




      2013-12-23 04:00:44
      科技傳播 2013年7期




      Cell biologist. Born in Yizheng, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from Horticulture Department, Zhejiang University in 1940. Received Ph.D. from Zoology Department, Columbia University, USA in 1951. Research professor, Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

      Shi proved the double-theory of embryo development by using high precision and high sensitive quantitative location method, which ended the protracted debate in the field of experimental embryology and chemical embryology. He is one of the scientists in the fworld who first found DNA in cytoplasm. He first investigated the function of DNA by using fertilized egg as DNA receptor, which laid the foundation of genetic transformation of higher animal. He is also the first who foun that isolated chromatin could form cell nucleus, which created a new research area. In 1985, he proposed to use individual animal as biological engineering fermentor and acquired transgenic animals with his collaborators. Moreover, he has done a series of research on centromere, a key element of chromosome, and obtained its DNA. He established the Biological Experiment Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

      He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.




      BA from the Department of Biology, Tsinghua University in 1932, MA from Lingnan University in 1934 and Ph.D. from the Department of Botany, University of Minnesota, USA in 1939. Professor, Tsinghua University and Beijing Agricultural University , and research professor, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, Chinese Academy of sciences.

      Lou made accomplishments on material transport and information transmission in plant development. He first discovered “intercellular electrical coupling” in living plant tissue, revealed the transport of electrolytes within the tissue protoplasm and of enlargement the plamodesmata into open channel to allow the passage of protoplasmic ingredients and virus particles. He found that the eletro-chemical ware (including action, variation, & rhythmic pulsations ) transmission in excitable tissue is not limited to a few sensitive plants, but can be found under proper conditions in many ordinary plants and that part of the plant (e.g. root ) subjected to stimulation, injury or drought stress is able to send out electro-chemical wave or hormonal secretion through vascular bundle to the whole body, eventually inducing proper response in leaves ( e.g. stomatal closure ). He is the first in China to conduct studies on physiological mechanism of 2,4-D, its application as bio-chemical regulator and weed killer and to develop the labor-saving and soil-conserving “ residue mulching & reduced tillage system ”.He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.




      Experimental biologist and cancer biologist. Born in Changshu, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from the Department of Biology, Zhejiang University in 1937. Received Ph. D. from the University of Edinburgh, UK in 1949. Research professor, Institute of Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

      In the field of experimental hepatic tumor, Yao established the transplantable hepatoma and discovered that the incidence of hepatoma induced by chemical carcinogen and the sexual difference of the histological type of hepatoma are related to dietary factors. He and his collaborators developed methods for the purification of d-fetoprotein (AFP) and its immunoassay. He is the first to use immune-diffusion method in mass screening, contributing to the early discovery of hepatic tumor. He also discovered that human hepatic tumor cells have a new membraneassociated embryonic antigen. He organized and directed the research on monoclonal antibodies against human liver cancer and obtained some most selective and specific antibodies, which are successfully used in tumor imaging and therapy of liver cancer after radioactive iodine labeling. He is currently studying the biology of mouse embryonal carcinoma cells and embryonic stem cells. He has established several clone cell lines and is undertaking induced differentiation in vitro and transgenic studies.

      He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.




      Nuclear agriculturist. Born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from National Central University in 1934. Studied and conducted research in the USA from 1946 to 1956. Received Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1950. Returned to China in 1956. Research professor and honorary director, Institute for Application of Atomic Energy, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

      Xu is noted fro the peaceful use of atomic energy in agriculture. He founded the Institute for Application of Atomic Energy and successfully conducted the alternative breeding of sorghum male sterile line and the research on radiation and isotope. He cultivated the first sorghum hybrid and achieved prominent economic profits. He used a whole set of wheat monosomic and nullisomic materials to start the research on wheat heredity. He organized successfully the research on “Planting rice without soil on the water”, which was the first effort in the world. He treated wheat with hot neutron and X-ray in the USA and gained resistant mutant. This opened a new way for resistant disease breeding and was highly praised in the world. He received the Outstanding Achievement Award offered by the University of Minnesota in 1986.

      He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.

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