【Abstract】This study is a qualitative research about students perceptions of PowerPoint in English teaching class. It is based on the interviews with two students. The results illustrate that they support PPT that is clear and brief despite some defects of it. However, teachers should make an appropriate combination of words and pictures, of PPT and board-writing.
【Key words】PowerPoint(PPT)?student?perception
1 Introduction
Since the early 1980s, Computer Assisted Language Learning has become an important component of language learning pedagogy. PPT has been used commonly and widely in English teaching class. And the studies examining PPT have been widely conducted.
1.1 Background
Szabo and Hastings(2000)found higher grades in both PPT conditions compared to the overhead lecture.Bartsch and Cobern(2003)found that students scored at the end of the semester significantly better in the basic PPT condition on content recall. However, Daniels(1999)reported no significant differences in students cognitive performance after using PPT.Jennifer Clark(2008)discussed the relationships between the use of presentation software and the maintenance of student interest in university lectures. A study conducted in China by Lei and Liu(2011)tried to explore from which aspects teaching with chalk and teaching with multimedia had effect on teaching procedure and teaching quality.
1.2 Purpose and question
The purpose is to explore the relationships between students characters, interest in English, willingness to have PPT and benefit they can get. It is based on two interviews. The questions are: What are students perceptions of PPT? And what kinds of PPTs are welcome among students?
2 Powerpoint (PPT)
2.1 Theoretical concepts
2.1.1 Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
It has been defined as“the search for and study of applications on the computer in language teaching and learning”(Levy,1997). It has necessitated the language teachers to possess CALL expertise that includes both practical skills and a thorough understanding of information technology(IT). CALL has become an exclusive part of language teaching(Shafeeq, 2001).
2.1.2 PowerPoint
PPT is one of the most widely used software applications (Keller,2003). There are situations in which projecting a PPT presentation to teach a particular concept is an appropriate use of technology in the classroom (McDonald,2004).endprint
2.2 Present tendencies
The studies about the effect of PPT in English teaching class have been increasingly done.However little research has been found about what language learners want to say about their experiences of using PPT in English class.
3 Methodology
3.1 Sampling and procedures
The study is a qualitative research study and my primary data collection strategy is interviews. I selected two female graduate students who both major in English in Tianjin Foreign Studies University. The questions in the interviews have been categorised into background, personal experience, perception and desired PPT. Since Chinese is everyones native tongue in this reseach, I decided to write the interview questions and conduct the interviews in Chinese.I interviewed them by telephone.
3.2 Interviews and potential problems
I conducted semi-structured interviews because I wanted to use guiding questions during interview interactions. Given the limitations, there were only two students interviewed in my research. Perhaps this would make the results of the study less truly representative.
4 Results
One student is introverted and majors in English in her undergraduate study, not interested in English. She has lots of experience of having PPT in English class. She mentioned that undoubtedly, PPT could earn higher viewer ratings. However, lots of teacher didnt know how to efficiently and effectively use PPT in English. The other is extroverted and majors in Educational Technology in her undergraduate study, interested in English. She likes to have PPT in English class and she believes it can promote the process of teaching class as long as teachers can make good use of it in an effective way.
Both of them believes teachers should make a combination of PPT and board-writing to better promote English teaching class. PPT is an assistance to class and teacher. And teachers should make an appropriate combination of pictures and words.
5 Conclusion
The results of my interviews illustrate that students want a clear an brief PPT and they expect that teachers make an appropriate combination of words and pictures, of PPT and board-writing.endprint