Ithaa Undersea Restaurant, Conrad
Maldives Rangali Island, Maldives
Located at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island Resort, Ithaa Undersea Restaurant is a gorgeous and intimate underwater restaurant (seating capacity is 14 people) that is more than 16 feet below sea level. Opened in 2005, the all-glass restaurant has a menu consisting of fresh seafood, beef rib eye1), veal2), and other delicious dishes. Encased3) in a transparent roof, the restaurant offers its diners a 270-degree panoramic4) view of sea creatures swimming in the Maldives' crystal clear waters. While a zinc paint5) coating protects Ithaa's steel structure from corrosion6), the saltwater and marine growths adhering to7) the paint will eventually break it down. Make a reservation while you still can.
Dinner in the Sky, Montreal, Canada
Got an appetite for high altitude? Originating in Belgium, the concept involves a crane8) hoisting9) guests, who are securely strapped10) into "dining chairs", 160 feet up in the air along with a table, wait staff, and everything that's required to enjoy a meal floating above the ground. The novelty-based mobile restaurant has gained popularity worldwide and is now offered for limited run periods in cities around the globe, including Montreal.
Cat Cafe Nekorobi, Tokyo, Japan
Now this is an unusual, or shall we say different, way to have a coffee break. Nekorobi is a popular cat café located in Tokyo's entertainment district of Ikebukuro, where you can spend time with friends of the feline11) kind. Regular customers enter through modern glass doors into a dimly lit joint12) where cats prowl and sprawl out, and where a drinks vending machine13) offers a variety of hot and cold beverages14) including coffee, royal milk tea, green tea, and instant miso soup15). Visit in the evening and you'll have a chance to witness the dinnertime ceremony where the kitties feast on cat food in glass food bowls arranged in a circle around a floor lamp. For feline lovers, this place is no doubt the "cat's meow".endprint
Safe House, Milwaukee, USA 美國密爾沃基的“安全房”餐廳
This Midwestern U.S. restaurant has a rather nondescript exterior, but that seems to be precisely the point. Everything related to the spy-themed restaurant is based on the CIA definition of a safe house, which is meant to be a seemingly innocent place where an intelligence organization would conduct its covert operations in relative security. Nowhere will you find a sign advertising "Safe House", and you even need to know the password to enter the establishment. If you ever find yourself in Milwaukee, this top-secret restaurant is worth seeking out: though remember, you didn't hear it from us.
Modern Toilet, Taipei City, Taiwan, China
The idea for this odd restaurant was figured by one of the owners while he was reading while sitting—where else?—on a toilet. Initially it only sold chocolate ice cream in containers shaped like a squat toilet16), but once the humorous spin became a great success, a full-fledged17), bathroom-themed eatery18) emerged. Today, Modern Toilet is a chain with locations across Asia and it has plans for further expansion. If the idea piques19) your curiosity, drop in to have a seat at one of the (non-working) toilets where meals are served in toilet bowl-shaped dinnerware.
De Kas, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Less weird than amazing: imagine a restaurant where the menu selections are prepared using the freshest possible ingredients, and by freshest we mean harvested in the field at sunrise of the same day you are dining there. Welcome to De Kas, an old greenhouse in Amsterdam that was due to be demolished in 2001 but was saved by an ambitious Michelin-starred chef20), Gert Jan Hageman, who converted the unique 26-foot-high glass building into a restaurant and nursery21). Mediterranean vegetables, herbs, and edible22) flowers are grown and harvested at the greenhouse and garden near the restaurant, and Hageman can be found in De Kas' nursery daily, working the soil, planting, weeding23), and harvesting herbs and vegetables.endprint
與其說這家餐廳古怪,不如說令人吃驚,想象一下,一家餐廳所有的菜品均由最新鮮的食材做成——所謂的“最新鮮”是指在顧客用餐當(dāng)天日出時從田里采摘下來的。歡迎來到De Kas溫室餐廳,這是一個位于阿姆斯特丹的舊溫室,本來應(yīng)該在2001年被拆毀,但讓一位雄心勃勃的米其林星級廚師格特·揚·哈格曼救了下來,他將這座獨特的26英尺高的玻璃房改造成了一個帶苗圃的餐廳。地中海蔬菜、香草和一些可食用的花卉都在這個溫室和餐廳附近的菜園里生長和收獲。哈格曼每天都要來溫室餐廳為苗圃松土,播種,除草,采摘香草和蔬菜。
O.NOIR, Toronto, Canada 加拿大多倫多的黑暗餐廳
Dining in the dark has been around for quite some time in Europe, but the concept was only introduced in Canada in 2006 with the opening of O.NOIR in Montreal, and then a second location in Toronto in 2009. O.NOIR's philosophy is that a diner's enjoyment is enlarged when his sight is eliminated as the other senses become heightened. Flashlights, cellphones, and luminous watches are prohibited from the dark dining establishment. The evening starts in a lit bar where guests place their orders; then they are led by a server into an unlit dining room, where a two-hour seated dinner service begins with servers explaining where everything is placed on the table. This amazing experience certainly puts a new spin on24) the term "blind date25)".
1. beef rib eye: 肋眼牛排,取自牛的第6~12根肋骨附近的肉,特點是多汁、肉嫩,而且有許多脂肪夾雜,紅白相間,像大理石紋一樣。
2. veal [vi?l] n. 小牛肉,即來自小牛的食用肉
3. encase [?n?ke?s] vt. 圍住
4. panoramic [?p?n??r?m?k] adj. 全景的
5. zinc paint: 含鋅油漆
6. corrosion [k??r???n] n. 腐蝕
7. adhere to: 黏附
8. crane [kre?n] n. 起重機
9. hoist: 請參見P58注釋8
10. strap [str?p] vt. 用帶子扣住
11. feline [?fi?la?n] adj. 貓科的
12. joint [d???nt] n. 娛樂場所
13. vending machine: 投幣式自動售貨機
14. beverage [?bev?r?d?] n. 飲料(如茶或果汁等)
15. miso soup: 味噌湯。味噌是一種用黃豆等糧食發(fā)酵后做成的醬,味噌湯就是以味噌為主要醬料煮制而成的湯,是一種極具日本傳統(tǒng)飲食特色的食物。
16. squat toilet: 蹲式廁所
17. full-fledged: 成熟的。fledged [fled?d] adj. (鳥)會飛的;成熟的;獨立的
18. eatery [?i?t?ri] n. <口> (供應(yīng)便餐的)小餐館,小吃店
19. pique [pi?k] vt. 激發(fā),激起
20. Michelin-starred chef: 米其林星級廚師,是指獲得由全世界最權(quán)威的飲食評分系統(tǒng)米其林星級評分授予的星級榮譽的廚師。
21. nursery [?n??s?ri] n. 苗圃
22. edible [?ed?bl] adj. 可食用的;能吃的
23. weed [wi?d] vi. 除草
24. put a new spin on: 對……有新的觀點;對……做新的傾向性解釋
25. blind date: <美口> (第三方為互不相識的男女雙方安排的)初次見面,盲目約會
譯 / 趙凡endprint