劉 娟,張子振,孫禮俊
(1.蚌埠學院數(shù)學與物理系,安徽蚌埠 233030;2.安徽財經(jīng)大學管理科學與工程學院,安徽蚌埠 233030)
劉 娟1,張子振2,孫禮俊1
(1.蚌埠學院數(shù)學與物理系,安徽蚌埠 233030;2.安徽財經(jīng)大學管理科學與工程學院,安徽蚌埠 233030)
其中,x1( t),x2( t),y( t)分別表示未成年食餌和成年食餌及捕食者在時刻t的種群密度;a,a1,a2,b,b1,m,r,r1,r2均為正常數(shù),具體生態(tài)含義可以參考文[4];τ為捕食者消化時滯.
根據(jù)定理1可得理論上結論:當τ∈[0,4.7641)時,系統(tǒng)(16)的正平衡點E*(0.285 2, 0.101 0,1.250 0)是漸近穩(wěn)定的;當τ>4.764 1時,系統(tǒng)(16)的正平衡點E*是不穩(wěn)定的.令初值為“0.45,0.12,2.25”,取τ=4.050 0,畫出系統(tǒng)的波形圖和相圖,如圖1所示,由圖1可知正平衡點E*是漸近穩(wěn)定的;取τ=4.950 0,畫出系統(tǒng)的波形圖和相圖,如圖2所示,由圖2可知正平衡點E*是不穩(wěn)定的.
圖1 系統(tǒng)的波形圖和相圖 (τ=4.050 0)
圖2 系統(tǒng)的波形圖和相圖 (τ=4.950 0)
另外通過計算得,μ2=7.2570>0,β2=-1.770 7<0,T2=1.830 5>0.所以,由定理2可知,系統(tǒng)(16)在正平衡點E*(0.285 2,0.101 0,1.250 0)處的Hopf分支方向是超臨界的,分支周期解是穩(wěn)定的.
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Hopf Bifurcation of a Time-lag Predator-prey System With Stage-structure for Prey
LIU Juan1, ZHANG Zizhen2, SUN Lijun1
(1. Department of Mathematics and Physics, Bengbu College, Bengbu, China 233030; 2. School of Management Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, China 233030)
This paper probes into a time-lag predator-prey system with stage-structure and Holling II functional response. The local stability and the existence of Hopf bifurcation are demonstrated by analysing the relevant characteristic equation and regarding the digestion-lag of predators as the parameter. Furthermore, the computational formula which determines the orientation of Hopf bifurcation and the stability of its periodic solution by utilizing the normal form method and center manifold theorem is provided. Finally, the validity of theoretical analysis result tends to be testified by means of simulation examples.
Stage-structure; Time-lag; Hopf Bifurcation; Periodic Solution
10.3875/j.issn.1674-3563.2015.02.005 本文的PDF文件可以從xuebao.wzu.edu.cn獲得
劉娟(1976- ),女,江蘇泗洪人,講師,碩士,研究方向:生物數(shù)學