



      The 10 Chinese Massage Techniques

      2013-04-29 13:44:01
      CHINA TODAY 2013年7期

      Yangsheng, the Chinese term for health regimen, means literally nourishing life. It is a system of medical practices used to strengthen the body, prevent disease, and prolong life.

      The 10 Massage Techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine have been used since ancient times to preserve health. They aim to promote the circulation of Qi, or internal energy, and blood through gentle rubbing and pressing on certain parts of the body.

      Massage has gone by numerous names throughout Chinese history. The oracle bones of the Shang Dynasty are the first records of its use as early as the 14th century BC and its techniques have been expanded and improved over subsequent millennia.

      The 10 Techniques are a concise collection of massage practices, each of which boost the function of a particular part of the human body. Unlike treatment using drugs, they can be done using just two hands and are easy to learn. People can apply them on their own bodies. The first technique is used to ease discomfort of the eyes and head, including dry or tired eyes, headaches and dizziness.

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