?Meeting announcement?
The 12th annual Basic and Clinical Psychiatry Conference of the Chinese Society of Neuroscience and Psychiatry (CSNP): call for submissions
The 12thannual Basic and Clinical Psychiatry Conference of the Chinese Society of Neuroscience and Psychiatry (CSNP)will take place at the International Hubin Hotel (5 Qingnian Road, 180 Yingze Avenue, Yingze District, Taiyuan city,Shanxi Province, China) from June 25thto 27th2015.
We welcome unpublished original reports on psychopathology, psychopharmacology, neurophysiology,neurobiochemistry, neuroimmunology, neuroimaging, molecular genetics of mental disorders, and other related fields. Please send a structured abstract (including separate sections titled ‘a(chǎn)im’, ‘methods’, ‘results’, and ‘conclusion’)in Word format (version 2000 or later, font size=10) to the e-mail address below by May 25th, 2015.
The meeting committee will recommend that promising submissions be sent to high-quality journals, so please include with each submitted abstract the complete list of authors with their institutions and the mailing address (with post code) and e-mail contact for the corresponding author.
Please send your submission by e-mail to Dr. Zhou Jiansong: csnpmeeting@163.com
Conference Secretariat, The 12th Basic and Clinic Psychiatry Conference of CSNP