Mobile Crowd-Sensing Application
中圖分類號:TP391 文獻標志碼:A 文章編號:1009-6868 (2014) 01-0035-003
關鍵詞: 移動群智感知;參與式感知;機會感知
Abstract: The development of wireless communication and smart mobile devices has been the impetus for mobile crowd-sensing applications. Low-cost sensors in smart devices means that mobile crowd-sensing applications are more tightly associated with human communities. In a mobile crowd-sensing application, measures for sensing cooperation between individuals may be categorized as participant-sensing or opportunity-sensing. Both of these measures have advantages and disadvantages. Mobile crowd-sensing has to consider problems such as cost to the user, pressure on the mobile communication network, constructing a cloud server, and user privacy. Security is a challenge in privacy protection, anonymous tasking, anonymous reporting, collection of dependent data, and data reliability.
Key words: mobile crowd-sensing application; participant sensing; opportunity sensing
1 群智感知的架構
2 群智感知的數(shù)據(jù)采集
參與式感知采集到的數(shù)據(jù)更容易受到用戶的主觀干擾,應用系統(tǒng)需要對數(shù)據(jù)進行有效性的判斷并向用戶提供量化的評級標準,例如,Creek Watch應用向用戶提供水質判斷標準;Talasila等人[4]使用定位信息判斷用戶提交的交通堵塞信息是否真實,防止有人故意在出發(fā)前發(fā)布假的擁堵信息用于清暢道路;Wreckwatch[5]應用使用車載手機的加速度計感知到撞車以后判斷乘客的受傷程度,使用VoIP電話、短消息、GPS地圖和路人拍照上報等方法對撞車情況和人員受傷情況進一步核實。
3 群智感知的應用現(xiàn)狀
在環(huán)境方面的應用如Common Sense[7]、Creek Watch[8-9]、Ear-Phone[10]和iMap[11]等。Common Sense使用可以與手機通信的手持空氣質量傳感器收集空氣污染數(shù)據(jù)(如二氧化碳、氮氧化物),分析和可視化后通過Web發(fā)布;Creek Watch是由IBM在2010年11月發(fā)布的iPhone應用,人們路過河流的時候,可以花費幾秒鐘的時間搜集水質數(shù)據(jù),包括流量、流速和垃圾數(shù)量,后臺服務器匯總數(shù)據(jù)后在網(wǎng)站上公布;Ear-Phone使用手機根據(jù)噪音級別監(jiān)測對人類聽力有害的噪音污染,并繪制成噪音地圖通過Web共享;iMap使用手機采集人的時間-地點軌跡,并使用已有模型計算空氣中二氧化碳的含量和PM2.5的值,實現(xiàn)間接環(huán)境監(jiān)測功能。
在公共設施方面的應用如交通擁堵情況的檢測[12-13]、道路狀況的檢測[14](如道路坑洼、噪音)、尋找停車位[15]、公共設施報修(如消防栓、交通信號燈、井蓋等)和實時交通監(jiān)測與導航[16]等。例如,ParkNet使用GPS和安裝在右側車門的超聲波傳感器檢測空停車位,并共享檢測結果;CMS系統(tǒng)收集由公交車乘客的手機采集的數(shù)據(jù),對公交車舒適程度做出評級,并通過網(wǎng)站發(fā)布;Zhou P等人[17]設計了Android平臺下的公交車到站時刻預測系統(tǒng);GBus[18]應用允許個人使用移動設備收集公交車站點信息,包括站點名稱、圖片和描述;EasyTracker[19]應用使用安裝有地圖的智能手機,從GPS軌跡中提取高密度點獲取公交站點,并采集各站點公交到站時刻計算公交站點間運行時間,從而預測公交到站時刻。
4 群智感知面臨的問題與
Kapadia A等人提出了機會感知環(huán)境下安全的9個挑戰(zhàn):
5 結束語
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[21] JAMES H, ALEXEI E. IM2GPS: Estimating geographic information from a single image [C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2008, Anchorage, AK, USA, 2008:1-8.
[22] REDDY S, PARKER A, HYMAN J, et al. Image browsing, processing, and clustering for participatory sensing: lessons from a DietSense prototype [C]//Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Embedded networked sensors, 2007: 13-17.
[23] EISENMAN S B, MILUZZO E, LANE N D, et al. BikeNet: A mobile sensing system for cyclist experience mapping [J]. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2009, 6(1): 6. doi: 10.1145/1653760.1653766.
[24] SHERCHAN W, JAYARAMAN P P, KRISHNASWAMY S, et al. Using on-the-move mining for Mobile crowdsensing [C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM 2012, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 2012: 115-124.
[16] MANOLOPOULOS V, TAO S, RODRIGUEZ S, et al. MobiTraS: A mobile application for a Smart Traffic System [C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference NEWCAS, 2010, Montreal, Canada, 2010: 365-368.
[17] ZHOU P, ZHENG Y, LI M. How long to wait?: predicting bus arrival time with mobile phone based participatory sensing [C]//Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services. MobiSys 2012, Low Wood Bay, UK, 2012: 379-392.
[18] SANTOS M, PEREIRA R L, LEAL A B. GBUS-Route GeoTracer [C]//Proceedings of the Workshop on Vehicular Traffic Management for Smart Cities, VTM 2012, IEEE, 2012: 1-6.
[19] BIAGIONI J, GERLICH T, MERRIFIELD T, et al. Easytracker: Automatic transit tracking, mapping, and arrival time prediction using smartphones [C]//Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems. SenSys2011, Seattle, WA, USA, 2011: 68-81.
[20] FROEHLICH J, DILLAHUNT T, KLASNJA P, et al. UbiGreen: Investigating a mobile tool for tracking and supporting green transportation habits [C]//Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2009, Boston, USA , 2009: 1043-1052.
[21] JAMES H, ALEXEI E. IM2GPS: Estimating geographic information from a single image [C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2008, Anchorage, AK, USA, 2008:1-8.
[22] REDDY S, PARKER A, HYMAN J, et al. Image browsing, processing, and clustering for participatory sensing: lessons from a DietSense prototype [C]//Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Embedded networked sensors, 2007: 13-17.
[23] EISENMAN S B, MILUZZO E, LANE N D, et al. BikeNet: A mobile sensing system for cyclist experience mapping [J]. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2009, 6(1): 6. doi: 10.1145/1653760.1653766.
[24] SHERCHAN W, JAYARAMAN P P, KRISHNASWAMY S, et al. Using on-the-move mining for Mobile crowdsensing [C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM 2012, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 2012: 115-124.
[16] MANOLOPOULOS V, TAO S, RODRIGUEZ S, et al. MobiTraS: A mobile application for a Smart Traffic System [C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference NEWCAS, 2010, Montreal, Canada, 2010: 365-368.
[17] ZHOU P, ZHENG Y, LI M. How long to wait?: predicting bus arrival time with mobile phone based participatory sensing [C]//Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services. MobiSys 2012, Low Wood Bay, UK, 2012: 379-392.
[18] SANTOS M, PEREIRA R L, LEAL A B. GBUS-Route GeoTracer [C]//Proceedings of the Workshop on Vehicular Traffic Management for Smart Cities, VTM 2012, IEEE, 2012: 1-6.
[19] BIAGIONI J, GERLICH T, MERRIFIELD T, et al. Easytracker: Automatic transit tracking, mapping, and arrival time prediction using smartphones [C]//Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems. SenSys2011, Seattle, WA, USA, 2011: 68-81.
[20] FROEHLICH J, DILLAHUNT T, KLASNJA P, et al. UbiGreen: Investigating a mobile tool for tracking and supporting green transportation habits [C]//Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2009, Boston, USA , 2009: 1043-1052.
[21] JAMES H, ALEXEI E. IM2GPS: Estimating geographic information from a single image [C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2008, Anchorage, AK, USA, 2008:1-8.
[22] REDDY S, PARKER A, HYMAN J, et al. Image browsing, processing, and clustering for participatory sensing: lessons from a DietSense prototype [C]//Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Embedded networked sensors, 2007: 13-17.
[23] EISENMAN S B, MILUZZO E, LANE N D, et al. BikeNet: A mobile sensing system for cyclist experience mapping [J]. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2009, 6(1): 6. doi: 10.1145/1653760.1653766.
[24] SHERCHAN W, JAYARAMAN P P, KRISHNASWAMY S, et al. Using on-the-move mining for Mobile crowdsensing [C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM 2012, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 2012: 115-124.