




      2015-04-08 19:44:09范路FANLu
      世界建筑 2015年7期

      范路/FAN Lu


      Multidimensional Comfort and Design Wisdom

      范路/FAN Lu








      舒適:多少算多?面對多維的舒適要求,又該如何選擇?作為從事務實職業(yè)的一群人,建筑師需要的不是徹底的虛無主義,也不是簡單的量化指標。他們需要的是面對具體問題時的設計智慧,一條整合多個維度的向上的思想之路。本期收錄的13個作品各不相同,它們或是城市中的公司總部,或是郊野自然的休憩小屋;或是表現未來的辦公空間,或是文明古國的文化遺產。然而在這些不同背后,我都能看到某種面向舒適的設計智慧—— 一種對生理和心理、物質與非物質、個人與環(huán)境之間微妙平衡的把握?!?/p>

      In Vitruvius' De Architectura libri decem (The Ten Books on Architecture), human response to the comfort caused by fire is the origin of language, community, architecture and art. This opinion, though subjective and somewhat arbitrary, convincingly indicates that providing comfort could be regarded as the essence and central purpose. So in this issue we focus on the thoughts and strategies on comfortmaking in contemporary architectural design.

      The building services system is most likely to be mentioned when discussing the topic of providing comfort nowadays. And people can recognize clearly the influence which building services evolution made on architecture development during history. In ancient Roman times, clear window glass was used in many buildings which let warm sunlight poured in. The development of hypocaust was also a major innovation then. The heated masonry radiated pleasantly uniform warmth, and smoke was eliminated form occupied spaces. The method was also used to heat water for baths. Although Roman hypocaust heating disappeared with the empire, a new development in interior heating appeared in Western Europe at the beginning of the 12th century. The widespread use of masonry fireplace and chimney promote the development of civilization tremendously. Chimneys penetrating a building could heat multistory spaces and many rooms could have their own fireplaces. By using this heating system, people could acquire more private smaller spaces in a building, which decisively altered the interior spatial arrangement of a house and the communal lifestyle of early medieval times.

      Environmental control technologies developed dramatically in the first Industrial Revolution time. From late 18th century to early 19th century, coal gas lighting was brought into use in many British cities and large amounts of underground pipes were laid to form gas distribution network. The development of the steam engine and its associated boilers did not only drive factory machines working or locomotives moving, but also heated James Watt's office with steam running through pipes. In the hotwater heating system fully developed later, only radiators and pipes were localized in occupied spaces and the polluting boiler room could be eliminated out of the main part of a building. In the second Industrial Revolution age, the use of electric power further promoted technologies of building services. In late 19th century and early 20th century, the artificial indoor illumination increased rapidly with the use of incandescent lamps or fluorescent lamps. The invention of powered fans and refrigeration machines empowered people to produce pleasant cooling for the first time. And only with this method of air conditioning, could people deal effectively with the large interior heat loads imposed by the building's all-glass curtain walls. Then people could create complete "man-made weather" by controlling precisely interior temperature, humidity, ventilation and illumination. It is also worth mentioning the invention of elevators and escalators at the end of 19th century. Without high-speed electricpowered roped elevators, Rem Koolhaas would have not discovered the contiguous discontinuity of multistory space in skyscrapers. And on the electricpowered moving staircases, or escalators, people living over a century ago could have a new way of experiencing the large indoor public space.

      Comfort: how much is too much? Building services which bring us comfort are physical objects, while comfort belongs to the realm of human feelings. It is easy for us to estimate objects but difficult to evaluate feelings. The complex humanity results in multidimensional feelings of comfort.

      Building services can bring us physiological comfort, but architecture may provide much more dimensional comfort. In outstanding architectural design, such elements are always required –reasonable arrangement of function, circulation and structure; appropriate response to site, landscape and context; wonderful experience of form and space. Could it be said that all those fundamental design requirements do not make us comfortable? Living in an age when technological means are too much emphasized, should not we make reflection on how much technology will be needed for us to live comfortably? It is exactly as what Professor Ariane Wilson indicates in her thematic paper. "In pre-industrial societies,architecture, climate and social behaviour interacted in a quest for thermal comfort. Adapting to different climatic situations within a house took on a ritualised social and cultural meaning, which made environmental sense and was translated expressively in building design. Rooms were used differently in summer and winter, daytime and evening, with migrations from the southern to the northern side, from the bottom to the top of the same house, according to thermal conditions. The hearth fire, the loggia, shutters and blinds, window openings and four-poster beds, are all elements of thermal regulation that became elaborate architectural elements". And in Louis Kahn's architectural philosophy in post-modern period, he differentiates "served and servant spaces" which not only finds hiding places for building services but more importantly brings us unmeasurable spiritual comfort as well.

      In Vitruvius' story of the origin of architecture, humans kept throwing logs into flames to preserve the fire. So it is quite clear from the story that we have to consume energy to get comfort. Since Industrial Revolutions, rapid progress of environmental control technologies has led to more and more energy consumption. And after the international oil crisis in 1970s, people began to realise the limitation of energy and importance of global resources conservation. On the one hand, technologies of thermal insulation and energy saving have made fast progresses and regulations to control energy consumption are established in many countries. While on the other hand, the notion of modern comfort is challenged. Human's pursuit of environmental comfort had taken a shift from just physical aspect to comprehensive feelings.

      Building services are equipped to meet people's demands of environmental comfort. But like all other technologies, this system has been developing with technological logic since its emergence. It has been evolving materially to fulfill its own vision and style. Such as in Junkspace, Rem Koolhaas argued theoretically that building services system had occupied the dominant position in architecture design. And in typical high-tech buildings – Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris or Lloyd's building in London, the "facades of equipment and pipes" have brought us the most realistic feeling of autonomy of building services. Unrestrained development of modern technologies let people indulge in inner greedy desires. But it is deteriorating some other human feelings, even people's fundamental physical health. In Professor ZHU Yingxin's research from Tsinghua School of Architecture, she indicates that "comfort" does not mean health. The kind of stable and neutral indoor environment is not only energywasting but also unhealthy for people. And the mild discomfort thermal environment is likely to be healthier by training human body and keeping its functions. And Professor ZHANG Xin discusses the interior lighting in a similar stance. Based on the current situation that international artificial environment becomes increasingly brighter, he questions the applicability of illuminance standard in lighting design. Then staring from human's "darkness perception", he sets up a methodology of holistic lighting design suitable for indoor occupants and oriental space culture. We can see from these studies that perhaps people may have a more appropriate way of technology utilization when going back to the origin of comfort and human itself.

      Comfort: how much is too much? How shall we make a choice in face of multidimensional comfort? As a group of people who engage in a pragmatic profession, architects require neither complete nihilism nor simple quantitative indexes. What they actually need is the design wisdom when dealing with specific architectural problems. It is an ascending path of intelligence which integrates multiple aspects. The thirteen projects presented here in this issue are of great diversity –from headquarters in urban space to isolated houses in countryside, and from future-expressing office space to cultural heritage in ancient civilizations. But beyond the difference, we can discern a common design wisdom which brings us comfort. And it is the intelligence of keeping a more subtle balance between physical and psychological, material and immaterial, individual and environmental factors.□

      清華大學建筑學院 /《世界建筑》


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