



      A Study on the Cultural Adaptation of Tibetan Middle School Students in Hinterland Schools

      2014-04-29 09:48:12WANGYuHOULin
      民族學(xué)刊 2014年5期

      WANG Yu  HOU Lin

      Abstract: Ganzi, Aba, and Liangshan are the three ethnic autonomous prefectures in Sichuan province. Compared with other areas in Sichuan, the educational conditions lag behind, the strength of teaching materials is weak, and the enrolment rate is low. Since the 1920s, following the gradual opening of the ethnic areas and the development of the ethnic economic conditions, more and more ethnic minorities, based on their educational expectation and economic conditions, try to send their children to get a good education in the primary and middle schools in the hinterland. However, although the educational environment of these Tibetan students has been improved, they still have to face a series of issues related to cultural adaptation which results from their cross-regional and cross-cultural background. This article takes the Ganzi Tibetan students who study in several key middle schools in Shuangliu County as a case study to explore the cultural adaptation of these students from three aspects: living, studying, and interpersonal communication. It analyzes the dilemmas in their cultural adaptation, such as “overspending”, “l(fā)ow academic achievement” and “their organizing small gangs”. The purpose of this article is to create a dialogue using the former related research results in order that educational authorities can pay more attention to these ethnic students who study in the hinterland schools.

      Key Words: Tibetan middle school student; hinterland school; cultural adaptation


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