朱文婷 汪 俊 岑 蓮
朱文婷 汪 俊 岑 蓮
目的研究不同脫礦方法酸蝕牙根后,根面形貌的變化及膠原纖維暴露面積,探索牙根再植的最佳存活條件。方法收集離體狗牙,制備5 mm×5 mm大小的根片,隨機分為7組:A組未經(jīng)酸蝕處理,即空白對照組;B組采用30%檸檬酸浸泡處理1 h;其余5組使用浸有30%檸檬酸溶液的小棉球擦拭牙面,時間分別為3 min、5 min、10 min、20 min和30 min,設(shè)為C-3、C-5、C-10、C-20、C-30組。處理后樣本掃描電鏡觀察根面微觀形貌。熱重分析儀SDT檢測酸蝕處理對牙根無機物損耗的影響。在根面接種骨髓間充質(zhì)細胞,觀察細胞早期附著及增殖情況。結(jié)果未處理的根面可見明顯玷污層,經(jīng)檸檬酸浸泡1 h后根表面光滑,未見有暴露的膠原纖維。而使用擦拭方法處理的根面不僅能去除玷污層,而且能暴露膠原纖維,且隨擦拭時間的變化暴露的膠原量也有明顯差異。C-5組根面暴露的膠原面積高于C-3組,而處理時間超過10 min的根面可以發(fā)現(xiàn)牙骨質(zhì)的大面積脫礦,牙本質(zhì)小管暴露,且膠原纖維也隨著牙骨質(zhì)的剝脫而破壞。此外,接種在酸蝕根面的細胞附著形態(tài)較好,增殖活性強于未處理根面。結(jié)論檸檬酸根面擦拭處理5 min為理想的再植牙根表面處理方式。
1.1 實驗試劑與設(shè)備
檸檬酸(國藥集團化學(xué)試劑有限公司,上海)、CCK8試劑盒(同仁化學(xué)研究所,日本)、場發(fā)射掃描電鏡FE-SEM(FEI公司,美國)、純水系統(tǒng)(Millipore公司,美國)、恒溫CO2細胞培養(yǎng)箱(Thermo Scientific,美國)、激光共聚焦顯微鏡(Nikon,日本)、熱重分析儀(TA公司,美國)
1.2 方法
1.2.1 樣本的制備
收集比格犬磨牙,去凈牙周膜,取牙根中1/3,磨成5 mm×5 mm大小牙片,標記實驗面,去離子水沖洗浸泡。
1.2.2 試劑的配置
1.2.3 牙根面的酸蝕處理及根面形貌觀察
隨機分為7組(n=5)。第一組作為空白對照組,不作任何處理,為A組;第二組浸泡于30%檸檬酸溶液1 h,為B組;其余5組,使用浸有30%檸檬酸溶液的小棉球擦拭牙面,時間分別為3 min、5 min、10 min、20 min、30 min,分別為C-3、C-5、C-10、C-20、C-30組。棉球30 sec更換一次,處理后樣本用去離子水沖洗浸泡,2.5%戊二醛固定,乙醇梯度脫水,真空抽氣,噴金,掃描電鏡觀察根面形貌。
1.2.4 檢測酸蝕處理對牙根無機物損耗的影響
1.2.5 根面微觀形貌對細胞增殖的影響
根片消毒后,置于96孔培養(yǎng)板內(nèi),將細胞懸液濃度調(diào)整為2 000個/孔,接種在A組及C-5組根片上,37℃、5%CO2、飽和濕度下孵育,隔天換液,接種后第1、4、7天,取出根片,放入新培養(yǎng)孔中,加入100μL DMEM及10μL CCK-8試劑,避光孵育2 h,酶標儀測定450 nm處的吸光度。
1.2.6 骨髓間充質(zhì)細胞在酸蝕牙根面的黏附情況
將第3代犬骨髓間充質(zhì)細胞以2×104的細胞密度接種至C-5組的牙齒根面,培養(yǎng)24 h后洗掉培養(yǎng)液,PBS清洗3次,隨后用2.5%戊二醛固定3 h。PBS清洗5 min,重復(fù)3次。乙醇梯度脫水,真空抽氣,噴金,掃描電鏡觀察根片。
1.2.7 統(tǒng)計學(xué)分析
2.1 根面微觀形貌觀察
掃描電鏡顯示未處理牙根表面(A組)可見大量細小顆粒黏附,形成均勻的玷污層(圖1a);經(jīng)檸檬酸浸泡1 h后(B組)根表面光滑干凈,但未見暴露的膠原纖維(圖1b)。
擦拭組根面可見不同程度的膠原纖維暴露,C-3和C-5組根面膠原暴露較充分(圖2a、2b),而擦拭超過10 min的根面已經(jīng)可見牙骨質(zhì)的大面積脫礦及牙本質(zhì)小管的暴露,且纖維結(jié)構(gòu)隨著牙骨質(zhì)的大量脫礦而受到不同程度的破壞(圖2d、2e、2f)。
從C-3組和C-5組根面隨機選取5個區(qū)域,以Photoshop CS 5.0計算膠原所占面積比率,結(jié)果顯示C-5組根面暴露的膠原面積為84.61%±2.46%,高于C-3組的61.51%±5.56%(P<0.05)。因此,相較3 min的處理時間,5 min的處理時間對根面膠原結(jié)構(gòu)的暴露更有效(圖2c)。
2.2 酸蝕處理對牙根無機物損耗的影響
2.3 根面微觀形貌對細胞在根面增殖的影響
通過CCK8法檢測骨髓間充質(zhì)細胞在A組及C-5組根面上培養(yǎng)1、4、7 d后的增殖活性(圖4),培養(yǎng)1 d后,間充質(zhì)細胞在A組和C-5組根片表面的增殖活性略有不同,但沒有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義;培養(yǎng)4 d、7 d后發(fā)現(xiàn),C-5組根片表面的增殖活性顯著高于A組根片表面(P<0.05)。
2.4 間充質(zhì)細胞在酸蝕根面的黏附情況
骨髓間充質(zhì)細胞在A組和C-5組根片表面培養(yǎng)24 h后發(fā)現(xiàn),細胞在A組根面鋪著平坦,形態(tài)不飽滿,而在C-5組根面附著多呈兩極或多極生長,形態(tài)豐滿,突起伸展充分,分泌基質(zhì)活躍(圖5)。
圖1 掃描電鏡觀察根面微觀表面形貌圖(10 000×)Fig.1 SEM micrographs of morphology on the surface of root (10 000×)
圖2 掃描電鏡觀察根面經(jīng)檸檬酸擦拭處理3 min(a)、5 min(b)、10 min(d)、20 min(e)、30 min(f)的牙根表面微觀表面形貌圖;c為酸蝕處理min及5 min后根面膠原暴露面積比率的比較(10 000×)Fig.2 SEM micrographs of morphology on the surface of root treated with cotton pellets soaked in the 30%citric acid solution at the time points of 3min(a),5min(b),10min(d),20min(e)and 30min (f)separately.c.comparison of collagen exposure rate between the treatment of 3min and 5min.(10 000×)
圖3 A組和C-5組樣本的DSC-TGA比較Fig.3 Comparison of DSC-TGA result between group A and group C-5
圖4 CCK8檢測骨髓間充質(zhì)細胞在不同根面增殖情況Fig.4 Detection ofcellproliferation on the different rootsurface
圖5 掃描電鏡觀察骨髓間充質(zhì)細胞接種至A組和C-5組酸蝕根面24 h后的形態(tài)(10 000×)Fig.5 SEM observation of the root surface after seeding BMSCs for 24 hours in group A and group C-5(10 000×)
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The Texture of Replanted Root Surface and Early Cell Colonization After Citric Acid Demineralization
ZHU Wenting1,WANG Jun1,CEN Lian2,3.1 Department of Pediatric Dentistry,Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital,Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine,Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology,Shanghai 200011,China;2 National Tissue Engineering Center of China,Shanghai 200241,China;3 School of Chemical Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,China.Corresponding author:WANG Jun(E-mail:wangjun202@hotmail.com).
ObjectiveTo investigate the texture of root surface and collagen fiber exposure after etching with different modes of citric acid,and to explore the best condition for root replantation.MethodsRoot pieces(5 mm×5 mm)were prepared from molars of beagle dog and randomly divided into seven groups.Group A was treated as negative control,and root pieces in group B were soaking in 30%citric acid solution for 1 hour.The root surfaces of remaining five groups were rubbed with cotton pellets soaked in the 30%citric acid solution for 3 min,5 min,10 min,20 min and 30 min separately. Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the presence of smear layer and the area of exposed collagen fibers. Inorganic loss after acid etching was detected by thermo gravimetric analyzer.BMSCs were seeded and cultured for 24 hour on the surface of citric acid-etched root.The condition of cell proliferation was tested by Cell Counting Kit-8.ResultsSmear layer was observed in group A.The root surface in group B was smooth,without any exposed collagen fibers.Collagen fibers exposure was observed in group C with no smear layer.The exposed amount of collagen was different according to the different processing time.The exposed amount of collagen in C-5 group was higher than in C-3 group,and the processing time of more than 10 minutes were appeared to remove not only the mineral component but also the collagenous matrix.Cell adhesion and cell proliferation in etched group were better than in control group.ConclusionThe root surfacerubbed with cotton pellets soaked in the 30%citric acid solution for 5 min seems to be an ideal root surface conditioning method.
Citric acid;Root surface conditioning;Cell colonization