




      2015-02-27 11:05:06
      中國學(xué)術(shù)期刊文摘 2015年22期



      數(shù)據(jù)來源:Web of Science 文獻(xiàn)出版時間:2014-01—2015-08 檢索時間:2015-09-10

      Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture 計算機科學(xué),硬件和架構(gòu)

      Computer Science, Information Systems 計算機科學(xué),信息系統(tǒng)

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物32Security and privacy for storage and computation inWei, Lifei; Zhu, Haojin; Cao,Information Sciences cloud computingZhenfu; et al.2014, 258: 371-386Hierarchical estimation algorithms for31multivariable systems using measurement Ding, FengInformation Sciencesinformation2014, 277: 396-40531Ontology-based healthcare context information model to implement ubiquitous environment Kim, Jonghun; Chung, Kyung-Yong Multimedia Tools and Applications 2014, 71(2): 873-888Youssef, Moustafa; Ibrahim, IEEE Communications31Routing metrics of cognitive radio networks: A surveyMohamed; Abdelatif, Surveys and TutorialsMohamed; et al.2014, 16(1): 92-10927Context aware computing for the internet of things: A survey Perera, Charith; Zaslavsky, Arkady; Christen, Peter; et al. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2014, 16(1): 414-454IEEE Transactions on25Data mining with big dataWu, Xindong; Zhu, Xingquan;Knowledge and DataWu, Gongqing; et al.Engineering2014, 26(1): 97-10724A review on multi-label learning algorithms Zhang, Minling; Zhou, Zhihua IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2014, 26(8): 1819-1837A fuzzy envelope for hesitant fuzzy linguistic term24set and its application to multicriteria decisionLiu, Hongbin; Rodriguez, RosaInformation Sciences makingM.2014, 258: 220-23823Distance and similarity measures for hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and their application in multi-criteria decision making Liao, Huchang; Xu, Zeshui; Zeng, Xiaojun Information Sciences 2014, 271: 125-142Enterprise Information23Cloud manufacturing: A new manufacturingZhang, Lin; Luo, Yongliang; paradigmTao, Fei; et al.Systems2014, 8(2): 167-187

      Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 計算機科學(xué),跨學(xué)科的應(yīng)用

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Bioinformatics317RAxML version 8: A tool for phylogenetic analysisand post-analysis of large phylogeniesStamatakis, Alexandros2014, 30(9): 1312-1313Bioinformatics172Trimmomatic: A flexible trimmer for IlluminaBolger, Anthony M.; Lohse,sequence dataMarc; Usadel, Bjoern2014, 30(15): 2114-2120124micrOMEGAs_3: A program for calculating dark matter observables Belanger, G.; Boudjema, F.; Pukhov, A.; et al. Computer Physics Communications 2014, 185(3): 960-985Bioinformatics114HTSeq-a Python framework to work withAnders, Simon; Pyl, Paulhigh-throughput sequencing dataTheodor; Huber, Wolfgang2015, 31(2): 166-169114FEYNRULES 2.0-A complete toolbox for tree-level phenomenology Alloul, Adam; Christensen, Neil D.; Degrande, Celine; et al. Computer Physics Communications 2014, 185(8): 2250-2300Bioinformatics1042014, 30(9): 1236-124057Causal analysis approaches in ingenuity pathway analysisInterProScan 5: Genome-scale protein functionJones, Philip; Binns, David;classification Chang, Hsin-Yu; et al.Kraemer, Andreas; Green, Jeff; Pollard, Jack, Jr.; et al. Bioinformatics 2014, 30(4): 523-530Bioinformatics56Prokka: Rapid prokaryotic genome annotationSeemann, Torsten2 014, 30(14): 2068-206954iNuc-PseKNC: A sequence-based predictor for predicting nucleosome positioning in genomes with pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition Guo, Shouhui; Deng, Enze; Xu, Liqin; et al. Bioinformatics 2014, 30(11): 1522-1529Combining evolutionary information extracted fromBioinformatics54frequency profiles with sequence-based kernels forLiu, Bin; Zhang, Deyuan; Xu,protein remote homology detectionRuifeng; et al.2014, 30(4): 472-479

      Computer Science, Software Engineering 計算機科學(xué),軟件工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Multimedia Tools and31Ontology-based healthcare context informationKim, Jonghun; Chung,model to implement ubiquitous environmentKyung-YongApplications2014, 71(2): 873-888Mirjalili, Seyedali; Mirjalili,Advances in Engineering262014, 69: 46-61213D simulator for stability analysis of finite slope causing plane activityGrey wolf optimizerSeyed Mohammad; Lewis,Software AndrewKim, Sung-Ho; Chung, Kyung-Yong Multimedia Tools and Applications 2014, 68(2): 455-463Journal of Network and192014, 40: 325-34417A comprehensive survey on vehicular Ad Hoc networkA survey on vehicular cloud computingWhaiduzzaman, Md; Sookhak,Mehdi; Gani, Abdullah; et al.Computer ApplicationsAl-Sultan, Saif; Al-Doori, Moath M.; Al-Bayatti, Ali H.; et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2014, 37: 380-392IEEE Transactions on172014, 16(1): 159-16816Item recommendation based on context-aware model for personalized u-healthcare serviceExploiting click constraints and multi-view features for image re-rankingYu, Jun; Rui, Yong; Chen, BoMultimediaKim, Jonghun; Lee, Daesung; Chung, Kyung-Yong Multimedia Tools and Applications 2014, 71(2): 855-872162014, 21(2): 32-4116A combined first and second order variationa l approach for image reconstructionEfficient BOF generation and compression forGuan, Tao; He, Yunfeng; Duan,IEEE Multimediaon-device mobile visual location recognitionLiya; et al.Papafitsoros, K.; Schoenlieb, C. B. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2014, 48(2): 308-338Journal of Visual16Effective 3D action recognition using EigenJointsYang, Xiaodong; Tian, YingLiCommunication and ImageRepresentation2014, 25(1): 2-11

      Computer Science, Theory & Methods 計算機科學(xué)理論與方法

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物47A survey of multiple classifier systems as hybridWozniak, Michal; Grana,Information Fusion systemsManuel; Corchado, Emilio2014, 16(SI): 3-17Tarvainen, Mika P.; Niskanen,Computer Methods and342014, 113(1): 210-22031Ontology-based healthcare context information model to implement ubiquitous environmentKubios HRV-Heart rate variability analysis softwareJuha-Pekka; Lipponen, JukkaPrograms in Biomedicine A.; et al.Kim, Jonghun; Chung, Kyung-Yong Multimedia Tools and Applications 2014, 71(2): 873-888IEEE Transactions on28Reinforcement learning output feedback NNXu, Bin; Yang, Chenguang; Shi,Neural Networks andcontrol using deterministic learning techniqueZhongkeLearning Systems2014, 25(3): 635-64127Policy iteration adaptive dynamic programming algorithm for discrete-time nonlinear systems Liu, Derong; Wei, Qinglai IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2014, 25(3): 621-634International Journal of27Robust PLS approach for KPI-related predictionYin, Shen; Wang, Guang; Yang,and diagnosis against outliers and missing dataXuSystems Science2014, 45(7): 1375-138225An evolutionary many-objective optimization algorithm using reference-point-based nondominated sorting approach, part I: Solving problems with box constraints Deb, Kalyanmoy; Jain, Himanshu IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 2014, 18(4): 577-601IEEE Transactions on252014, 25(7): 1359-137124A review of soft consensus models in a fuzzy environmentFeature learning for image classification viaShao, Ling; Liu, Li; Li,Neural Networks andmultiobjective genetic programmingXuelongLearning SystemsHerrera-Viedma, Enrique; Javier Cabrerizo, Francisco; Kacprzyk, Janusz; et al. Information Fusion 2014, 17(SI): 4-13State estimation for a class of discrete nonlinearInternational Journal of21systems with randomly occurring uncertainties andHu, Jun; Chen, Dongyan; Du,General Systemsdistributed sensor delaysJunhua2014, 43(3-4): 387-401

      Construction & Building Technology 建筑與建筑技術(shù)

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Modification of phase evolution in Cement & Concrete22alkali-activated blast furnace slag by theIsmail, Idawati; Bernal, Susan A.; Compositesincorporation of fly ashProvis, John L.; et al.2014, 45: 125-135Indoor airborne bacterial communities are20influenced by ventilation, occupancy, and outdoorMeadow, J. F.; Altrichter, A. E.;Indoor Air air sourceKembel, S. W.; et al.2014, 24(1): 41-4817Properties and composition of recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste suitable for concrete production Silva, R. V.; de Brito, J.; Dhir, R. K. Construction and Building Materials 2014, 65: 201-217MgO content of slag controls phase evolution and Cement and Concrete17structural changes induced by acceleratedBernal, Susan A.; Nicolas, Rackel Researchcarbonation in alkali-activated bindersSan; Myers, Rupert J.; et al.2014, 57: 33-4316The thermal effect of an innovative cool roof on residential buildings in Italy: Results from two years of continuous monitoring Pisello, Anna Laura; Cotana, Franco Energy and Buildings 2014, 69: 154-164Effects of NaOH concentrations on physical and Hanjitsuwan, Sakonwan; Cement & Concrete16electrical properties of high calcium fly ashHunpratub, Sitchai; Thongbai,Composites geopolymer pastePrasit; et al.2014, 45: 9-1416SCC modification by use of amorphous nano-silica Quercia, G.; Spiesz, P.; Huesken, G.; et al. Cement & Concrete Composites 2014, 45: 69-81Strength and microstructure of alkali-activated Yusuf, Moruf Olalekan; Johari, Construction and Building15binary blended binder containing palm oil fuelMegat Azmi Megat; Ahmad, Materialsash and ground blast-furnace slagZainal Arifin; et al.2014, 52: 504-51014Overview of challenges and achievements in the climate adaptation of cities and in the climate proof cities program Albers, R. A. W.; Bosch, P. R.; Blocken, B.; et al. Building and Environment 2015, 83(SI): 1-10Building Information Modeling (BIM) for14existing buildings - literature review and futureVolk, Rebekka; Stengel, Julian;Automation in Construction needsSchultmann, Frank2014, 38: 109-127

      Critical Care Medicine 危重病急救醫(yī)學(xué)

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Two decades of mortality trends among patientsStevenson, Elizabeth K.;49with severe sepsis: A comparativeRubenstein, Amanda R.; Radin,Critical Care Medicine meta-analysisGregory T.; et al.2014, 42(3): 625-631Functionally-detected cognitive impairment in46high school football players withoutTalavage, Thomas M.; Nauman,Journal of Neurotraumaclinically-diagnosed concussionEric A.; Breedlove, Evan L.; et al.2014, 31(4): 327-33840Empiric antibiotic treatment reduces mortality in severe sepsis and septic shock from the first hour: Results from a guideline-based performance improvement program Ferrer, Ricard; Martin-Loeches, Ignacio; Phillips, Gary; et al. Critical Care Medicine 2014, 42(8): 1749-1755Fowler, Robert A.; Fletcher,American Journal of38Caring for critically ill patients with ebola virusRespiratory and Criticaldisease perspectives from west africaThomas; Fischer, William A., II; et al.Care Medicine2014, 190(7): 733-73736A unified theory of sepsis- induced acute kidney injury: Inflammation, microcirculatory dysfunction, bioenergetics, and the tubular cell adaptation to injury Gomez, Hernando; Ince, Can; De Backer, Daniel; et al. Shock 2014, 41(1): 3-11American Journal of35Minimal clinically important differences inJones, Paul W.; Beeh, Kai M.;Respiratory and Criticalpharmacological trialsChapman, Kenneth R.; et al.Care Medicine2014, 189(3): 250-25534De-escalation of empirical therapy is associated with lower mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock Garnacho-Montero, J.; Gutierrez-Pizarraya, A.; Escoresca-Ortega, A.; et al. Intensive Care Medicine 2014, 40(1): 32-40American Journal of33The bronchiectasis severity index anChalmers, James D.; Goeminne,Respiratory and Criticalinternational derivation and validation studyPieter; Aliberti, Stefano; et al.Care Medicine2014, 189(5): 576-58530Validation of cell-cycle arrest biomarkers for acute kidney injury using clinical adjudication Bihorac, Azra; Chawla, Lakhmir S.; Shaw, Andrew D.; et al. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014, 189(8): 932-939Rapidly reversible, sedation-related deliriumAmerican Journal of29versus persistent delirium in the intensive carePatel, Shruti B.; Poston, Jason T.;Respiratory and Critical unitPohlman, Anne; et al.Care Medicine2014, 189(6): 658-665

      Crystallography 結(jié)晶學(xué)

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Two decades of mortality trends among patientsStevenson, Elizabeth K.;49with severe sepsis: A comparativeRubenstein, Amanda R.; Radin,Critical Care Medicine meta-analysisGregory T.; et al.2014, 42(3): 625-631Functionally-detected cognitive impairment inTalavage, Thomas M.; Nauman,46high school football players withoutEric A.; Breedlove, Evan L.; etJournal of Neurotraumaclinically-diagnosed concussional.2014, 31(4): 327-33840Empiric antibiotic treatment reduces mortality in severe sepsis and septic shock from the first hour: Results from a guideline-based performance improvement program Ferrer, Ricard; Martin-Loeches, Ignacio; Phillips, Gary; et al. Critical Care Medicine 2014, 42(8): 1749-1755Fowler, Robert A.; Fletcher,American Journal of38Caring for critically ill patients with ebola virusRespiratory and Critical Caredisease perspectives from west africaThomas; Fischer, William A., II; et al.Medicine2014, 190(7): 733-73736A unified theory of sepsis- induced acute kidney injury: Inflammation, microcirculatory dysfunction, bioenergetics, and the tubular cell adaptation to injury Gomez, Hernando; Ince, Can; De Backer, Daniel; et al. Shock 2014, 41(1): 3-11American Journal of35Minimal clinically important differences inJones, Paul W.; Beeh, Kai M.;Respiratory and Critical Carepharmacological trialsChapman, Kenneth R.; et al.Medicine2014, 189(3): 250-25534De-escalation of empirical therapy is associated with lower mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock Garnacho-Montero, J.; Gutierrez-Pizarraya, A.; Escoresca-Ortega, A.; et al. Intensive Care Medicine 2014, 40(1): 32-40American Journal of33The bronchiectasis severity index anChalmers, James D.; Goeminne ,Respiratory and Critical Careinternational derivation and validation studyPieter; Aliberti, Stefano; et al.Medicine2014, 189(5): 576-58530Validation of cell-cycle arrest biomarkers for acute kidney injury using clinical adjudication Bihorac, Azra; Chawla, Lakhmir S.; Shaw, Andrew D.; et al. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014, 189(8): 932-939Rapidly reversible, sedation-related deliriumAmerican Journal of29versus persistent delirium in the intensive carePatel, Shruti B.; Poston, JasonRespiratory and Critical Care unitT.; Pohlman, Anne; et al.Medicine2014, 189(6): 658-665

      Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine 牙科,口腔外科醫(yī)學(xué)

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) for clinical and research Schiffman, Eric; Ohrbach, Journal of Oral & Facial Pain48applications: Recommendations of theRichard; Truelove, Edmond; et and Headacheinternational RDC/TMD consortium networkal. 2014, 28(1): 6-27and orofacial pain special interest group33Effect on caries of restricting sugars intake: Journal of Dental ResearchSystematic review to inform WHO guidelinesMoynihan, P. J.; Kelly, S. A. M.2014, 93(1): 8-1832American association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons position paper on medication-related osteonecrosis of the Jaw-2014 update Ruggiero, Salvatore L.; Dodson, Thomas B.; Fantasia, John; et al. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2014, 72(10): 1938-1956Obesity, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and26chronic periodontitis: A shared pathology viaBullon, Pedro; Newman, HubertPeriodontology 2000oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction?N.; Battino, Maurizio2014, 64(1): 139-15318European society of endodontology position statement: The use of CBCT in endodontics Patel, S.; Durack, C.; Abella, F.; et al. International Endodontic Journal 2014, 47(6): 502-50418Bone morphogenetic proteins facts, challenges,Carreira, A. C.; Lojudice, F. H.; Journal of Dental Researchand future perspectivesHalcsik, E.; et al.2014, 93(4): 335-34518Guidance on posterior resin composites: Academy of operative dentistry - european section Lynch, Christopher D.; Opdam, Niek J.; Hickel, Reinhard; et al. Journal of Dentistry 2014, 42(4): 377-383172014, 64(1): 57-8016Epidemiology of HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancerInflammatory and immune pathways in theCekici, Ali; Kantarci, Alpdogan; Periodontology 2000pathogenesis of periodontal diseaseHasturk, Hatice; et al.Pytynia, Kristen B.; Dahlstrom, Kristina R.; Sturgis, Erich M. Oral Oncology 2014, 50(5): 380-386Clinical Implant Dentistry and16Is marginal bone loss around oral implants theAlbrektsson, Tomas; Dahlin,result of a provoked foreign body reaction?Christer; Jemt, Torsten; et al.Related Research2014, 16(2): 155-165

      Dermatology 皮膚科

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Inherited epidermolysis bullosa: UpdatedFine, Jo-David;Journal of the American52recommendations on diagnosis andBruckner-Tuderman, Leena;Academy of Dermatology classificationEady, Robin A. J.; et al.2014, 70(6): 1103-1126Guidelines of care for the management ofEichenfield, Lawrence F.;Journal of the American26atopic dermatitis: Section 1. Diagnosis andTom, Wynnis L.; Chamlin,Academy of Dermatologyassessment of atopic dermatitisSarah L.; et al.2014, 70(2): 338-35124Characterization of innate lymphoid cells in human skin and blood demonstrates increase of NKp44+ILC3 in psoriasis Villanova, Federica; Flutter, Barry; Tosi, Isabella; et al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2014, 134(4): 984-991UVA irradiation of human skin vasodilatesLiu, Donald; Fernandez,Journal of Investigative23arterial vasculature and lowers blood pressureBernadette O.; Hamilton,Dermatologyindependently of nitric oxide synthaseAlistair; et al.2014, 134(7): 1839-184623The global burden of skin disease in 2010: An analysis of the prevalence and impact of skin conditions Hay, Roderick J.; Johns, Nicole E.; Williams, Hywel C.; et al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2014, 134(6): 1527-1534Wehner, Mackenzie R.;232014, 150(4): 390-40023Emerging trends in the epidemiology ofInternational prevalence of indoor tanning aJama Dermatologysystematic review and meta-analysisChren, Mary-Margaret;Nameth, Danielle; et al.melanoma Nikolaou, V.; Stratigos, A. J. British Journal of Dermatology 2014, 170(1): 11-19Composition of innate lymphoid cell subsets inTeunissen, Marcel B. M.;Journal of Investigative20the human skin: Enrichment of NCR+ ILC3 inMunneke, J. Marius; Bernink,Dermatologylesional skin and blood of psoriasis patientsJochem H.; et al.2014, 134(9): 2351-236019The dramatic increase in the rate of methylisothiazolinone contact allergy in Belgium: A multicentre study Aerts, Olivier; Baeck, Marie; Constandt, Lieve; et al. Contact Dermatitis 2014, 71(1): 41-48Propionibacterium acnes induces IL-1 betaJournal of Investigative19secretion via the NLRP3 inflammasome inQin, Min; Pirouz, Asian; Kim ,Dermatologyhuman monocytesMyung-Hwa; et al.2014, 134(2): 381-388

      Developmental Biology 發(fā)育生物學(xué)

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Salama, Rafik; Sadaie,61Cellular senescence and its effector programsMahito; Hoare, Matthew; etGenes & Development al.2014, 28(2): 99-114Okada, Nobuhiro; Lin,31A positive feedback between p53 and miR-34 Genes & DevelopmentmiRNAs mediates tumor suppressionChao-Po; Ribeiro, Marcelo C.; et al.2014, 28(5): 438-45030Gene regulatory networks and transcriptional mechanisms that control myogenesis Buckingham, Margaret; Rigby, Peter W. J. Developmental Cell 2014, 28(3): 225-238302014, 141(3): 502-51328The Hippo pathway effectors TAZ and YAP inLung development: Orchestrating the generationHerriges, Michael; Morrisey, Developmentand regeneration of a complex organEdward E.development, homeostasis and disease Varelas, Xaralabos Development 2014, 141(8): 1614-162628Histone variants: Dynamic punctuation inWeber, Christopher M.;Genes & Development transcriptionHenikoff, Steven2014, 28(7): 672-68228IFPA senior award lecture: Making sense of pre-eclampsia two placental causes of preeclampsia? Redman, C. W.; Sargent, I. L.; Staff, A. C. Placenta 2014, 35(A): S20-S25The H19 long noncoding RNA gives rise to27microRNAs miR-675-3p and miR-675-5p toDey, Bijan K.; Pfeifer, Karl; Genes & Developmentpromote skeletal muscle differentiation andDutta, Anindya2014, 28(5): 491-501 regeneration26The cell biology of neurogenesis: Toward an understanding of the development and evolution of the neocortex Taverna, Elena; Goetz, Magdalena; Huttner, Andwieland B. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 2014, 30: 465-50225Spontaneous hair cell regeneration in theCox, Brandon C.; Chai, Developmentneonatal mouse cochleain vivoRenjie; Lenoir, Anne; et al.2014, 141(4): 816-829

      Ecology 生態(tài)學(xué)

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物62The world-wide ‘fast-slow’ plant economics Journal of Ecologyspectrum: A traits manifestoReich, Peter B.2014, 102(2): 275-301NEESTIMATOR v2: Re-implementation of49software for the estimation of contemporaryDo, C.; Waples, R. S.; Peel, Molecular Ecology Resourceseffective population size (N-e) from geneticD.; et al. 2014, 14(1): 209-214data42Agricultural expansion and its impacts on tropical nature Laurance, William F.; Sayer, Jeffrey; Cassman, Kenneth G. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2014, 29(2): 107-116Trends in Ecology &41Genome sequencing and population genomicsin non-model organismsEllegren, HansEvolution2014, 29(1): 51-6340Reanalysis suggests that genomic islands of speciation are due to reduced diversity, not reduced gene flow Cruickshank, Tami E.; Hahn, Matthew W. Molecular Ecology 2014, 23(13): 3133-3157Trends in Ecology &37Evolution in an acidifying oceanSunday, Jennifer M.; Calosi,Piero; Dupont, Sam; et al.Evolution2014, 29(2): 117-12532Evaluation of demographic history and neutral parameterization on the performance of F-ST outlier tests Lotterhos, Katie E.; Whitlock, Michael C. Molecular Ecology 2014, 23(9): 2178-2192Genetics in conservation management: Revised Frankham, Richard;32recommendations for the 50/500 rules, Red ListBradshaw, Corey J. A.;Biological Conservationcriteria and population viability analysesBrook, Barry W.2014, 170: 56-6331How important is intraspecific genetic admixture to the success of colonising populations? Rius, Marc; Darling, John A. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2014, 29(4): 233-242A well-constrained estimate for the timing of Proceedings of the Royal31the salmonid whole genome duplication revealsMacqueen, Daniel J.; Society B-Biological Sciencesmajor decoupling from species diversificationJohnston, Ian A.2014, 281(1778): 20132881

      Electrochemistry 電化學(xué)

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Sensors and Actuators74Highly sensitive and selective gas sensors usingKim, Hyo-Joong; Lee,p-type oxide semiconductors: OverviewJong-HeunB-Chemical2014, 192: 607-627Goriparti, Subrahmanyam;57Review on recent progress of nanostructured Journal of Power Sourcesanode materials for Li-ion batteriesMiele, Ermanno; De Angelis,Francesco; et al.2014, 257: 421-44356Advances in paper-based point-of-care diagnostics Hu, Jie; Wang, ShuQi; Wang, Lin; et al. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2014, 54: 585-597Nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots: Facile53synthesis and application as a “turn-off”Zhang, Ruizhong; Chen, WeiBiosensors & Bioelectronicsfluorescent probe for detection of Hg2+ions2014, 55: 83-9041Direct electron transfer of glucose oxidase and biosensing for glucose based on PDDA-capped gold nanoparticle modified graphene/multi-walled carbon nanotubes electrode Yu, Yanyan; Chen, Zuanguang; He, Sijing; et al. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2014, 52: 147-152In situ growth of NiCo2S4nanotube arrays on Ni39foam for supercapacitors: Maximizing utilizationChen, Haichao; Jiang, Journal of Power Sourcesefficiency at high mass loading to achieve Jianjun; Zhang, Li; et al. 2014, 254: 249-257ultrahigh areal pseudocapacitance39A review of lithium deposition in lithium-ion and lithium metal secondary batteries Li, Zhe; Huang, Jun; Liaw, Bor Yann; et al. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 254: 168-182Facile synthesis of hierarchical Co3O4@MnO239core-shell arrays on Ni foam for asymmetricHuang, Ming; Zhang, Yuxin;Journal of Power Sources supercapacitorsLi, Fei; et al.2014, 252: 98-10638Facile synthesis of porous Pt-Pd nanospheres supported on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets for enhanced methanol electrooxidation Li, Shanshan; Lü, Jingjing; Hu, Yuanyuan; et al. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 247: 213-21838Fe3O4nanoparticles grown on graphene asWang, Qinghong; Jiao, Journal of Power Sourcesadvanced electrode materials for supercapacitorsLifang; Du, Hongmei; et al.2014, 245: 101-106

      Emergency Medicine 急救醫(yī)學(xué)

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Manual vs. integrated automatic load-distributing22band CPR with equal survival after out of hospitalWik, Lars; Olsen, Jan-Aage;Resuscitationcardiac arrest. The randomized CIRC trialPersse, David; et al.2014, 85(6): 741-748High rates of prasugrel and ticagrelor17non-responder in patients treated with therapeuticIbrahim, K.; Christoph, M.;Resuscitationhypothermia after cardiac arrestSchmeinck, S.; et al.2014, 85(5): 649-65617Emerging drugs of abuse Nelson, Michael E.; Bryant, Sean M.; Aks, Steven E. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America 2014, 32(1): 117Chest compression depth and survival inVadeboncoeur, Tyler; Stolz,Resuscitationout-of-hospital cardiac arrestUwe; Panchal, Ashish; et al.2014, 85(2): 182-18816Pragmatic randomized optimal platelet and plasma ratios (PROPPR) trial: Design, rationale and implementation Baraniuk, Sarah; Tilley, Barbara C.; del Junco, Deborah J.; et al. Injury-International Journal o f The Care of the Injured 2014, 45(9): 1287-1295The effect of hyperoxia on survival following adultWang, Chih-Hung; Chang,16cardiac arrest: A systematic review andWei-Tien; Huang, Chien-Hua;Resuscitationmeta-analysis of observational studiesetal.2014, 85(9): 1142-114816Free open access medical education (FOAM) for the emergency physician Nickson, Christopher P.; Cadogan, Michael D. Emergency Medicine Australasia 2014, 26(1): 76-83Global emergency medicine journal club: SocialAnnals of Emergency14media responses to the november 2013 annals ofRadecki, Ryan P.; Rezaie,Medicineemergency medicine journal clubSalim R.; Lin, Michelle2014, 63(4): 490-49414The impact of peri-shock pause on survival from out-of-hospital shockable cardiac arrest during the resuscitation outcomes consortium PRIMED trial Cheskes, Sheldon; Schmicker, Robert H.; Verbeek, P. Richard; et al. Resuscitation 2014, 85(3): 336-342Awakening after cardiac arrest and post14resuscitation hypothermia: Are we pulling the plugGold, Barbara; Puertas,Resuscitation too early?Laura; Davis, Scott P.; et al.2014, 85(2): 211-214

      Endocrinology & Metabolism 內(nèi)分泌與代謝

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Diabetes Research and Clinical150Global estimates of diabetes prevalence for 2013Guariguata, L.; Whiting, D.and projections for 2035R.; Hambleton, I.; et al.Practice2 014, 103(2): 137-149Lancet Diabetes &136Vitamin D status and ill health: A systematicAutier, Philippe; Boniol, reviewMathieu; Pizot, Cecile; et al.Endocrinology2014, 2(1): 76-89110Atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femoral fractures: Second report of a task force of the american society for bone and mineral research Shane, Elizabeth; Burr, David; Abrahamsen, Bo; et al. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2014, 29(1): 1-23Free Radical Biology and76The thioredoxin antioxidant systemLu, Jun; Holmgren, ArneMedicine2014, 66(SI): 75-8768The effect of vitamin D supplementation on skeletal, vascular, or cancer outcomes: a trial sequential meta-analysis Bolland, Mark J.; Grey, Andrew; Gamble, Greg D.; et al. Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 2014, 2(4): 307-320632014, 19(2): 302-30954Melatonin: A well-documented antioxidant with conditional pro-oxidant actionsIrisin and FGF21 are cold-induced endocrineLee, Paul; Linderman, JoyceCell Metabolismactivators of brown fat function in humansD.; Smith, Sheila; et al.Zhang, Hong-Mei; Zhang, Yiqiang Journal of Pineal Research 2014, 57(2): 131-146Free Radical Biology and54Regulation of Nrf2-an updateNiture, Suryakant K.; Khatri,Raju; Jaiswal, Anil K.Medicine2014, 66(SI): 36-4451Low protein intake is associated with a major reduction in IGF-1, cancer, and overall mortality in the 65 and younger but not older population Levine, Morgan E.; Suarez, Jorge A.; Brandhorst, Sebastian; et al. Cell Metabolism 2014, 19(3): 407-417The ratio of macronutrients, not caloric intake,Solon-Biet, Samantha M.;51dictates cardiometabolic health, aging, andMcMahon, Aisling C.;Cell Metabolismlongevity in Ad libitum-fed miceBallard, J. William O.; et al.2014, 19(3): 418-430

      Energy & Fuels 能源與燃料

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Green, Martin A.; Emery,245Solar cell efficiency tables (version 43)Keith; Hishikawa, Yoshihiro;Progress in Photovoltaics et al.2014, 11(1): 1-9194Device characteristics of CZTSSe thin-film solarWang, Wei; Winkler, Mark T.;Advanced Energy Materialscells with 12.6% efficiencyGunawan, Oki; et al.2014, 4(7): 1301465172Formamidinium lead trihalide: A broadly tunable perovskite for efficient planar heterojunction solar cells Eperon, Giles E.; Stranks, Samuel D.; Menelaou, Christopher; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(3): 982-988Green, Martin A.; Emery,161Solar cell efficiency tables (version 44)Keith; Hishikawa, Yoshihiro;Progress in Photovoltaics et al.2014, 22(7): 701-710148Efficient, high yield perovskite photovoltaic devices grown by interdiffusion of solution-processed precursor stacking layers Xiao, Zhengguo; Bi, Cheng; Shao, Yuchuan; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(8): 2619-2623The origin of high efficiency in low-temperatureSun, Shuangyong; Salim,Energy & Environmental142solution-processable bilayer organometal halideTeddy; Mathews, Nripan; etScience hybrid solar cellsal.2014, 7(1): 399-407129Sub-150 degrees C processed meso-superstructured perovskite solar cells with enhanced efficiency Wojciechowski, Konrad; Saliba, Michael; Leijtens, Tomas; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(3): 1142-1147Energy & Environmental1092014, 7(1): 209-231106Pseudocapacitive oxide materials for high-rate electrochemical energy storageLithium ion battery applications of molybdenumStephenson, Tyler; Li, Zhi;disulfide (MoS2) nanocompositesOlsen, Brian; et al.ScienceAugustyn, Veronica; Simon, Patrice; Dunn, Bruce Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(5): 1597-1614Large fill-factor bilayer iodine perovskite solarEnergy & Environmental104cells fabricated by a low-temperatureWang, Qi; Shao, Yuchuan;Dong, Qingfeng; et al.Science solution-process2014, 7(7): 2359-2365

      Engineering, Aerospace 航空航天工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Bending analysis of FGM plates under Zidi, Mohamed; Tounsi, Aerospace Science and26hygro-thermo-mechanical loading using a fourAbdelouahed; Houari, Technologyvariable refined plate theoryMohammed Sid Ahmed; et al.2014, 34: 24-34112014, 99: 175-18311Two-dimensional over-expanded jet flow parameters in supersonic nozzle lip vicinityAnalytical solutions for Prandtl-MeyerSilnikov, M. V.; Chernyshov, Acta Astronauticawave-oblique shock overtaking interactionM. V.; Uskov, V. N.Silnikov, M. V.; Chernyshov, M. V.; Uskov, V. N. Acta Astronautica 2014, 97: 38-41112014, 65: 1-2111Multipoint high-fidelity aerostructural optimization of a transport aircraft configurationImmersed boundary methods for simulatingSotiropoulos, Fotis; Yang, Progress in Aerospace Sciencesfluid-structure interactionXiaoleiKenway, Gaetan K. W.; Martins, Joaquim R. R. A. Journal of Aircraft 2014, 51(1): 144-160Journal of Aerospace9Gravitational orbit-rotation coupling of a rigidsatellite around a spheroid planetWang, Yue; Xu, ShijieEngineering2014, 27(1): 140-1509CoCluster: Efficient mining maximal trend biclusters without candidate maintenance in discrete resource effectiveness matrix Zhang, Lihua; Wang, Miao; Gu, Qingfan; et al. Proceedings of the First Symposium on Aviation Maintenance and Management-Vol Ii 2014, 297: 1-11Free vibration of exponential functionally graded Aerospace Science and8rectangular plates in thermal environment withChakraverty, S.; Pradhan, K. Technologygeneral boundary conditionsK.2014, 36: 132-1568Scalable parallel approach for high-fidelity steady-state aeroelastic analysis and adjoint derivative computations Kenway, Gaetan K. W.; Kennedy, Graeme J.; Martins, Joaquim R. R. A. Aiaa Journal 2014, 52(5): 935-951Cesaretti, Giovanni; Dini,8Building components for an outpost on the Lunar Acta Astronauticasoil by means of a novel 3D printing technologyEnrico; De Kestelier, Xavier; et al.2014, 93: 430-450

      Engineering, Biomedical 生物醫(yī)學(xué)工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Click hydrogels, microgels and nanogels:39Emerging platforms for drug delivery and tissueJiang, Yanjiao; Chen, Jing;Biomaterials engineeringDeng, Chao; et al.2014, 35(18): 4969-498537Electrospun scaffolds for tissue engineering ofHasan, Anwarul; Memic,Acta Biomaterialia vascular graftsAdnan; Annabi, Nasim; et al.2014, 10(1): 11-2536Dual-modal upconversion fluorescent/X-ray imaging using ligand-free hexagonal phase NaLuF4: Gd/Yb/Er nanorods for blood vessel visualization Zeng, Songjun; Wang, Haibo; Lu, Wei; et al. Biomaterials 2014, 35(9): 2934-2941Protein modified upconversion nanoparticles for35imaging-guided combined photothermal andChen, Qian; Wang, Chao;Biomaterialsphotodynamic therapyCheng, Liang; et al.2014, 35(9): 2915-292334Kubios HRV-Heart rate variability analysis software Tarvainen, Mika P.; Niskanen, Juha-Pekka; Lipponen, Jukka A.; et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2014, 113(1): 210-220Curcumin nanoformulations: A review ofNaksuriya, Ornchuma;32pharmaceutical properties and preclinical studiesOkonogi, Siriporn;Biomaterialsand clinical data related to cancer treatmentSchiffelers, Raymond M.; et2014, 35(10): 3365-3383 al.32Enhanced tumor accumulation of sub-2 nm gold nanoclusters for cancer radiation therapy Zhang, Xiao-Dong; Chen, Jie; Luo, Zhentao; et al. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2014, 3(1): 133-141Hyaluronic acid-modified hydrothermally31synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles for targetedLi, Jingchao; He, Yao; Sun,Biomaterialstumor MR imagingWenjie; et al.2014, 35(11): 3666-367731Significance of calcium phosphate coatings for the enhancement of new bone osteogenesis - A review Surmenev, Roman A.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Ivanova, Anna A. Acta Biomaterialia 2014, 10(2): 557-579Ultra-small BaGdF5-based upconversion30nanoparticles as drug carriers and multimodalYang, Dongmei; Dai, Yunlu;Biomaterials imaging probesLiu, Jianhua; et al.2014, 35(6): 2011-2023

      Engineering, Chemical 化學(xué)工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Formamidinium lead trihalide: A broadly tunableEperon, Giles E.; Stranks,Energy & Environmental172perovskite for efficient planar heterojunction solarSamuel D.; Menelaou,Science cellsChristopher; et al.2014, 7(3): 982-988Efficient, high yield perovskite photovoltaicEnergy & Environmental148devices grown by interdiffusion ofXiao, Zhengguo; Bi, Cheng;Shao, Yuchuan; et al.Sciencesolution-processed precursor stacking layers2014, 7(8): 2619-2623142The origin of high efficiency in low-temperature solution-processable bilayer organometal halide hybrid solar cells Sun, Shuangyong; Salim, Teddy; Mathews, Nripan; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(1): 399-4072014, 7(3): 1142-1147109Lithium ion battery applications of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanocomposites Wojciechowski, Konrad;Energy & Environmental Sub-150 degrees C processed meso-superstructured129perovskite solar cells with enhanced efficiencyS aliba, Michael; Leijtens,ScienceTomas; et al.Stephenson, Tyler; Li, Zhi; Olsen, Brian; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(1): 209-231Energy & Environmental106Pseudocapacitive oxide materials for high-rateAugustyn, Veronica; Simon,electrochemical energy storagePatrice; Dunn, BruceScience2 014, 7(5): 1597-1614104Large fill-factor bilayer iodine perovskite solar cells fabricated by a low-temperature solution-process Wang, Qi; Shao, Yuchuan; Dong, Qingfeng; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(7): 2359-2365Energy & Environmental104Heterogeneous nanocarbon materials for oxygen reduction reactionWang, Dawei; Su, DangshengScience2 014, 7(2): 576-591104Carbon capture and storage update Boot-Handford, M. E.; Abanades, J. C.; Anthony, E. J.; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(1): 130-189MacFarlane, Douglas R.;Energy & Environmental103Energy applications of ionic liquidsTachikawa, Naoki; Forsyth,ScienceMaria; et al.2014, 7(1): 232-250

      Engineering, Civil 土木工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物44The use of zero-valent iron for groundwaterFu, Fenglian; Dionysiou,Journal of Hazardous Materialsremediation and wastewater treatment: A reviewDionysios D.; Liu, Hong2014, 267: 194-205Bolan, Nanthi;34Remediation of heavy metal(loid)s contaminatedJournal of Hazardous Materialssoils - To mobilize or to immobilize?Kunhikrishnan, Anitha;Thangarajan, Ramya; et al.2014, 266: 141-16631NGA-West2 equations for predicting PGA, PGV, and 5% damped psa for shallow crustal earthquakes Boore, David M.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Seyhan, Emel; et al. Earthquake Spectra 2014, 30(3): 1057-1085Graphitic-C3N4-hybridized TiO2nanosheets with312014, 266: 216-22328Review of iron-free Fenton-like systems for activating H2O2in advanced oxidation processesreactive {001} facets to enhance the UV- andGu, Liuan; Wang, Jingyu;Journal of Hazardous Materialsvisible-light photocatalytic activityZou, Zhijuan; et al.Bokare, Alok D.; Choi, Wonyong Journal of Hazardous Materials 2014, 275: 121-135Magnetic recoverable MnFe2O4and26MnFe2O4-graphene hybrid as heterogeneousYao, Yunjin; Cai, Yunmu; Lu,Journal of Hazardous Materialscatalysts of peroxymonosulfate activation forFang; et al.2014, 270: 61-70efficient degradation of aqueous organic pollutants25Numerical simulation of three dimensional cavitation shedding dynamics with special emphasis on cavitation-vortex interaction Ji, Bin; Luo, Xianwu; Arndt, Roger E. A.; et al. Ocean Engineering 2014, 87: 64-77Journal of Wind Engineering2350 years of computational wind engineering: Past, present and futureBlocken, Bertand Industrial Aerodynamics2014, 129: 69-10223Comparison of three electrochemical energy buffers applied to a hybrid bus powertrain with simultaneous optimal sizing and energy management Hu, Xiaosong; Murgovski, Nikolce; Johannesson, Lars Mardh; et al. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2014, 15(3): 1193-1205Fabrication of Z-scheme plasmonic photocatalyst22Ag@AgBr/g-C3N4with enhanced visible-lightYang, Yuxin; Guo, Wan; Guo,Journal of Hazardous Materialsphotocatalytic activityYingna; et al.2014, 271: 150-159

      Engineering, Electrical & Electronic 電氣與電子工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物IEEE Transactions on Industrial168Real-time implementation of fault-tolerantYin, Shen; Luo, Hao; Ding,control systems with performance optimizationSteven X.Electronics2014, 61(5): 2402-2411IEEE Transactions on Industrial1152014, 61(1): 436-44687Massive MIMO for next generation wireless systemsOutput-feedback-based h-infinity control forLi, Hongyi; Jing, Xingjian;vehicle suspension systems with control delayKarimi, Hamid RezaElectronicsLarsson, Erik G.; Edfors, Ove; Tufvesson, Fredrik; et al. IEEE Communications Magazine 2014, 52(2): 186-195IEEE Transactions on Industrial68A review on basic data-driven approaches forYin, Shen; Ding, Steven X.;industrial process monitoringXie, Xiaochen; et al.Electronics2014, 61(11): 6418-642868Asynchronous l(2)-l(infinity) filtering for discrete-time stochastic Markov jump systems with randomly occurred sensor nonlinearities Wu, Zhengguang; Shi, Peng; Su, Hongye; et al. Automatica 2014, 50(1): 180-186Fault-tolerant control of Markovian jump60stochastic systems via the augmented slidingLi, Hongyi; Gao, Huijun; Shi,Automaticamode observer approachPeng; et al.2014, 50(7): 1825-183460On energy-to-peak filtering for nonuniformly sampled nonlinear systems: A markovian jump system approach Zhang, Hui; Shi, Yang; Wang, Junmin IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 2014, 22(1): 1825-1834IEEE Transactions on Industrial562014, 61(4): 2088-209854An efficient hierarchical identification method for general dual-rate sampled-data systems3-D object retrieval with hausdorff distance Gao, Yue; Wang, Meng; Ji,learningRongrong; et al.ElectronicsLiu, Yanjun; Ding, Feng; Shi , Yang Automatica 2014, 50(3): 962-970Consensus tracking of multi-agent systems withWen, Guanghui; Duan,IEEE Transactions on Circuits46lipschitz-type node dynamics and switchingZhisheng; Chen, Guanrong; etand Systems I-Regular Papers topologiesal.2014, 61(2): 499-511

      Engineering, Environmental 環(huán)境工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Vengosh, Avner; Jackson,Environmental Science &A critical review of the risks to water resources49from unconventional shale gas development andRobert B.; Warner,Technologyhydraulic fracturing in the united statesNathaniel; et al.2014, 48(15): 8334-8348Applied Catalysis44Enhancement of visible photocatalytic activityBai, Xiaojuan; Zong,via Ag@C3N4core-shell plasmonic compositeRuilong; Li, Cuixia; et al.B-Environmental2014, 147: 82-9144Novel visible light induced Co3O4-g-C3N4heterojunction photocatalysts for efficient degradation of methyl orange Han, Changcun; Ge, Lei; Chen, Changfeng; et al. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2014, 147: 546-553442014, 267: 194-20540Electrocatalytic oxygen reduction on nitrogen-doped graphene in alkaline mediaThe use of zero-valent iron for groundwaterFu, Fenglian; Dionysiou,Journal of Hazardous Materialsremediation and wastewater treatment: A reviewDionysios D.; Liu, HongVikkisk, Merilin; Kruusenberg, Ivar; Joost, Urmas; et al. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2014, 147: 369-3762014, 145(SI): 1-938Full-scale partial nitritation/anammox experiences - An application survey Yabushita, Mizuho;Applied Catalysis40Catalytic transformation of cellulose intoplatform chemicalsKobayashi, Hirokazu;B-EnvironmentalFukuoka, AtsushiLackner, Susanne; Gilbert, Eva M.; Vlaeminck, Siegfried E.; et al. Water Research 2014, 55: 292-303Cao, Shao-Wen; Liu,Applied Catalysis37Solar-to-fuels conversion over In2O3/g-C3N4hybrid photocatalystsXin-Feng; Yuan, Yu-Peng;B-Environmental et al.2014, 147: 940-94637Diesel soot combustion ceria catalysts Bueno-Lopez, A. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2014, 146(SI): 1-11pH dependent Cu(II) and Pd(II) ions detectionAwual, Md. Rabiul;37and removal from aqueous media by an efficientRahman, Ismail M. M.;Chemical Engineering Journalmesoporous adsorbentYaita, Tsuyoshi; et al.2014, 236: 100-109

      Engineering, Geological 地質(zhì)工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物NGA-West2 equations for predicting PGA, PGV,Boore, David M.; Stewart,31and 5% damped PSA for shallow crustalJonathan P.; Seyhan, Emel;Earthquake Spectra earthquakesetal.2014, 30(3): 1057-1085272014, 11(2): 167-19421Particle-scale insight into deformation noncoaxiality of granular materials Li, X.; Yu, H. -S.The Varnes classification of landslide types, anHungr, Oldrich; Leroueil,Landslides updateSerge; Picarelli, LucianoInternational Journal of Geomechanics 2015, 15(4): 04014061Three (nearly) complete inventories of landslides21triggered by the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan Mw 7.9Xu, Chong; Xu, Xiwei; Yao ,Landslidesearthquake of China and their spatial distributionXin; et al.2014, 11(3): 441-461 statistical analysis20Update of the chiou and youngs NGA model for the average horizontal component of peak ground motion and response spectra Chiou, Brian S. J.; Youngs, Robert R. Earthquake Spectra 2014, 30(3): 1117-1153Bozorgnia, Yousef;19NGA-West2 Research ProjectAbrahamson, Norman A.;Earthquake SpectraAl Atik, Linda; et al.2014, 30(3): 973-98717NGA-West2 Database Ancheta, Timothy D.; Darragh, Robert B.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; et al. Earthquake Spectra 2014, 30(3): 989-1005Abrahamson, Norman A.;16Summary of the ASK14 ground motion relationEarthquake Spectrafor active crustal regionsSilva, Walter J.; Kamai, Ronnie2014, 30(3): 1025-105516NGA-west2 ground motion model for the Average horizontal components of PGA, PGV, and 5% damped linear acceleration response spectra Campbell, Kenneth W.; Bozorgnia, Yousef Earthquake Spectra 2014, 30(3): 1087-1115Empirical ground-motion models for point- andBulletin of Earthquake16extended-source crustal earthquake scenarios inAkkar, S.; Sandikkaya, M.EngineeringEurope and the Middle EastA.; Bommer, J. J.2014, 12(1): 359-387

      Engineering, Industrial 工業(yè)工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物IEEE Transactions on Industrial40Integration of distributed enterprise applications: A surveyHe, Wu; Xu, Li DaInformatics2014, 10(1): 35-42IEEE Transactions on Industrial282014, 10(1): 548-55826Analytic network process in risk assessment and decision analysisAn integrated approach to snowmelt floodFang, Shifeng; Xu, Lida;Informatics forecasting in water resource managementPei, Huan; et al.Ergu, Daji; Kou, Gang; Shi, Yong; et al. Computers & Operations Research 2014, 42: 58-74Reliability Engineering & System23Review on modeling and simulation ofinterdependent critical infrastructure systemsOuyang, MinSafety2 014, 121: 43-6022Site characterization of the Yucca Mountain disposal system for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste Rechard, Rob P.; Liu, Hui-Hai; Tsang, Yvonne W.; et al. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2014, 122(SI): 32-52Carayon, Pascale;22Human factors systems approach to healthcareWetterneck, Tosha B.;Applied Ergonomicsquality and patient safetyRivera-Rodriguez, A. Joy;2014, 45(1): 14-25et al.17An efficient recommendation method for improving business process modeling Li, Ying; Cao, Bin; Xu, Lida; et al. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2014, 10(1): 502-513IEEE Transactions on Industrial16Internet of things in industries: A surveyXu, Li da; He, Wu; Li,ShancangInformatics2014, 10(4): 2233-224316Barriers analysis for green supply chain management implementation in Indian industries using analytic hierarchy process Govindan, Kannan; Kaliyan, Mathiyazhagan; Kannan, Devika; et al. International Journal of Production Economics 2014, 147(SI): 555-568Coordinating a dual-channel supply chain withInternational Journal of16risk-averse under a two-way revenue sharingXu, Guangye; Dan, Bin;Production Economics contractZhang, Xumei; et al.2014, 147: 171-179

      Engineering, Manufacturing 制造工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Journal of Manufacturing63Introduction to special issue: RecentZhang, Yu Ming; Na,developments in welding processes PrefaceSuck-Joo; Cook, George E.Processes2 014, 16(1): 1-3IEEE-Asme Transactions on312014, 19(2): 633-64121Effect of carbon emission regulations on transport mode selection under stochastic demandHigh-accuracy tracking control of hydraulicYao, Jianyong; Jiao,rotary actuators with modeling uncertaintiesZongxia; Ma, Dawei; et al.MechatronicsHoen, K. M. R.; Tan, T.; Fransoo, J. C.; et al. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 2014, 26(1-2): 170-195Composites Part A-Applied20Mechanical properties of epoxy composites filledWan, Yanjun; Gong, Lixiu;with silane-functionalized graphene oxideTang, Longcheng; et al.Science and Manufacturing2014, 64: 79-8919Directional alignment of carbon nanotubes in polymer matrices: Contemporary approaches and future advances Goh, P. S.; Ismail, A. F.; Ng , B. C. Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2014, 56: 103-126Chu, Won-Shik; Kim,International Journal of Precision18Hybrid manufacturing in micro/nano scale: AEngineering and reviewChung-Soo; Lee,Hyun-Taek; et al.Manufacturing-Green Technology2014, 1(1): 75-9216Barriers analysis for green supply chain management implementation in Indian industries using analytic hierarchy process Govindan, Kannan; Kaliyan, Mathiyazhagan; Kannan, Devika; et al. International Journal of Production Economics 2014, 147(SI): 555-568Coordinating a dual-channel supply chain withInternational Journal of16risk-averse under a two-way revenue sharingXu, Guangye; Dan, Bin;Production Economics contractZhang, Xumei; et al.2014, 147: 171-17915Robust H-infinity sliding mode control with pole placement for a fluid power electrohydraulic actuator (EHA) system Zhang, Hui; Liu, Xiaotao; Wang, Junmin; et al. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2014, 73(5-8): 1095-1104International Journal of Precision15An evaluation of green manufacturingEngineering andtechnologies based on research databasesAhn, Sung-HoonManufacturing-Green Technology2014, 1(1): 5-9

      Engineering, Marine 船舶工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Numerical simulation of three dimensional25cavitation shedding dynamics with specialJi, Bin; Luo, Xianwu; Arndt,Ocean Engineeringemphasis on cavitation-vortex interactionRoger E. A.; et al.2014, 87: 64-7712Loads for use in the design of ships andHirdaris, S. E.; Bai, W.; Dessi,Ocean Engineeringoffshore structuresD.; et al.2014, 78: 131-1746Experiments on the water entry of curved wedges: High speed imaging and particle image velocimetry Panciroli, R.; Shams, A.; Porfiri, M. Ocean Engineering 2015, 94: 213-222Uncertainty quantification of Delft catamaranresistance, sinkage and trim for variableJournal of Marine Science And6Froude number and geometry usingDiez, Matteo; He, Wei;Technologymetamodels, quadrature and Karhunen-LoSveCampana, Emilio F.; et al.2014, 19(2): 143-169 expansion6Numerical study on fatigue crack growth at a web-stiffener of ship structural details by an objected-oriented approach in conjunction with ABAQUS He, Wentao; Liu, Jingxi; Xie, De Marine Structures 2014, 35: 45-69Atia, Mohamed Maher;5An enhanced 3D multi- sensor integratedJournal of Navigationnavigation system for land- vehiclesKaramat, Tashfeen; Noureldin, Aboelmagd2014, 67(4): 651-6715Vortex shedding suppression and aerodynamic characteristics of square cylinder due to offsetting of rectangular cylinders towards a plane Maiti, Dilip K.; Bhatt, Rajesh Ocean Engineering 2014, 82: 91-104Some aspects of structural modelling and52014, 9(2): 199-2175Numerical studies on global buckling of subsea pipelinesrestoring stiffness in hydroelastic analysis ofSenjanovic, Ivo; Vladimir,Ships and Offshore Structureslarge container shipsNikola; Tomic, Marko; et al.Liu, Run; Xiong, Hao; Wu, Xinli; et al. Ocean Engineering 2014, 78: 62-72Shear and tensile failure of thin aluminium4plates struck by cylindrical and sphericalLiu, B.; Villavicencio, R.;Ships and Offshore Structures indentersGuedes Soares, C.2015, 10(1): 45-58

      Engineering, Mechanical 機械工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Robustgain-schedulingenergy-to-peakVehicleSystemDynamics45control of vehicle lateral dynamicsZhang, Hui; Zhang, Xinjie;stabilisationWang, Junmin2014, 52(3): 309-340Mechatronics44Data-driven design of robust fault detectionYin, Shen; Wang, Guang;system for wind turbinesKarimi, Hamid Reza2014, 24(4): 298-30638Least squares algorithm for an input nonlinear system with a dynamic subspace state space model Wang, Dongqing; Ding, Feng; Liu Ximei Nonlinear Dynamics 2014, 75(1-2): 49-61Multi-solitonsolutionsforthethree-coupledNonlinearDynamics37KdV equations engendered by the NeumannZuo, Dawei; Gao, Yitian; Meng ,systemGaoqing; et al.2014, 75(4): 701-70836Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for enhanced biogas production Zheng, Yi; Zhao, Jia; Xu, Fuqing; et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2014, 42: 35-53Nonlinear Dynamics35Discrete fractional logistic map and its chaosWu, Guocheng; Baleanu,Dumitru2014, 75(1-2): 283-28731High-accuracy tracking control of hydraulic rotary actuators with modeling uncertainties Yao, Jianyong; Jiao, Zongxia; Ma, Dawei; et al. IEEE-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics 2014, 19(2): 633-641International Journal of ThermalNatural convective boundary-layer flow of a26nanofluid past a vertical plate: A revised Kuznetsov, A. V.; Nield, D. A. Sciencesmodel2014, 77: 126-12925Numerical simulation of MHD nanofluid flow and heat transfer considering viscous dissipation Sheikholeslami, Mohsen; Abelman, Shirley; Ganji, Davood Domiri International Journal of Heat And Mass Transfer 2014, 79: 212-222International Journal of Heat andInvestigation of entropy generation in MHD25and slip flow over a rotating porous disk withRashidi, M. M.; Kavyani, N.; Mass Transfervariable propertiesAbelman, S.2014, 70: 892-917

      Engineering, Multidisciplinary 綜合工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物61Combined state and least squares parameterApplied Mathematical Modellingestimation algorithms for dynamic systemsDing, Feng2 014, 38(1): 403-412Postbuckling of carbon nanotube-reinforcedComputer Methods in Applied56functionally graded cylindrical panels underLiew, K. M.; Lei, Z. X.; Yu, J.Mechanics and Engineeringaxial compression using a meshless approachL.; et al.2014, 268: 1-1742Large deflection geometrically nonlinear analysis of carbon nanotube-reinforced functionally graded cylindrical panels Zhang, L. W.; Lei, Z. X.; Liew, K. M.; et al. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2014, 273: 1-1837Flax fibre and its composites - A reviewYan, Libo; Chouw, Nawawi;Composites Part B-EngineeringJayaraman, Krishnan2014, 56: 296-31734An improved element-free Galerkin method for numerical modeling of the biological population problems Zhang, L. W.; Deng, Y. J.; Liew, K. M. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements 2014, 40: 181-188Structural and Multidisciplinary30A survey of structural and multidisciplinaryDeaton, Joshua D.; Grandhi,continuum topology optimization: Post 2000Ramana V.Optimization2014, 49(1): 1-3829An efficient and simple higher order shear and normal deformation theory for functionally graded material (FGM) plates Belabed, Zakaria; Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed; Tounsi, Abdelouahed; et al. Composites Part B-Engineering 2014, 60: 274-283New delay-dependent robust stability criteriaJournal of the Franklin28for uncertain neutral systems with mixedLu, Renquan; Wu, Haiyi; Bai,Institute-Engineering and Applied delaysJianjunMathematics2014, 351(1): 1386-139926Grey wolf optimizer Mirjalili, Seyedali; Mirjalili, Seyed Mohammad; Lewis, Andrew Advances in Engineering Software 2014, 69: 46-6125Magnetohydrodynamic flow in a permeableSheikholeslami, M.; Ganji, D.Scientia Iranicachannel filled with nanofluidD.2014, 21(1): 203-212

      Engineering, Ocean 海洋工程

      被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物NumericalsimulationofthreedimensionalOceanEngineering25cavitation shedding dynamics with specialJi, Bin; Luo, Xianwu; Arndt,emphasis on cavitation-vortex interactionRoger E. A.; et al.2014, 87: 64-77Journal of Atmospheric andQuality-controlled upper-air sounding datasetCiesielski, Paul E.; Yu,19for DYNAMO/CINDY/AMIE: DevelopmentHungjui; Johnson, Richard H.;Oceanic Technology and correctionsetal.2014, 31(4): 741-76418Between a rock and a hard place: Environmental and engineering considerations when designing coastal defence structures Firth, L. B.; Thompson, R. C.; Bohn, K.; et al. Coastal Engineering 2014, 87(SI): 64-77Ocean Engineering142014, 86: 36-4412Loads for use in the design of ships and offshore structuresWave farm impact on the beach profile: AAbanades, J.; Greaves, D.;case studyIglesias, G.Hirdaris, S. E.; Bai, W.; Dessi, D.; et al. Ocean Engineering 2014, 78: 131-174Applied Ocean Research122014, 44: 63-7012Non-hydrostatic modeling of surf zone wave dynamicsEfficiency of OWC wave energy converters:Lopez, I.; Iglesias, G.A virtual laboratorySmit, Pieter; Janssen, Tim; Holthuijsen, Leo; et al. Ocean Engineering 2014, 83: 36-48Ocean Engineering10Shifting sands? Coastal protection by sandHanley, M. E.; Hoggart, S. P.banks, beaches and dunesG.; Simmonds, D. J.; et al.2014, 87(SI): 136-14610Quantifying wind turbine wake characteristics from scanning remote sensor data Aitken, Matthew L.; Banta, Robert M.; Pichugina, Yelena L.; et al. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2014, 31(4): 765-787Vicinanza,Diego;Contestabile,OceanEngineering9Innovative rubble mound breakwaters forovertopping wave energy conversionPasquale; Norgaard, JorgenQuvang Harck; et al.2014, 88: 154-170

      Engineering, Petroleum 石油工程

      文章題目作者來源出版物An improved method for the determinationPetroleum Science and9of petroleum hydrocarbons from soil usingCouto, M. N.; Borges, J. R.;a simple ultrasonic extraction and fourierGuedes, P.; et al.Technologytransform infrared spectrophotometry2014, 32(4): 426-432An accurate explicit form of the Hankinson-Fatoorehchi, Hooman;Journal of Petroleum Science And8Thomas-Phillips correlation for prediction ofAbolghasemi, Hossein; Rach,Engineeringthe natural gas compressibility factorRandolph2014, 117: 46-538Conventional and unconventional petroleum“orderly accumulation”: Concept and practical significance Zou Caineng; Yang Zhi; Zhang Guosheng; et al. Petroleum Exploration and Development 2014, 41(1): 14-30Risk assessment for CO2leakage alongPetroleum Science and7abandoned wells using a Monte CarloBai, M.Technologysimulation in a CO2sequestration site2014, 32(10): 1191-12007Effect of CuO and ZnO nanofluids in xanthan gum on thermal, electrical and high pressure rheology of water-based drilling fluids William, Jay Karen Maria; Ponmani, Swaminathan; Samuel, Robello; et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2014, 117: 15-27Viscosity reduction of heavy oil/bitumenJournal of Petroleum Science and6using micro- and nano-metal particles duringShokrlu, Yousef Hamedi;aqueous and non-aqueous thermalBabadagli, TayfunEngineering applications2014, 119: 210-2206Advances in critical buckling load assessmen t for tubulars inside wellbores Hajianmaleki, Mehdi; Daily, Jeremy S. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2014, 116: 136-144Block scale investigation on gas content ofJournal of Petroleum Science and6coalbed methane reservoirs in southernLiu, Huihu; Sang, Shuxun;Qinshui basin with statistical model andWang, Geoff G. X.; et al.Engineering visual map2014,114:1-145Effect of reservoir heterogeneity on primary recovery and CO2huff 'n' puff recovery in shale-oil reservoirs Chen, Cheng; Balhoff, Matthew; Mohanty, Kishore K. Spe Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 2014, 17(3): 404-413Numerical investigation of a low-efficientJournal of Petroleum Science and5hydraulic fracturing operation in a tight gasZhou, Lei; Hou, Michael Z.;Engineeringreservoir in the North German BasinGou, Yang; et al.2014, 120: 119-129

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