Experimental quantum teleportation
Bouwmeester,D; Pan,JW; Mattle,K; et al.
Unconditional quantum teleportation
Furusawa,A; Sorensen,JL; Braunstein,SL; et al.
Teleportation of continuous quantum variables
Braunstein,SL; Kimble,HJ
Deterministic quantum teleportation with atoms
Riebe,M; Haffner,H; Roos,CF; et al.
1 中國科學技術(shù)大學公共事務學院,合肥230026
2 清華大學物理系低微量子物理國家重點實驗室,北京100084
3 量子信息與量子科學前沿協(xié)同創(chuàng)新中心,合肥230026
4 濟南量子技術(shù)研究院,濟南250101
量子通信基于量子力學原理,將微觀世界的物質(zhì)特性運用到通信技術(shù)上,在高速傳輸和高可靠保密通信方面具有優(yōu)勢,成為當今通信技術(shù)領域的研究熱點之一.量子通信的基本思想主要由Bennett等人于20世紀80年代起相繼提出,是利用量子相干疊加、量子糾纏效應進行信息傳遞的一種新型通信技術(shù),由量子論和信息論相結(jié)合而產(chǎn)生,主要包括量子密鑰分發(fā)(quantum key distribution,QKD)、量子秘密共享(Quantum secret sharing,QSS)、量子安全直接通信(Quantum secure direct communication,QSDC)、量子密集編碼和量子隱形傳態(tài)(quantum teleportation,QT).從物理學角度看,量子通信是在物理極限下利用量子效應現(xiàn)象完成的高性能通信,從物理原理上確保通信的絕對安全,解決了通信技術(shù)無法解決的問題,是一種全新的通信方式.從信息學角度看,量子通信是利用量子不可克隆、量子測量塌縮或者量子隱形傳態(tài)等量子特性,借助量子測量的方法實現(xiàn)兩地之間的信息數(shù)據(jù)傳輸.量子通信中傳輸?shù)募扔?,1這樣的經(jīng)典信息,也有量子迭加態(tài)、糾纏態(tài)這樣的量子信息,是未來通信技術(shù)的重要發(fā)展方向.
截至2015年3月20日,中國知網(wǎng)(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的數(shù)據(jù)報告顯示,以量子通信的分支“量子隱形傳態(tài)(Quantum Teleportation)”為詞條可以檢索到的期刊文獻分別為427與644條,本專題將相關數(shù)據(jù)按照:研究機構(gòu)發(fā)文數(shù)、作者發(fā)文數(shù)、期刊發(fā)文數(shù)、被引用頻次進行排行,結(jié)果如下.
根據(jù)Web of Science統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù),以量子隱形傳態(tài)(Quantum Teleportation)為詞條可以檢索到的高被引論文排行結(jié)果如下.
基于Web of Science檢索結(jié)果,利用Histcite軟件選取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次數(shù))TOP 30文獻作為節(jié)點進行分析,得到本領域推薦的經(jīng)典文獻如下.
來源出版物:Physical Review A,1994,49(2):1473-1476
Experimental quantum teleportation
Bouwmeester,D; Pan,JW; Mattle,K; et al.
Abstract: Quantum teleportation-the transmission and reconstruction over arbitrary distances of the state of a quantum system-is demonstrated experimentally. During teleportation,an initial photon which carries the polarization that is to be transferred and one of a pair of entangled photons are subjected to a measurement such that the second photon of the entangled pair acquires the polarization of the initial photon. This latter photon can be arbitrarily far away from the initial one. Quantum teleportation will he a critical ingredient for quantum computation networks.
來源出版物:Nature,1997,390(6660): 575-579
Unconditional quantum teleportation
Furusawa,A; Sorensen,JL; Braunstein,SL; et al.
Abstract: Quantum teleportation of optical coherent states was demonstrated experimentally using squeezed-state entanglement. The quantum nature of the achieved teleportation was verified by the experimentally determined fidelity F-exp=0.58+/-0.02,which describes the match between input and output states. A fidelity greater than 0.5 is not possible for coherent states without the use of entanglement. This is the first realization of unconditional quantum teleportation where every state entering the device is actually teleported.
Keywords: podolsky-rosen paradox; sub-poissonian light; continuous-variables; atomic-state; realization; conversion; cavity
來源出版物:Science,1998,282(5389): 706-709
Teleportation of continuous quantum variables
Braunstein,SL; Kimble,HJ
Abstract: Quantum teleportation is analyzed for states of dynamical variables with continuous spectra,in contrast to previous work with discrete(spin)variables. The entanglement fidelity of the scheme is computed,including the roles of finite quantum correlation and nonideal detection efficiency. A protocol is presented for teleporting the wave function of a single mode of the electromagnetic field with high fidelity using squeezed-state entanglement and current experimental capability.
Keywords: podolsky-rosen paradox; nondegenerate parametric amplification; squeezed light; atomic-state; phase; spectroscopy; realization;channels
來源出版物:Physical Review Letters,1998,80(4): 869-872
Deterministic quantum teleportation with atoms
Riebe,M; Haffner,H; Roos,CF; et al.
Abstract: Teleportation of a quantum state encompasses the complete transfer of information from one particle to another. The complete specification of the quantum state of a system generally requires an infinite amount of information,even for simple two-level systems(qubits). Moreover,the principles of quantum mechanics dictate that any measurement on a system immediately alters its state,while yielding at most one bit of information. The transfer of a state from one system to another(by performing measurements on the first and operations on the second)might therefore appear impossible. However,it has been shown(1)that the entangling properties of quantum mechanics,in combination with classical communication,allow quantum-state teleportation to be performed. Teleportation using pairs of entangled photons has been demonstrated(2-6),but such techniques are probabilistic,requiring post-selection of measured photons. Here,we report deterministic quantum-state teleportation between a pair of trapped calcium ions. Following closely the original proposal(1),we create a highly entangled pair of ions and perform a complete Bell-state measurement involving one ion from this pair and a third source ion. State reconstruction conditioned on this measurement is then performed on the other half of the entangled pair. The measured fidelity is 75%,demonstrating unequivocally the quantum nature of the process.
Keywords: Podolsky-Rosen Channels; Computer; State
來源出版物:Nature,2004,429(6993): 734-737聯(lián)系郵箱:Blatt,R; Rainer.Blatt@uibk.ac.at
1 中國科學技術(shù)大學公共事務學院,合肥230026
2 清華大學物理系低微量子物理國家重點實驗室,北京100084
3 量子信息與量子科學前沿協(xié)同創(chuàng)新中心,合肥230026
4 濟南量子技術(shù)研究院,濟南250101
量子通信的基本思想主要由Bennett 等于20世紀80年代和90年代起相繼提出,主要包括量子密鑰分發(fā)(quantum key distribution,QKD)[1]和量子態(tài)隱形傳輸(quantum teleportation)[2].量子密鑰分發(fā)可以建立安全的通信密碼,通過一次一密的加密方式可以實現(xiàn)點對點方式的安全經(jīng)典通信.這里的安全性是在數(shù)學上已經(jīng)獲得嚴格證明的安全性,這是經(jīng)典通信迄今為止做不到的.現(xiàn)有的量子密鑰分發(fā)技術(shù)可以實現(xiàn)百公里量級的量子密鑰分發(fā)[3],輔以光開關等技術(shù),還可以實現(xiàn)量子密鑰分發(fā)網(wǎng)絡[4;5].量子態(tài)隱形傳輸是基于量子糾纏態(tài)的分發(fā)與量子聯(lián)合測量,實現(xiàn)量子態(tài)(量子信息)的空間轉(zhuǎn)移而又不移動量子態(tài)的物理載體,這如同將密封信件內(nèi)容從一個信封內(nèi)轉(zhuǎn)移到另一個信封內(nèi)而又不移動任何信息載體自身.這在經(jīng)典通信中是無法想象的事.基于量子態(tài)隱形傳輸技術(shù)和量子存儲技術(shù)的量子中繼器可以實現(xiàn)任意遠距離的量子密鑰分發(fā)及網(wǎng)絡.
量子通信的實現(xiàn)基于量子態(tài)傳輸.為便于傳輸,現(xiàn)有的量子通信實驗一般以光子為量子態(tài)載體,其表現(xiàn)形式即為光子態(tài)傳輸. 量子信息的編碼空間以光偏振(見圖1)為主.
基于BB84協(xié)議的量子密鑰分發(fā)無需共享糾纏對資源,只需要單光子態(tài)傳輸.目前真實系統(tǒng)沒有理想單光子源,采用的是近似單光子源,即強度為單光子量級的弱激光源,后簡稱弱光.由于傳輸損耗,基于弱光傳輸?shù)牧孔用荑€分發(fā)安全距離受到嚴重限制.另一方面,竊聽者可以冒充通道損耗進行光子分數(shù)攻擊(photon number splitting attack,PNS attack)[11;12].文獻分析表明,現(xiàn)有技術(shù)的安全距離實際上不到20公里.一個行之有效的辦法是采用近年發(fā)展起來的誘騙態(tài)方法(decoy-state method)[13~16],它雖然繼續(xù)采用現(xiàn)有光源,但安全性等價于理想單光子源,距離與理想單光子源距離基本相同.
2.1BB84 協(xié)議及其安全性
如前所說,單光子的不可分割性是量子密碼安全性的重要物理基礎.然而,多光子脈沖不再擁有不可分割性.例如,一個包含兩個光子的脈沖,原則上可以被分割為兩個單光子脈沖,所以其安全性基礎就不復存在了,就會遭受光子數(shù)分離攻擊,下面我們來具體介紹下光子數(shù)分離攻擊[11;12].由于量子通信通道損耗率極大,對于100 km以上的距離,加上探測效率,整體效率將小于千分之一.根據(jù)理論證明,理想單光子源即便在高損耗通道下也是絕對安全的,可是實際系統(tǒng)使用的弱光在高損耗通道下則結(jié)果完全不同:竊聽者可以冒充通道損耗通過光子數(shù)分離攻擊而獲得全部密碼.如圖3所示,為表述方便,我們以偏振空間為例.弱相干態(tài)脈沖實際上是單光子與多光子脈沖的概率混合.即,在所發(fā)出的非真空脈沖中,有些是單光子的,有些是多光子的(2光子,3光子,…).多光子脈沖即包含了多個全同偏振光子.竊聽者可將其分離,自己留下一個,將剩余光子送到遠程合法用戶.對于這些多光子脈沖,竊聽者可以擁有與合法用戶完全一樣的偏振光子而不對遠程合法用戶的光子偏振態(tài)造成任何擾動.即,對于多光子脈沖,竊聽者可以擁有100%的信息而不被察覺.竊聽者可以選擇將所有單光子脈沖完全吸收而使得遠程合法用戶的所有比特皆由光源的多光子脈沖產(chǎn)生.竊聽者的行為不會被合法用戶察覺,因為竊聽者可以對每個單獨脈沖隨時調(diào)整通道衰減系數(shù),從而使得遠程合法用戶的探測器計數(shù)率等同于高損耗自然通道.
對于2005年以前的弱相干態(tài)密鑰分發(fā)實驗[20;23~27],竊聽者可獲取全部信息而不留下任何痕跡.事實上,量子密碼發(fā)明者之一,Brassard等[11;12]早在2000年就對弱相干態(tài)量子密碼實驗做出批評,Brassard等在其著名論文的摘要部分指出:“Existing experimental schemes(based on weak pulses)currently do not offer unconditional security for the reported distances and signal strength”,即:“現(xiàn)有基于(相干態(tài))弱脈沖的做法,據(jù)其所報告的距離及所采用的脈沖強度,并不提供絕對安全性.”Brassard的這一評論適用于2005年以前所有基于弱相干光的量子密鑰分發(fā)實驗[20;23~27].幸運的是,于2005年起發(fā)展起來的誘騙態(tài)量子密碼理論,提供了一個基于弱相干光源的安全量子密鑰分發(fā)方案.
誘騙態(tài)方法的首個實驗由清華大學和中國科技大學等單位的聯(lián)合團隊完成[28],這也成為歷史上首次超過100 km的安全量子密鑰分發(fā).同一時期的實驗還有美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室與美國國家標準局團隊的合作實驗[29]、維也納大學等單位的實驗[30]等.此后,中國科技大學結(jié)合光開關技術(shù),把誘騙態(tài)方法用于量子網(wǎng)絡,先后實現(xiàn)了3節(jié)點與5節(jié)點的量子網(wǎng)絡安全通信[4].迄今為止,基于誘騙態(tài)方法的量子密鑰分發(fā)已經(jīng)至少獲得世界主要研究機構(gòu)近20個公開發(fā)表的在不同條件下的實驗證實.盡管誘騙態(tài)方法未必就是唯一方法[31;32],由于其安全性和實用性,事實上,誘騙態(tài)方法已經(jīng)成為當前量子密碼走向?qū)嶋H應用的最重要方法.近年來,中國科學家們致力于參與這一主戰(zhàn)場的研究,在實驗與理論方面取得國際領先的廣泛成果.自清華—中科大聯(lián)合團隊2007年在國際上率先利用誘騙態(tài)手段實現(xiàn)了絕對安全距離超過一百公里的量子密鑰分發(fā)[28]以來,中國科技大學潘建偉小組又于2010年率先實現(xiàn)絕對安全距離達200 km的量子密鑰分發(fā)[3],為目前國際上絕對安全量子密鑰分發(fā)最遠距離.他們還采用光開關技術(shù),于2008年10月初完成了誘騙態(tài)量子密鑰分發(fā)的“光量子電話網(wǎng)”[4](此前國內(nèi)外其他小組的量子密碼網(wǎng)絡的實驗因為沒有采用誘騙態(tài)方法而不安全).清華大學王向斌小組則通過系統(tǒng)化的理論研究已經(jīng)證明即便光源強度有較大漲落誘騙態(tài)方法依然有效,給出了相關安全成碼的計算公式[7;33~38].
輔以光開關技術(shù)后,誘騙態(tài)方法還可用以實現(xiàn)量子通信網(wǎng)絡.由于沒有量子存儲器,這種網(wǎng)絡的量子密鑰分發(fā)距離不能超越點對點的量子密鑰分發(fā)距離.然而,網(wǎng)絡上的任何兩個用戶可以通過光開.關切換實現(xiàn)量子密鑰分發(fā).我國在2009年實現(xiàn)了3節(jié)點的鏈狀量子通信網(wǎng)絡[4],為世界上首個基于誘騙態(tài)方案的量子語音通信網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng),實現(xiàn)了實時網(wǎng)絡通話和三方對講功能,演示了無條件安全的量子通信的可實用化.此成果很快被美國《Science》雜志以“量子電話”為題進行了報道,亦被歐洲物理學會《物理世界》以“中國誕生量子網(wǎng)絡”為題做了專題報道..隨后,又實現(xiàn)了5 COQC網(wǎng)絡以及Tokyo QKD network不同,這兩個量子通信網(wǎng)絡是基于誘騙態(tài)方案的成熟技術(shù),追求并逐步實現(xiàn)滿足信息論定義下嚴格安全性要求的實用性,而不是歐洲、美國和日本同行所做的多種技術(shù)的混合展示.我國此類小規(guī)模的演示性網(wǎng)絡還有多節(jié)點的城域量子政務網(wǎng).
3.2.13 節(jié)點量子電話網(wǎng)
兩條鏈路的量子信道光纖長度都在20 km左右,最終成碼率均大于15 kbps,如表1所示.這個指標可以滿足基于“One Time Pad”的保密電話需求.
3.2.25 節(jié)點量子電話網(wǎng)
圖6中所示1#光纖長10.047 km,2#光纖長8.447 km,3#光纖長9.904 km,4#光纖長8.417 km,5#光纖長60 km,如表2所示.
該網(wǎng)絡節(jié)點最短通信距離約為17 km.各節(jié)點安全成碼率如表3所示.
從表3中可見,該網(wǎng)絡在通信距離為20 km時,安全成碼率最低,仍可達120 kbps.因此該網(wǎng)絡可實現(xiàn)基于“One time pad”的安全保密電話功能.
所有基于糾纏的量子通信任務都需要通信雙方預先共享量子糾纏態(tài)(見圖7).因此,糾纏光子對分發(fā)技術(shù)是一切后續(xù)目標的基礎.光子對在偏振空間的糾纏態(tài)由于檢測方式簡單和各種其他的易操作性,這種糾纏光子對具有特別重要的應用前景.近年來,這方面的實驗研究十分活躍.維也納小組于2003年完成了600 m距離的自由空間偏振糾纏分發(fā)[7].后來有其他歐美小組在光纖中實現(xiàn)了1 km的量子糾纏分發(fā).我國科學家于2006年完成了13 km距離的自由空間偏振糾纏分發(fā)[8].其糾纏源來自基于BBO晶體的II型參量下轉(zhuǎn)換.在經(jīng)過濾波片后每秒約產(chǎn)出10000個糾纏對,波長為702.2 nm,后光路采用了大型望遠鏡系統(tǒng)進行接收探測.此實驗結(jié)果一個標志性的意義在于首次證實光子糾纏對分發(fā)距離可以超過與大氣層等效衰減的距離.這對尚在論證中的以衛(wèi)星為中轉(zhuǎn)站的洲際量子密鑰分發(fā)的可行性無疑有著重要啟示[39].除了自由空間外,糾纏光子對分發(fā)也在光纖中也成功實現(xiàn)了[40~44].現(xiàn)今實用中的偏振糾纏對主要依靠下轉(zhuǎn)換方法產(chǎn)生.這是一種概率性糾纏源.研究表明,高品質(zhì)確定性糾纏源是有可能的[45].
首個量子態(tài)隱形傳輸于1997年底在奧地利Zeilinger小組完成[6].這項工作由Bouwmeester以及中國學者潘建偉等人基于下轉(zhuǎn)換光子對以及分光鏡的集體測量技術(shù)完成.這項工作引起了全世界的廣泛關注,也使得全世界對量子信息的研究熱潮空前高漲.之后,世界各國科學家對這一問題進行了更加廣泛和深入的研究.其中,中國學者們在世界各地都取得了多項領先實驗成果.他們于2003年首次在室內(nèi)實現(xiàn)了基本四光子的量子態(tài)隱形傳輸試驗[46],使得量子態(tài)隱形傳輸能應用在更加廣泛的量子通信和量子計算中.2004年,在首次實現(xiàn)五光子糾纏的基礎上,又實現(xiàn)了一種更新穎的量子態(tài)隱形傳輸,即終端開放的量子態(tài)隱形傳輸[47],為后繼分布式量子信息處理做出了貢獻.2006年,首次實現(xiàn)了兩光子復合系統(tǒng)的量子態(tài)隱形傳輸[48].此前,所有的量子態(tài)隱形傳輸實驗都只能傳輸單個粒子的量子態(tài),而實現(xiàn)復合系統(tǒng)量子態(tài)隱形傳輸一直是個巨大的實驗難題.2010年,中國學者們在中國本土更實現(xiàn)了舉世矚目跨越長城的16 km距離的量子態(tài)隱形傳輸[49].到2012年,中國科學家們在青海湖地區(qū)已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)了百公里量級的量子態(tài)隱形傳輸和量子密鑰分發(fā)[50],這也是迄今為止真正量子糾纏分發(fā)的最遠距離.同1997年首個實驗的厘米量級相比,其進展在10多年前是根本不敢想象的.這一成果將對遠距離量子通信的實現(xiàn)產(chǎn)生深遠影響.
目前采用誘騙態(tài)方法的最遠實驗距離是200 km.盡管隨著檢測技術(shù)的提高,該距離還會進一步提高,但是,由于成碼率隨著距離呈指數(shù)衰減,而單量子態(tài)信號又不能在中途放大,因此,基于經(jīng)典相干態(tài)光源的誘騙態(tài)方法很難直接完成全球化量子通信任務.
如前文所述,實現(xiàn)量子中繼的幾項基本技術(shù)組件,量子糾纏分發(fā),量子糾纏轉(zhuǎn)換已經(jīng)獲得10 km量級的實現(xiàn),這已經(jīng)具備建立具有實際價值的量子中繼站的要求.要實現(xiàn)有意義的量子中繼,還需要能對量子糾纏態(tài)存儲.這項要求具有巨大挑戰(zhàn)性,實際上是量子中繼的最關鍵技術(shù).2007年,潘建偉小組提出了具有存儲功能并且對信道長度抖動不敏感、誤碼率低的高效率量子中繼器的理論方案[53];在此基礎上,2008年,該小組利用冷原子氣體在國際上首次實現(xiàn)了具有存儲和讀出功能的量子中繼器[54],建立了由300 m光纖連接的兩個冷原子系綜之間的量子糾纏.這種冷原子系綜之間的量子糾纏可以被讀出并轉(zhuǎn)化為光子糾纏,以進行進一步的傳輸和量子操作.《Nature》雜志發(fā)布了題為“量子推動”的新聞稿,稱贊該工作“掃除了量子通信中的一大絆腳石”,并在網(wǎng)頁上發(fā)布了題為“量子密碼可以走遠了”的報道.同年底,該成果入選歐洲物理學會評選的“The best of 2008”.2009年,清華大學小組提出了改進的方案[55],使得容錯量子中繼操作甚至無需校驗光.
自由空間量子通信是解決光子數(shù)信道損耗問題的另一有效途徑.研究表明,利用低軌衛(wèi)星和自由空間糾纏光子分發(fā),通過“量子信號從地面上發(fā)射并穿透大氣層——衛(wèi)星接收到量子信號并按需要將其轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)到另一特定衛(wèi)星——量子信號從該特定衛(wèi)星上再次穿透大氣層到達地球某個角落的指定接收地點”的方法(圖11),很有希望實現(xiàn)更遠距離乃至全球化的量子通信.由于量子信號的攜帶者光子在外層空間傳播時幾乎沒有損耗,如果能夠在技術(shù)上實現(xiàn)糾纏光子在穿透整個大氣層后仍然存活并保持其糾纏特性,人們就可以在衛(wèi)星的幫助下實現(xiàn)全球化的量子通信.2005年的13 km自由空間量子糾纏和量子密鑰分發(fā)[8],和2010年的16 km遠距離自由空間量子態(tài)隱形傳輸實驗[49],2013年實現(xiàn)的基于浮空平臺,利用了多項自動跟蹤掃描對準技術(shù)的量子密鑰分發(fā)實驗[50]以及之前的量子糾纏實驗[56;57]為星地量子通信打下了重要基礎.
來源出版物:物理學進展,2000,20(4): 407-431
來源出版物:量子電子學報,2004,21(6): 706-718
來源出版物:物理,2001,30(5): 286-293
關鍵詞:純態(tài);糾纏度;密度矩陣;量子通訊;反演變換;糾纏態(tài);混合態(tài) 定域性;糾纏程度;量子態(tài)
來源出版物:物理學報,2000,49(5): 825-829
來源出版物:西安電子科技大學學報(自然科學版),2006,33(6): 839-843
來源出版物:中國科學:物理學 力學 天文學,2011,41(4): 332-342
來源出版物:物理學報,2004,53(11): 3733-3738
來源出版物:物理,2002,31(6): 385-391
摘要:分析經(jīng)典選擇重傳自動請求重傳(automatic repeat-request,ARQ)協(xié)議之后,利用量子力學中糾纏態(tài)的非定域關聯(lián)性,提出了數(shù)據(jù)鏈路層的選擇重傳ARQ量子同步通信協(xié)議.該協(xié)議把鏈路分為準備階段和發(fā)送階段.在線路準備階段完成EPR(Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen)關聯(lián)對的分發(fā),建立量子信道;在發(fā)送階段完成數(shù)據(jù)幀和量子確認幀的傳送.從吞吐量和信道利用率等方面比較分析了幾種常見的數(shù)據(jù)鏈路層通信協(xié)議的性能.研究表明,該協(xié)議可以有效地提高數(shù)據(jù)鏈路層的最大吞吐量和信道利用率,改善選擇重傳ARQ協(xié)議的性能,在受時間瓶頸限制的通信中有著重要的應用價值.
來源出版物:物理學報,2010,59(4): 2193-2199
摘要:利用W態(tài)糾纏源可以產(chǎn)生三糾纏粒子,用這些相互糾纏的粒子作為量子信道,再輔以經(jīng)典信道傳送Bell基聯(lián)合測量信息和von Neumann測量信息,便可實現(xiàn)量子隱形傳態(tài)網(wǎng)絡.基于上述思想,研究了三糾纏粒子量子隱形傳態(tài)網(wǎng)絡的物理基礎,得到了基于三粒子W態(tài)下隱形傳態(tài)的幺正變換矩陣,設計了一個基于三糾纏粒子的量子隱形傳態(tài)網(wǎng)絡,給出了一個基于該網(wǎng)絡的通信方案.網(wǎng)絡中的各站點按所述方法便可實現(xiàn)任意站點間的量子通信.
來源出版物:物理學報,2007,56(4): 1881-1887
Experimental quantum teleportation
Bouwmeester; Pan,JW; Mattle,K; et al.
Abstract: 參見本期“經(jīng)典文獻推薦”欄目.
Unconditional quantum teleportation
Furusawa,A; Sorensen,JL; Braunstein,SL; et al.
Abstract: 參見本期“經(jīng)典文獻推薦”欄目.
Teleportation of continuous quantum variables
Braunstein,SL; Kimble,HJ
Abstract: 參見本期“經(jīng)典文獻推薦”欄目.
Deterministic quantum teleportation with atoms
Riebe,M; Haffner,H; Roos,CF; et al.
Abstract: 參見本期“經(jīng)典文獻推薦”欄目.
Deterministic quantum teleportation of atomic qubits
Barrett,MD; Chiaverini,J; Schaetz,T; et al.
Abstract: Quantum teleportation(1)provides a means to transport quantum information efficiently from one location to another,without the physical transfer of the associated quantum-information carrier. This is achieved by using the non-local correlations of previously distributed,entangled quantum bits(qubits). Teleportation is expected to play an integral role in quantum communication(2)and quantum computation(3). Previous experimental demonstrations have been implemented with optical systems that used both discrete and continuous variables(4-9),and with liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance(10). Here we report unconditional teleportation(5)of massive particle qubits using atomic(Be-9(+))ions confined in a segmented ion trap,which aids individual qubit addressing. We achieve an average fidelity of 78 percent,which exceeds the fidelity of any protocol that does not use entanglement(11). This demonstration is also important because it incorporates most of the techniques necessary for scalable quantum information processing in an ion-trap system(12,13).
Keywords: podolsky-rosen channels; trapped ions; state; information; operations
來源出版物:Nature,2004,429(6993): 737-739聯(lián)系郵箱:Wineland,DJ; djw@boulder.nist.gov
Quantum teleportation using three-particle entanglement
Karlsson,A; Bourennane,M
Abstract: We investigate the “teleportation” of a quantum state using three-particle entanglement to either one of two receivers in such a way that,generally,either one of the two,but only one,ran fully reconstruct the quantum state conditioned on the measurement outcome of the other. We furthermore delineate the similarities between this process and a quantum nondemolition measurement.
Keywords: theorem; cannot; logic; state
來源出版物:Physical Review A,1998,58(6): 4394-4400聯(lián)系郵箱:Karlsson,A; andkar@ele.kth.se
Complete quantum teleportation using nuclear magnetic resonance
Nielsen,MA; Knill,E; Laflamme,R; et al.
Abstract: Quantum-mechanical systems have information processing capabilities(1,2)that are not possible with classical devices,One example is quantum teleportation(3),in which the quantum state of a system is transported from one location to another without moving through the intervening space. But although partial implementations(4,5)of quantum teleportation over macroscopic distances have beenachieved using optical systems,the final stage of the teleportation procedure-which allows the complete recovery of the original state-was omitted. Here we report an experimental implementation of full quantum teleportation over interatomic distances using liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. We achieve teleportation of the quantum state of a carbon nucleus to a hydrogen nucleus in molecules of trichloroethylene,by exploiting natural phase decoherence of the carbon nuclei. Such a teleportation scheme may be used as a subroutine in larger quantum computations,or for quantum communication.
Keywords: entanglement; state; computation; channels
來源出版物:Nature,1998,396(6706): 52-55
Quantum teleportation of a polarization state with a complete Bell state measurement
Kim,YH; Kulik,SP; Shih,Y
Abstract: We report a quantum teleportation experiment in which nonlinear interactions an used for the Bell state measurements. The experimental results demonstrate the working principle of irreversibly teleporting an unknown arbitrary polarization state from one system to another distant system by disassembling into and then later reconstructing from purely classical information and nonclassical EPR correlations. The distinct feature of this experiment is that all four Bell states can be distinguished in the Bell state measurement. Teleportation of a polarization state can thus occur with certainty in principle.
來源出版物:Physical Review Letters,2001,86(7): 1370-1373
Multipartite entanglement for continuous variables: A quantum teleportation network
van Loock,P; Braunstein,SL
Abstract: We show that one single-mode squeezed state distributed among N parties using linear optics suffices to produce a truly N-partite entangled state for any nonzero squeezing and arbitrarily many parties. From this N-partite entangled state,via quadrature measurements of N-2 modes,bipartite entanglement between any two of the N parties can be “distilled”,which enables quantum teleportation with an experimentally determinable fidelity better than could be achieved in any classical scheme.
來源出版物:Physical Review Letters,2000,84(15): 3482-3485
Quantum teleportation between light and matter
Sherson,Jacob F; Krauter,Hanna; Olsson,Rasmus K; et al.
Abstract: Quantum teleportation(1)is an important ingredient in distributed quantum networks(2),and can also serve as an elementary operation in quantum computers(3). Teleportation was first demonstrated as a transfer of a quantum state of light onto another light beam(4-6); later developments used optical relays(7)and demonstrated entanglement swapping for continuous variables(8). The teleportation of a quantum state between two single material particles(trapped ions)has now also been achieved(9,10). Here we demonstrate teleportation between objects of a different nature-light and matter,which respectively represent ‘flying’ and ‘stationary’ media. A quantum state encoded in a light pulse is teleported onto a macroscopic object(an atomic ensemble containing 10(12)caesium atoms). Deterministic teleportation is achieved for sets of coherent states with mean photon number(n)up to a few hundred. The fidelities are 0.58+/-0.02 for n=20 and 0.60+/-0.02 for n=55-higher than any classical state transfer can possibly achieve(11). Besides being of fundamental interest,teleportation using a macroscopic atomic ensemble is relevant for the practical implementation of a quantum repeater(2). An important factor for the implementation of quantum networks is the teleportation distance between transmitter and receiver; this is 0.5 metres in the present experiment. As our experiment uses propagating light to achieve the entanglement of light and atoms required for teleportation,the present approach should be scalable to longer distances.
Keywords: podolsky-rosen channels; single photons; state; operations; storage
來源出版物:Nature,2006,443(7111): 557-560聯(lián)系郵箱:Polzik,ES; polzik@nbi.dk
摘要:偏振控制在光通信中是至關重要的技術(shù),關系著通信系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)定性和誤碼率.本文提出一種基于雙向Sagnac環(huán)工作方式的全光纖高速偏振控制方案,通過調(diào)節(jié)環(huán)中一個光纖電光相位調(diào)制器的相位差而精確控制光場偏振方向,并且實現(xiàn)了單個端口輸出各種偏振態(tài),無需后續(xù)耦合操作.相位控制精度為10-3rad,最大消光比可達30 dB,工作速率可達2 GHz.由于本方案的精度、調(diào)制速度和穩(wěn)定性都很高,并采用了器件簡單、成本低廉的全光纖光路,易于集成,在量子保密通信等光通信領域中有很好的應用前景.
來源出版物:物理學報,2013,62(8): 084214聯(lián)系郵箱:吳令安,wula@aphy.iphy.ac.cn
來源出版物:物理,2013,42(8): 544-551聯(lián)系郵箱:龍桂魯,gllong@tsinghua.edu.cn
來源出版物:物理學報,2014,63(14): 140303聯(lián)系郵箱:彭承志,pcz@ustc.edu.cn
來源出版物:計算機應用,2014,34(2): 438-441聯(lián)系郵箱:耿煥同,htgeng@nuist.edu.cn
來源出版物:光子學報,2014,43(8): 0827001聯(lián)系郵箱:葉志清,yezhiqing2008@163.com
摘要:中尺度沙塵暴是美國內(nèi)華達州、我國北部及中東國家等地沙塵天氣的常見形式.為了研究中尺度沙塵暴對量子衛(wèi)星通信信道的影響,首先分析了沙塵暴的物理特性,根據(jù)中尺度沙塵暴的擴散模型,提出了中尺度沙塵特性與量子糾纏度的關系;然后仿真了沙塵特性對量子衛(wèi)星信道參數(shù)的影響.結(jié)果表明,如果沙塵擴散時間為12 h,中尺度沙塵粒子半徑分別為1和25 μm,則量子衛(wèi)星信道的糾纏度依次為0.6和0.4,信道的利用率分別為0.9和0.8,信道容量分別為0.95和0.8.由此可見,量子信道的各種參數(shù)與沙塵暴的特性密切相關.因此,為了提高量子衛(wèi)星通信的可靠性,應根據(jù)沙塵災變程度,自適應調(diào)整衛(wèi)星信道的各種參數(shù).
來源出版物:物理學報,2014,63(24): 240303聯(lián)系郵箱:尚鵬鋼,shang_penggang@163.com
來源出版物:量子光學學報,2014,20(3): 187-191聯(lián)系郵箱:于濤,tayu@pku.edu.cn
來源出版物:中國科學:物理學 力學 天文學,2015,45(3): 030001聯(lián)系郵箱:陳小余,xychen@zjgsu.edu.cn
Deterministic quantum teleportation with feed-forward in a solid state system
Steffen,L; Salathe,Y; Oppliger,M; et al.
Abstract: Engineered macroscopic quantum systems based on superconducting electronic circuits are attractive for experimentally exploring diverse questions in quantum information science(1-3). At the current state of the art,quantum bits(qubits)are fabricated,initialized,controlled,read out and coupled to each other in simple circuits. This enables the realization of basic logic gates(4),the creation of complex entangled states(5,6)and the demonstration of algorithms(7)or error correction(8). Using different variants of low-noise parametric amplifiers(9),dispersive quantum non-demolition single-shot readout of single-qubit states with high fidelity has enabled continuous(10)and discrete(11)feedback control of single qubits. Here we realize full deterministic quantum teleportation with feed-forward in a chip-based superconducting circuit architecture(12-14). We use a set of two parametric amplifiers for both joint two-qubit and individual qubit single-shot readout,combined with flexible real-time digital electronics. Our device uses a crossed quantum bustechnology that allows us to create complex networks with arbitrary connecting topology in a planar architecture. The deterministic teleportation process succeeds with order unit probability for any input state,as we prepare maximally entangled two-qubit states as a resource and distinguish all Bell states in a single two-qubit measurement with high efficiency and high fidelity. We teleport quantum states between two macroscopic systems separated by 6 mm at a rate of 104s-1,exceeding other reported implementations. The low transmission loss of superconducting waveguides is likely to enable the range of this and other schemes to be extended to significantly larger distances,enabling tests of non-locality and the realization of elements for quantum communication at microwave frequencies. The demonstrated feed-forward may also find application in error correction schemes.
Keywords: superconducting circuits; qubits; entanglement; computation; information
來源出版物:Nature,2013,500(7462): 319-322聯(lián)系郵箱:Steffen,L; lsteffen@phys.ethz.ch
Deterministic quantum teleportation between distant atomic objects
Krauter,H ; Salart,D; Muschik,CA; et al.
Abstract: Quantum teleportation is a key ingredient in quantum networks(1,2)and one of the building blocks for quantum computation(3,4). Teleportation between distant material objects using light as the quantum-information carrier has been a particularly exciting goal. Here we propose and demonstrate the deterministic continuous-variable teleportation between distant material objects. The objects are macroscopic atomic ensembles at room temperature. Entanglement required for teleportation is distributed by light propagating from one ensemble to the other. We demonstrate that the experimental fidelity of the quantum teleportation is higher than that achievable by any classical process. Furthermore,we demonstrate the benefits of deterministic teleportation by teleporting a sequence of spin states evolving in time from one distant object onto another. The teleportation protocol is applicable to other important systems,such as mechanical oscillators coupled to light or cold spin ensembles coupled to microwaves.
Keywords: light; qubits; communication; operations; ensembles; matter
來源出版物:Nature Physics,2013,9(7): 400-404聯(lián)系郵箱:Polzik,ES; polzik@nbi.dk
Deterministic quantum teleportation of photonic quantum bits by a hybrid technique
Takeda,Shuntaro; Mizuta,Takahiro; Fuwa,Maria; et al.
Abstract: Quantum teleportation(1)allows for the transfer of arbitrary unknown quantum states from a sender to a spatially distant receiver,provided that the two parties share an entangled state and can communicate classically. It is the essence of many sophisticated protocols for quantum communication and computation(2-5). Photons are an optimal choice for carrying information in the form of 'flying qubits',but the teleportation of photonic quantum bits(6-11)(qubits)has been limited by experimental inefficiencies and restrictions. Main disadvantages include the fundamentally probabilistic nature of linear-optics Bell measurements(12),as well as the need either to destroy the teleported qubit or attenuate the input qubit when the detectors do not resolve photon numbers(13). Here we experimentally realize fully deterministic quantum teleportation of photonic qubits without post-selection. The key step is to make use of a hybrid technique involving continuous-variable teleportation(14-16)of a discrete-variable,photonic qubit. When the receiver’s feedforward gain is optimally tuned,the continuous-variable teleporter acts as a pure loss channel(17,18),and the input dual-rail-encoded qubit,based on a single photon,represents a quantum error detection code against photon loss(19)and hence remains completely intact for most teleportation events. This allows for a faithful qubit transfer even with imperfect continuous-variable entangled states: for four qubits the overall transfer fidelities range from 0.79 to 0.82 and all of them exceed the classical limit of teleportation. Furthermore,even for a relatively low level of the entanglement,qubits are teleported much more efficiently than in previous experiments,albeit post-selectively(taking into account only the qubit subspaces),and with a fidelity comparable to the previously reported values.
Keywords: podolsky-rosen channels; experimental realization; state; computation; operations; qubits
來源出版物:Nature,2013,500(7462): 315-318聯(lián)系郵箱:Furusawa,A; akiraf@ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Unconditional quantum teleportation between distant solid-state quantum bits
Pfaff,W; Hensen,BJ; Bernien,H; et al.
Abstract: Realizing robust quantum information transfer between long-lived qubit registers is a key challenge for quantum information science and technology. Here we demonstrate unconditional teleportation of arbitrary quantum states between diamond spin qubits separated by 3 meters. We prepare the teleporter through photon-mediated heralded entanglement between two distant electron spins and subsequently encode the source qubit in a single nuclear spin. By realizing a fully deterministic Bell-state measurement combined with real-time feed-forward,quantum teleportation is achieved upon each attempt with an average state fidelity exceeding the classical limit. These results establish diamond spin qubits as a prime candidate for the realization of quantum networks for quantum communication and network-based quantum computing.
Keywords: spin; qubits; information; register; diamond
來源出版物:Science,2014,345(6196): 532-535聯(lián)系郵箱:Hanson,R; r.hanson@tudelft.nl
Relativistic Quantum Teleportation with Superconducting Circuits
Friis,N; Lee,AR; Truong,K; et al.
Abstract: We study the effects of relativistic motion on quantum teleportation and propose a realizable experiment where our results can be tested. We compute bounds on the optimal fidelity of teleportation when one of the observers undergoes nonuniform motion for a finite time. The upper bound to the optimal fidelity is degraded due to the observer’s motion. However,we discuss how this degradation can be corrected. These effects are observable for experimental parameters that are within reach of cutting-edge superconducting technology.
來源出版物:Physical Review Letters,2013,110(11)文獻號: 113602
Near-deterministic quantum teleportation and resource-efficient quantum computation using linear optics and hybrid qubits
Lee,Seung-Woo; Jeong,Hyunseok
Abstract: We propose a scheme to realize deterministic quantum teleportation using linear optics and hybrid qubits. It enables one to efficiently perform teleportation and universal linear-optical gate operations in a simple and near-deterministic manner using all-optical hybrid entanglement as off-line resources. Our analysis shows that our approach outperforms previous ones when considering both the resource requirements and fault-tolerance limits.
來源出版物:Physical Review A,2013,87(2)文獻號: 022326聯(lián)系郵箱:Jeong,Hyunseok; h.jeong37@gmail.com
Quantum teleportation from a propagating photon to a solid-state spin qubit
Gao,WB; Fallahi,P; Togan,E; et al.
Abstract: A quantum interface between a propagating photon used to transmit quantum information and a long-lived qubit used for storage is of central interest in quantum information science. A method for implementing such an interface between dissimilar qubits is quantum teleportation. Here we experimentally demonstrate transfer of quantum information carried by a photon to a semiconductor spin using quantum teleportation. In our experiment,a single photon in a superposition state is generated using resonant excitation of a neutral dot. To teleport this photonic qubit,we generate an entangled spin-photon state in a second dot located 5m away and interfere the photons from the two dots in a Hong-Ou-Mandel set-up. Thanks to an unprecedented degree of photon-indistinguishability,a coincidence detection at the output of the interferometer heralds successful teleportation,which we verify by measuring the resulting spin state after prolonging its coherence time by optical spin-echo.
Keywords: single-photon; dot spin; entanglement distribution; electron spins; atomic qubits; computation; semiconductor; information;feedforward; ensembles
來源出版物:Nature Communications,2013,4文獻號: 2744聯(lián)系郵箱:Imamoglu,A; imamoglu@phys.ethz.ch
Quantum teleportation of spin coherent states: beyond continuous variables teleportation
Pyrkov,Alexey N; Byrnes,Tim
Abstract: We introduce a quantum teleportation scheme that transfers a spin coherent state between two locations using entanglement. In the scheme an unknown spin coherent state lying on the equator of the Bloch sphere,such as realized in a coherent two-component Bose-Einstein condensate,is teleported onto a distant spin coherent state using only elementary operations and measurements. The scheme works in the regime beyond the standard continuous variables approximation based on the Holstein-Primakoff transformation. We analyze the error of the protocol with the number of particles N in the spin coherent state under decoherence and find that it scales favorably with N. The simplicity of the operations involved and the robustness under decoherence should make the protocol suitable under realistic experimental conditions.
Keywords: quantum teleportation; spin coherent state; Bose-Einstein condensate; quantum entanglement; macroscopic qubit
來源出版物:New Journal of Physics,2014,16文獻號: 073038聯(lián)系郵箱:Pyrkov,Alexey N; pyrkov@icp.ac.ru
Quantum Teleportation of Dynamics and Effective Interactions between Remote Systems
Muschik,Christine A; Hammerer,Klemens; Polzik,Eugene S; et al.
Abstract: Most protocols for quantum information processing consist of a series of quantum gates,which are applied sequentially. In contrast,interactions between matter and fields,for example,as well as measurements such as homodyne detection of light are typically continuous in time. We show how the ability to perform quantum operations continuously and deterministically can be leveraged for inducing nonlocal dynamics between two separate parties. We introduce a scheme for the engineering of an interaction between two remote systems and present a protocol that induces a dynamics in one of the parties that is controlled by the other one. Both schemes apply to continuous variable systems,run continuously in time,and are based on real-time feedback.
Keywords: atomic ensembles; light; communication; entanglement; information; operations; interface
來源出版物:Physical Review Letters,2013,111(2)文獻號:020501
Quantum teleportation with nonclassical correlated states in noninertial frames
Mehri-Dehnavi,Hossein; Darabad,Robabeh Rahimi; Mohammadzadeh,Hosein; et al.
Abstract: Quantum teleportation is studied in noninertial frame,for fermionic case,when Alice and Bob share a general nonclassical correlated state. In noninertial frames,two fidelities of teleportation are given. It is found that the average fidelity of teleportation from a separable and nonclassical correlated state is increasing with the amount of nonclassical correlation of the state. However,for any particular nonclassical correlated state,the fidelity of teleportation decreases by increasing the acceleration.
Keywords: Quantum teleportation; Noninertial frames; Nonclassical correlation
來源出版物:Quantum Information Processing,2015,14(3): 1025-1034聯(lián)系郵箱:Darabad,RR; rrahimid@uwaterloo.ca
Quantum teleportation of multiple degrees of freedom of a single photon
WANG Xi-lin; CAI Xin-dong; SU Zu-en; et al.
Abstract: Quantum teleportation’ provides a ‘disembodied’ way to transfer quantum states from one object to another at a distant location,assisted by previously shared entangled states and a classical communication channel. As well as being of fundamental interest,teleportation has been recognized as an important element in long-distance quantum communication’,distributed quantum networks’ and measurementbased quantum computation. There have been numerous demonstrations of teleportation in different physical systems such as photons’s,atoms’,ionsio,H,electrons’ and superconducting circuits’3. All the previous experiments were limited to the teleportation of one degree of freedom only. However,a single quantum particle can naturally possess various degrees of freedom internal and external and with coherent coupling among them. A fundamental open challenge is to teleport multiple degrees of freedom simultaneously,which is necessary to describe a quantum particle fully and,therefore,to teleport it intact. Here we demonstrate quantum teleportation of the composite quantum states of a single photon encoded in both spin and orbital angular momentum. We use photon pairs entangled in both degrees of freedom(that is,hyper-entangled)as the quantum channel for teleportation,and develop a method to project and discriminate hyper-entangled Bell states by exploiting probabilistic quantum non-demolition measurement,which can be extended to more degrees of freedom. We verify the teleportation for both spin-orbit product states and hybrid entangled states,and achieve a teleportation fidelity ranging from 0.57 to 0.68,above the classical limit. Our work is a step towards the teleportation of more complex quantum systems,and demonstrates an increase in our technical control of scalable quantum technologies.
Keywords: entanglement; state; qubits; communication; computation; operations; bits
來源出版物:Nature,2015,518(7540): 516-519聯(lián)系郵箱:Lu,CY; cylu@ustc.edu.cn
Complete hyperentangled-Bell-state analysis for quantum communication
SHENG Yu-Bo; DENG Fu-guo; LONG Gui-lu
Abstract:It is impossible to unambiguously distinguish the four Bell states in polarization,resorting to linear optical elements only. Recently,the hyperentangled Bell state,the simultaneous entanglement in more than one degree of freedom,has been used to assist in the complete Bell-state analysis of the four Bell states. However,if the additional degree of freedom is qubitlike,one can only distinguish 7 from the group of 16 states. Here we present a way to distinguish the hyperentangled Bell states completely with the help of cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Also,we discuss its application in the quantum teleportation of a particle in an unknown state in two different degrees of freedom and in the entanglement swapping of hyperentangled states. These applications will increase the channel capacity of long-distance quantum communication.
Keywords: Podolsky-Rosen Channels; Entanglement; Teleportation; Cryptography; Nonlinearity; Repeaters; Photons; Theorem
來源出版物:Physical Review A,2010,82(3)文獻號: 032318聯(lián)系郵箱:Long,GL; gllong@tsinghua.edu.cn
Teleportation of quantum states
The recent result of Bennett et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 70,1895(1993)] of teleportation of an unknown quantum state is obtained in the framework of nonlocal measurements proposed by Aharonov and Albert [Phys. Rev. D 21,3316(1980); 24,359(1981)]. The latter method is generalized to the teleportation of a quantum state of a system with continuous variables.
Bell-State analysis; entanglement; inequalities; information; channels; theorem