



      Dynamic Analysis of Some Impulsive Fractional-Order Neural Network with Mixed Delay

      2015-01-12 08:32:56LIUXianghu劉向虎LIUYanmin劉衍民LIYanfang李艷芳

      LIU Xiang-hu (劉向虎), LIU Yan-min (劉衍民), LI Yan-fang (李艷芳)

      School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Zunyi Normal College, Zunyi 563002, China

      Dynamic Analysis of Some Impulsive Fractional-Order Neural Network with Mixed Delay

      LIU Xiang-hu (劉向虎)*, LIU Yan-min (劉衍民), LI Yan-fang (李艷芳)


      In this paper, the authors study some impulsive fractional-order neural network with mixed delay. By the fractional integral and the definition of stability, the existence of solutions of the network is proved, and the sufficient conditions for stability of the system are presented. Some examples are given to illustrate the main results.



      In this paper, we study the impulsive fractional-order neural network with mixed delay

      Itiswellknownthatthedelayedandimpulsiveneuralnetworksexhibitingtherichandcolorfuldynamicalbehaviorsareimportantpartofthedelayedneuralsystems.Thedelayedandimpulsiveneuralnetworkscanexhibitsomecomplicateddynamicsandevenchaoticbehaviors.Duetotheirimportantandpotentialapplicationsinsignalprocessing,imageprocessing,artificialintelligenceaswellasoptimizingproblemsandsoon,thedynamicalissuesofdelayedandimpulsiveneuralnetworkshaveattractedworldwideattention,andmanyinterestingstabilitycriteriafortheequilibriumsandperiodicsolutionsofdelayedorimpulsiveneuralnetworkshavebeenderivedviaLyapunov-typefunctionorfunctionalapproaches.Forexample,Wanget al.[1]investigatedtheglobalasymptoticstabilityoftheequilibriumpointofaclassofmixedrecurrentneuralnetworkswithtimedelayintheleakagebyusingtheLyapunovfunctionalmethod,linearmatrixinequalityapproachandgeneralconvexcombinationtechniquetermunderimpulsiveperturbations.SebdaniandFarjami[2]consideredbifurcationsandchaosinadiscrete-time-delayedHopfieldneuralnetworkwithringstructuresanddifferentinternaldecays.AkhmetandYlmaz[3]gotacriteriafortheglobalasymptoticstabilityoftheimpulsiveHopfield-typeneuralnetworkswithpiecewiseconstantargumentsofgeneralizedtypebyusinglinearization.

      Forthelastdecades,fractionaldifferentialequations[4-11]havereceivedintensiveattentionbecausetheyprovideanexcellenttoolforthedescriptionofmemoryandhereditarypropertiesofvariousmaterialsandprocesses,suchasphysics,mechanics,chemistry,engineering, etc.Therefore,itmaybemoremeaningfultomodelbyfractional-orderderivativesthaninteger-orderones.Recently,fractionalcalculusisintroducedintoartificialneuralnetwork.Forexample,BoroomandandMenhaj[12]investigatedstabilityoffractional-orderHopfield-typeneuralnetworksthroughenergy-likefunctionanalysis,Chenet al.[13]studieduniformstabilityandtheexistence,uniquenessandstabilityofitsequilibriumpointofaclassoffractional-orderneuralnetworkswithconstantdelay.Theauthors[14-17]analyzedthestabilityofsomeotherneuralnetworkswithdelay.Weallknowthatthedelayisnotalwaysaconstant,itmaybechangedinthenetwork.Time-varyingdelaysanddistributeddelaysmayoccurinneuralprocessingandsignaltransmission,whichcancauseinstability,oscillations,therearefewpapersthatconsidertheproblemsforfractional-orderneuralnetworkwithmixeddelayandimpulse.Thus,itisworthinvestigatingsomeimpulsivefractional-orderneuralnetworkwithmixeddelay.


      1 Preliminaries

      In this section, we will give some definitions and preliminaries which will be used in the paper.

      Let’s recall some known definitions of fractional calculus. For more details, one can see Refs.[4-6].

      Definition 1 The integral

      is called Riemann-Liouville fractional integral of orderα, where Γ is the gamma function.

      For a functionf(t) given in the interval [0, ∞), the expression

      wheren=[α]+1, [α] denotes the integer part of numberα, and it is called the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of orderα>0.

      Definition 2 Caputo’s derivative for a functionf: [0, ∞)→can be written as

      where [α] denotes the integer part of real numberα.

      Theorem 1 According to Ref.[18] (Lemma 2.6), one can get that ifu(t)∈PC1(J,X), then

      Proof Ift∈[0,t1], then

      Ift∈(tk,tk+1],k≥1, then

      with the help of the substitutions=z(t-τ)+τ,

      The proof is completed.

      Let us recollect the definition of stability which can be found in Ref. [13] and will be used in our main results.

      2 Existence and Uniqueness of Solution

      In this section, we will investigate the existence and uniqueness of solution for impulsive fractional-order neural network with mixed delay. Without loss of generality, lett∈(tk,tk+1], 1≤k≤m-1.

      For the sake of convenience, the authors adopt the following notations and assumptions.

      H(1): forj=1, 2, …,n, the functionsfj,gj,hj,Ik:X→Xsatisfy as follows: there exist Lipschitz constantsLfj>0,Lgj>0,Lhj>0, andLjk>0 such that

      H(2): the delay kernel functionK(·)=diag(k1(·),k2(·), …,kn(·)) satisfies

      H(3):cj,aij,bi j,di jandLfj,Lgj,Lhj,Ljksatisfy the following conditions:


      Proof Consider the system (1), we will study the solvability and stability of it.

      (1) Solvability

      By Theorem 1, it is shown that the system (1) is equivalent to the following integral equation




      Assumethatx(t)=(x1(t),x2(t), …,xn(t))Tandy(t)=(y1(t),y2(t), …,yn(t))Tare the two solutions of system (1) with the different initial conditionxi(η)=φi(η)∈C((-∞, 0],),φi(0)=0,yi(η)=φi(η)∈C((-∞, 0],),φi(0)=0,i∈N. We have

      According to Definition 2 and the initial functionφi(0)=0 ifn=1, 0





      From Formula (3), one can get

      which implies that

      3 Some Examples

      In this section, according to the impulsive fractional-order neural network (1), some examples are given to illustrate the main results.

      Fig.1 The image of function in t=100

      Fig.2 The image of function in t=1000

      Fig.3 The image of function in t=40

      Fig.4 The image of function in t=4000

      4 Conclusions

      In this paper, by the fractional integral, the authors changed the derivative equation to integral one, for the convergence of sequences and the definition of stability, the existence of solutions of the network has been proved, the sufficient conditions for stability of the system have been presented. The authors also gave two examples and designed the relevant experimental procedures, after some experiments, the results have been illustrated. The design of impulsive item is difficult. The finite item is proved to be feasible, but how the infinite one or the variable one, which can be our future work.

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      Foundation items: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.71461027); Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Zunyi Normal College, China (No.201419); Guizhou Science and Technology Mutual Fund, China (No. [2015]7002)

      O175.13 Document code: A


      Received date: 2013-11-14

      * Correspondence should be addressed to LIU Xiang-hu, E-mail: liouxianghu04@126.com

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