




      2014-03-19 20:47:44NajmehSAMINHassanGHAHARINilBAGRIACIK500
      武夷科學(xué) 2014年0期

      Najmeh SAMIN, Hassan GHAHARI, Nil BAGRIACIK(.. , , , , ; . , , , 500 , )

      1 Introduction

      Bees are an important group of pollinators and indispensable in agriculture and for maintaining biological diversity(Eardley,2002;Abrol,2012). Bees, in particular the Megachilidae, constitute an important group as regards the sustainability of ecosystems because they are involved in the pollination of a large number of plants and exhibit a great diversity of forms, sizes, and behavioral traits(O'Toole & Raw,1991;Dardónetal.,2010). They use cut leaves to construct nests in cavities(mostly in rotting wood). They create multiple cells in the nest, each with a single larva and pollen stored for the larvae to eat. Leafcutting bees are important pollinators of many wildflowers. Leafcutter bees also pollinate fruits and vegetables and are used as pollinators by commercial growers of blueberries, onions, carrots and alfalfa(Maeta,1978;Michener,2000;James and Pitts-Singer,2008).

      The family Chrysididae(Cuckoo wasps)is a very large cosmopolitan group(over 3000 described species)of parasitoid or cleptoparasitic wasps, often highly sculptured, with brilliantly colored metallic-like bodies. They are most diverse in desert regions of the world, as they are typically associated with solitary bee and wasp species, which are also most diverse in such areas. Chrysidids are distributed over all zoogeographical regions but mainly in subtropical and tropical zones. Almost all chrysidids are thermophilous and heliophilous. They are on wings only in sunny hours, occurring on sandy and loess sites, steppes, rocky steppes, semideserts and deserts; they search for clay brick walls, stone walls, reed roofs, and any places where their hosts may occur and nest down. Some of them inhabit forests and find nesting hosts in wood(Balthasar,1954;Kimsey & Bohart,1991;Tyrner,2007). The first checklist of Iranian Chrysididae was prepared by Rosaetal.(2013).

      The aim of this paper is introducing some Chrysididae and Megachilidae wasps from Iran. The specimens were collected by sweeping net, and also the preserved materials in insect collections of some branches of Islamic Azad University were studied for this project.

      2 List of species



      Material examined: 3♀, Mazandaran province: Ramsar, summer 2010.

      Distribution: Iran; very common in the Mediterranean region, Europe, North Africa, Turkestan, Mongolia, France(Bernard & Berland,1938 asC.(Tetrachrysis)analis). Southern and Central Europe, North Africa(Linsenmaeir 1959,1999). Belgium(Pauly,1999), Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan(Tarbinsky,2002), Turkey(Japoshvili & Ljubomirov,2011).


      Material examined: 2♀, Khorasan province: Bojnord, August 2008. 2♂, Semnan province: Shahrood, spring 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Turkey(Japoshvili & Ljubomirov,2011).


      Material examined: 2♂, Guilan province: Astara, 2010.

      Distribution: Iran; Turkey(Japoshvili & Ljubomirov,2011).


      Material examined: 1♀, 3♂, Guilan province: Lahijan, June 2007.

      Distribution: Iran; Warm South and Central Europe, Caucasus, Cyprus, Greece, Palestine, former Yugoslavia(Linsenmaier,1959,1968,asChrysislaevigata). Greece(Arens, 2001,asChrysislaevigata), South-eastern Asia(Kimsey & Bohart,1991), Turkey(Rosa,2005;Japoshvili & Ljubomirov,2011).


      Material examined: 1♀, West Azarbaijan province: Salmas, summer 2006. 3♀, Mazandaran province: Qaemshahr, 27 April 2011.

      Distribution: Iran; South-eastern Europe, Palestine(Linsenmaeir,1959), Turkey(Linsenmaeir,1959;Japoshvili & Ljubomirov,2011).


      Material examined: 4♀, West Azarbaijan province: Ourmieh, September 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Turkey(Japoshvili & Ljubomirov,2011).


      Material examined: 4♀, 2♂, Mazandaran province: Behshahr, 21 April 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Belgium, France, England, Sweden, Switzerland(Berland & Bernard,1938,asEllampusviolaceus), Germany(Berland & Bernard,1938,asEllampusviolaceus;Hans-Joachim & Johann-Christoph,2007), Hungary(Zsolt,2001), Turkey(Japoshvili & Ljubomirov,2011).


      Material examined: 3♀, Mazandaran province: Sari, April 2007. 1♂, Semnan province: Shahrood, spring 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Widespread in Europe and western Asia(Linsenmaeir,1959), Europe, North Asia(Bernard & Berland,1938,asChrysis(Trichrysis)cyanea). Belgium(Pauly,1999), Far East Russia(Kurzenko & Lelej,2007), Hungary(Zsolt,2001), Turkey(Strumia & Yildirim,2009)


      Material examined: 2♀, 2♂, East Azaebaijan province: Khomarloo, 17 August 2010.

      Distribution: Iran; Caucasus, France, South Europe, Turkmenistan(Bernard & Berland,1938), Hungary(Bernard & Berland,1938;Zsolt,2001), Turkey(Straumia & Yildirim,2009), Western Palaearctic Region(Kimsey & Bohart,1991).


      Material examined: 1♀, Sistan & Baluchestan province: Zabol, October 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Belgium(Pauly,1999), Czech Republic(Balthasar,1954;Boguschetal.,2011), France(Balthasar,1954;Berland & Bernard,1938), Germany(Berland & Bernard,1938;Hans-Joachim & Johann-Christoph,2007), Hungary(Balthasar,1954;Berland & Bernard,1938;Zsolt 2001), Mongolia(Linsenmaier,1997), North and Central Europe, Poland, Western Russia(Balthasar,1954), the Netherlands(Berland & Bernard,1938;Balthasar,1954), Russia, Scandinavia(Berland & Bernard,1938).



      Material examined: 3♀, 2♂, Golestan province: Golestan National Park, April 2008.

      Distribution: Iran; Central Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor, Central Asia(Ornosaetal.,2008). Algeria, Asia Minor, Caucasus, France, Italy, Switzerland(Mocsáry,1884), Belgium(Pauly,1999), Greece(Mocsáry,1884;Grace,2010), Crete, Cyprus, Libya, Turkey(Grace2010), Turkmenistan(Mocsáry,1884;Ornosaetal.,2008)


      Material examined: 1♀, Mazandaran province: Neka, spring 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Algeria(Mocsáry,1884), Belgium(Pauly,1999), Europe, North Africa, Caucasus(Ornosaetal.,2008), Greece, Turkey, Lebanon(Grace,2010), New Zealand(Donovan,2007), Slovenia(Gogala,1991,1994,1999).


      Material examined: 3♀, 2♂, West Azarbaijan province: Ourmieh, September 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Turkey(?zbek & Zanden,1996).


      Material examined: 2♀, 1♂, East Azarbaijan province: Khomarloo, 17 August 2010.

      Distribution: Iran; Belgium(Pauly,1999), Cyprus, Israel, Turkmenistan(Ornasoetal.,2008), Greece, Turkey(Grace,2010), Poland(Pawlikowski,2001), Slovenia(Gogala,1991,1994,1999).


      Material examined: 1♀, Golestan province: Gorgan, April 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Greece, Turkey(Grace,2010), Poland(Pawlikowski,2001,asMegachileericetorum).


      Material examined: 2♂, West Azarbaijan province: Salmas, summer 2006.

      Distribution: Iran; Egypt(Grace,2010), Turkey(Warncke,1992;?zbek & Zanden,1996;Grace,2010).


      Material examined: 2♂, Golestan province: Sari, April 2007.

      Distribution: Iran; Greece, Turkey(Grace,2010), Poland(Pawlikowski,2001), Slovenia(Gogala,1991,1994,1999).


      Material examined: 1♀, Guilan province: Lahijan, 14 June 2007.

      Distribution: Iran; Caucasus(Zanden,1988), Greece, Turkey(?zbek & Zanden,1996;Grace,2010).


      Material examined: 2♀, Mazandaran province: Neka, spring 2009. 3♀, Mazandaran: Behshahr, April 2012.

      Distribution: Iran; Asia Minor(Alfken,1935), Jordan, Syria(Grace,2010), Turkey(Zanden,1988;Warncke,1992;?zbek & Zanden,1992,1996;Grace,2010).


      Material examined: 1♀, 3♂, West Azarbaijan province: Ourmieh, September 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Caucasus(Zanden,1988), Turkey(Zanden,1988;Grace,2010).


      Material examined: 2♀, 1♂, Golestan province: Gonbad, May 2010.

      Distribution: Iran; Greece, Turkey(Grace,2010), Slovenia(Gogala,1999).


      Material examined: 3♀, West Azarbaijan province: Oshnavieh, September 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Greece, Turkey(Grace,2010).


      Material examined: 4♀, Ardabil province: Pars-Abad, 11 September 2008.

      Distribution: Iran; Belgium(Pauly,1999), Greece(Grace,2010), Poland(Pawlikowski,2001), Slovenia(Gogala,1994,1999).


      Material examined: 3♀, 1♂, West Azarbaijan province: Salmas, September 2009.

      Distribution: Iran; Belgium(Pauly,1999), Greece, Lebanon(Grace,2010), Poland(Pawlikowski,2001), North Africa(Zanden,1988), Slovenia(Graeffe,1902;Gogala,1991,1994,1999), Turkey(Friese,1921;Warncke,1988;?zbek & Zanden,1992;Grace,2010).


      Material examined: 1♀, Semnan province: Shahrood, spring 2009. 2♀, Guilan province: Astara, 14 October 2010.

      Distribution: Iran; Belgium(Pauly,1999), Greece, Turkey(?zbek & Zanden,1996;Grace,2010), North and Middle Europe(Zanden,1988), Poland(Pawlikowski,2001), Slovenia(Gogala,1994,1999).


      Material examined: 1♀, Guilan province: Talesh, 2 July 2007.

      Distribution: Iran; Cyprus(Zanden,1988;Grace,2010), Greece, Turkey(Grace,2010), North Africa, South Europe(Zanden,1988), Slovenia(Gogala,1991,1994,1999), Turkey(Kohl,1905;Zanden,1988;?zbek & Zanden,1992,1996).


      Material examined: 2♀, Guilan province: Lahijan, 14 June 2007. 1♂, Guilan province: Astara, 14 October 2010.

      Distribution: Iran; Algeria, Hungary, Italy, North Africa, Spain, Switzerland(Ornosaetal.,2008), France(Mocsáry,1884,asAnthidiumannulata;Ornosaetal.,2008), Greece(Warncke,1992;?zbek & Zanden,1996;Grace,2010), Turkey(Warncke,1992;?zbek & Zanden,1996;Ornosaetal.,2008;Grace,2010).


      We are grateful to N.S.Gadallah(Cairo University, Egypt)and J.Huang(Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,China)for editing the manuscript, H.?zbek(Atatürk University, Turkey)and Y.Güler(Plant Protection Central Research Institute,Turkey)for sending the necessary papers. The research was supported by Islamic Azad University(Shahre Rey Branch),and Nigde University.

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