟發(fā)達地區(qū)發(fā)展要求的土地整治模式研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):16-20.

      Shen S Y, Zhu Y. Land consolidation and rehabilitation under the increasing requirements of economically developed areas[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):16-20. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.004.

      [5]酈可. 上海征地房屋補償新機制及其實施措施[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):21-24,37.

      Li K. New compensation mechanisms and their implementation in residence departure for land expropriation in Shanghai[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):21-24,37. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.005.

      [6]李福能. 上海農村居民點整理權屬調整及農民權益分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):25-28.

      Li F N. Analysis of land ownership adjustments and farmers’ rights under rural settlement planning in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):25-28. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.006.

      [7]徐忠國. 浙江嘉興市農戶宅基地退出意愿的調查與分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):29-33.

      Xu Z G. The willingness of farmers to depart from rural households in Jiaxing city, Zhejiang province[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(3):29-33. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.007.

      [8]夏九牛,張坤. 耕地保護條件下農村居民點布局的問題剖析與優(yōu)化對策[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):34-37.

      Xia J N, Zhang K. Problem analysis of and optimization countermeasures for the layout of rural residential area in the context of farmland protection[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):34-37. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.008.

      [9]俞靜琰. 土地增值收益及其分配問題探討[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):38-41,47.

      Yu J Y. The distribution of incremental value in land expropriation[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):38-41,47.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.009.

      [10]劉慧. 基于土壤環(huán)境影響的工業(yè)用地績效評價體系構建[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):42-47.

      Liu H. A preliminary approach to the evaluation of industrial land with reference to the environmental impact on soil[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):42-47. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.010.

      信息系統(tǒng)(Information System)

      [11]樂艷莉. 城市地質信息化管理IT基礎架構規(guī)劃[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):48-51.

      Le Y L. An ΙT infrastructure plan for the management of urban geological information[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):48-51. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.011.

      [12]黃厚. 三維規(guī)劃審批的建模技術與實施途徑探討[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(2):52-55.

      Huang H. Modeling technology and implementation approaches in 3D planning examination and approval[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(3):50-55. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.012.

      [13]季慧麗. 地籍管理信息化建設探討[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):56-58,69.

      Ji H L. Cadastral information management: Problems and possible solutions[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):56-58,69.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.013.

      物探與測繪(Geophysical Prospecting & Surveying and Mapping)

      [14]王遠,王治華,劉伍. 杭州灣北部海底天然氣的淺地層剖面測量調查[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):59-62.

      Wang Y, Wang Z H, Liu W. Measurement of shallow stratigraphic sections for seabed gas exploration in northern Hangzhou bay[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):59-62. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.014.

      [15]趙峰. 上海地理信息公共服務平臺及在智慧城市中的應用[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):63-65.

      Zhao F. Shanghai geographic information public service platform and its application in a smart city[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(3):63-65. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.015.

      [16]李海濤. 上海城市地下管線跟蹤測量問題分析與管理對策[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):66-69.

      Li H T. Analysis of the tracking and measurement of urban underground pipelines in the Shanghai area: Problems and management measures[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):66-69. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.016.

      淺層地溫能(Shallow Geothermal Energy)

      [17]孫婉. 多孔介質滲流力學理論研究現狀及發(fā)展趨勢[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):70-72,80.

      Sun W. Current research and development in the field of porous media fluid mechanics[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):70-72,80. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.017.

      [18]瞿成松,陳海洋,曹袁,等. 上海第四紀地層溫度場分布特征與影響因素分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):73-76.

      Qu C S,Chen H Y, Cao Y, et al. Characteristics of and causes of variation in shallow geothermal fi eld temperature in the Shanghai area[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):73-76. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.018.

      [19]王萬忠. 上海地區(qū)淺層地溫變化規(guī)律特征分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):77-80.

      Wang W Z. Temperature variations in shallow geothermal fields in the Shanghai area[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):77-80. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.019.

      基礎地質與災害防治(Mineral Resources Geology and Geological Disaster Prevention)

      [20]王長永,王瑞良,湯清龍. 河南省石門溝鉬礦床地質特征及成因探討[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):81-84.

      Wang C Y, Wang R L, Tang Q L. Analysis of the geological features and genesis of molybdenite deposits in Shimengou, Henan province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):81-84. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.020.

      [21]璩繼立,劉寶石,李陳財. 降低上海軟粘土變形效應的加筋試驗研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):85-88.

      Qu J L, Liu B S,Li C C. An experimental study of the effects of palm and wheat straw reinforcement on reducing the deformation of soft clay in the Shanghai area[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):85-88. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.021.

      [22]魏東方,汪明武,李健,等. 基于集對分析的膨脹土脹縮性Vague集評價模型[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):89-92.

      Wei D F, Wang M W, Li J, et al. A vague-sets model based on set pair analysis for evaluating the swelling-shrinkage characteristics of expansive clay[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):89-92. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.022.

      [23]石祖峰,吳鳴,吳劍鋒. 地質災害危險性定量評估的綜合因子分析法[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):93-96.

      Shi Z F, Wu M, Wu J F. Comprehensive factor analysis method for the quantitative evaluation of geological hazard risk[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):93-96. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.023.

      [24]王鐵生,吳雪琴. 浙江省金華市地質災害現狀與防治對策[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):97-99,101.

      Wang T S,Wu X Q. Status,prevention, and measures for the control of geological hazards in Jinhua city, Zhejiang province[J].Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(3):97-99,101. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.024.

      管理規(guī)章(Managemental Regulation)

      [25]龔士良,吳建中. 上海市劃定地下水禁限采區(qū)范圍[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):100-101.

      Gong S L, Wu J Z. Designation of the Limits and Prohibition of Pumping Groundwater in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources,2013,34(3):100-101. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.025.


      專家訪談 (Exclusive Ιnterview)

      [1]中國科學院院士中國工程院院士李德仁教授接受本刊專訪. InSAR技術進步與地面沉降監(jiān)測應用[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):1-6.

      Li D R. ΙnSAR: Technological progress and its application to land subsidence monitoring[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(4):1-6. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.001.

      [2]廖明生. 中國科學院院士中國工程院院士李德仁教授學術成就概要[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(3):封2-扉1.

      Liao M S. Summary of the academic achievements of Professor LI De-Ren, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):II-III. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.002.

      城市環(huán)境地質(Urban Environmental Geology)

      [3]廖明生,魏戀歡,Balz T,等. TomoSAR技術在城市形變監(jiān)測中的應用[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):7-11,16.

      Liao M S, Wei L H, Balz T, et al. Application of TomoSAR in urban deformation surveillance[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(4):7-11,16. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.003.

      [4]楊夢詩,蔣亞楠,廖明生,等. 基于高分辨率SAR影像的上海臨港新城沉降格局分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):12-16.

      Yang M S, Jiang Y N, Liao M S, et al. The analysis of the subsidence patterns in Lingang New City (Shanghai)using highresolution SAR images[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):12-16. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.004.

      [5]蔣亞楠,楊夢詩,廖明生,等. 應用時間序列InSAR技術監(jiān)測上海磁懸浮列車專線形變[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):17-20.

      Jiang Y N, Yang M S, Liao M S, et al. Deformation monitoring of the Shanghai Maglev system based on the time-series analysis of InSAR data[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):17-20. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.005.

      [6]楊艷. 北京地面沉降InSAR監(jiān)測效果分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):21-24.

      Yang Y. Effectiveness of ΙnSAR monitoring of land subsidence in Beijing[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):21-24.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.03.006.

      [7]楊恒偉. 臺灣濁水溪沖積扇地下水位變化及地面沉降對高鐵之影響[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):25-32.

      Yang H W. Ιnf l uence of high-speed-railway engineering works on groundwater drawdown and land subsidence on the Choushui River alluvial plain, Taiwan[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4): 25-32. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.007.

      [8]蘇薇,徐超,葉為民,等. 垃圾填埋場封蓋及襯里多界面力學特性的研究進展[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):33-37,43.

      Su W, Xu C, Ye W M, et al. Advances in the investigation of the mechanical properties of landfill multi-layer cover and liner systems[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4): 33-37,43. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.008.

      [9]潘琛. 基于小波核雙重加權SVM模型的藍藻水華識別與變化檢測[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):38-43.

      Pan C. Recognition and change detection of cyanobacteria bloom using the improved SVM model based on the wavelet kernel and dual weight[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4): 38-43. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.009.

      國土資源研究(Land Resources Research)

      [10]鮑海君,徐貞鋒,徐保根. 城市擴張: 土地利用、耕地保護與規(guī)制路徑[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):44-47.

      Bao H J, Xu Z F, Xu B G. Land use, cropland protection, and its governance during urban expansion[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2013,34(4): 44-47. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.010.

      [11]何芳,胡文瑛,張磊. 上海舊里保護改造模式與產權處置路徑[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):48-52.

      He F, Hu W Y, Zhang L. Protecting old neighborhoods during reconstruction and approaches to handling land property rights: Case studies from Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):48-52. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.011.

      [12]黃朝明,高富宅. 試析海南省城市地下空間開發(fā)利用規(guī)范管理[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):53-56.

      Huang C M, Gao F Z. Analysis of standardized management for the development and utilization of urban underground space in Hainan province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):53-56. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.012.

      [13]馬敏. 上海市建設項目用地預審精細化管理研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):57-61,100.

      Ma M. Study of ref i ned administration for prejudication of construction projects in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2013,34(4):57-61,100. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.013.

      [14]柴志陽,范琰,董淼. 基于土地利用的縣域主體功能區(qū)劃分研究—以湖南省北湖區(qū)為例[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):62-66,70.

      Chai Z Y, Fan Y, Dong M. A study of the division of major functional zones in counties based on land use: Beihu District, Hunan Province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):62-66,70. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.014.

      [15]蔡太義,張合兵,黃會娟,等. 河南糧食主產區(qū)土地生態(tài)文明建設評價指標體系構建研究[J]. 上海國土資源,2013, 34(4):67-70.

      Cai T Y, Zhang H B, Huang H J, et al. Research on the construction of evaluation index system of land ecological civilization in the major grain-producing area of Henan province, China[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):67-70. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.015.

      [16]溫曉華. 省級、市縣級、鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)級土地質量地球化學評估方法及典型地區(qū)成果分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):71-76.

      Wen X H. Analysis of the contrasts in geochemical methods used to assess land quality among different land use classes(province, county, and town)in a typical region[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):71-76. doi:10.3969/j.issn. 2095-1329.2013.04.016.

      [17]彭建清. 平原地區(qū)農用地整理新增耕地潛力分析—以湖北省仙桃市為例[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):77-80,83.

      Peng J Q. Analysis of the potential to increase the amount of cultivated land by agricultural land consolidation on the plains:The case of Xiantao City, Hubei province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):77-80,83. doi:10.3969/j.issn. 2095-1329.2013.04.017

      [18]范德種. 土地整治中農民集中居住問題探討[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):81-83.

      Fan D Z. The problem of centralized housing for farmers as part of rural land consolidation and rehabilitation[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2013,34(4):81-83. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.018.

      監(jiān)測技術(Monitoring Technology)

      [19]詹龍喜,唐繼民,張少夏. 基于自動化監(jiān)測技術的地鐵沉降數據一致性分析[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):84-86.

      Zhan L X, Tang J M, Zhang S X. The consistency of the subway subsidence data based on automatic monitoring technology[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):84-86. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.019.

      [20]雷芬麗,許平,程武偉,等. 小波分析在測井數據融合處理中的應用[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):87-90.

      Lei F L, Xu P, Cheng W W, et al. Application of wavelet analysis for multi-scale fusion of well logging data[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2013,34(4): 87-90. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.020.

      巖石礦物(Petrological Mineralogy)

      [21]謝建磊. 上海南部齊賢橋輝石閃長巖體的鋯石U-Pb定年及其地質意義[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):91-95,100.

      Xie J L. Zircon LA-ΙCP-MS U-Pb dating of the Qixianqiao pyroxene diorite pluton in southern Shanghai, and its geological implications[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):91-95,100. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.021.

      [22]申廣耀,盧保奇,亓利劍. 具磷灰石假象綠松石的巖石礦物學及譜學特征[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):96-100.

      Shen G Y, Lu B Q, Qi L J. Study of the petrological mineralogy and spectroscopy of pseudomorphic turquoise with the structure of kietyoite[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2013,34(4):96-100. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2013.04.022.


      [23]楊天亮,朱萬明.“2013年長江三角洲地面沉降防治省際聯席會議”在滬召開[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):封3.


      [24]葉淑君. 聯合國教科文組織地面沉降工作組2013年會簡報[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):VIII.


      [25]張金華. 第49屆東亞東南亞地學計劃協調委員會(CCOP)年會簡報[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):90.


      [26]本刊編輯部.《上海國土資源》2013年第34卷總目次[J]. 上海國土資源,2013,34(4):I-VII.

      doi:10.3969/j.issn. 2095-1329.2013.04.026.

      少先隊活動(2021年5期)2021-07-22 09:00:02
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