數(shù)據(jù)來(lái)源:Web of Science文獻(xiàn)出版時(shí)間:2014.1—2015.5檢索時(shí)間:2015.6.5
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Annual Review of27Insect Mitochondrial Genomics: Implications forEvolution and PhylogenyCameron,Stephen L.Entomology 2014,59:95-117Annual Review of23Emerald Ash Borer Invasion of North America:Herms,Daniel A.;History,Biology,Ecology,Impacts,and ManagementMcCullough,Deborah G.Entomology 2014,59:13-30 17 The ABC gene family in arthropods: Comparative genomics and role in insecticide transport and resistance Dermauw,Wannes; Van Leeuwen,Thomas Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2014,45: 89-110Advances in fundamental and applied studies in16China of fungal biocontrol agents for use againstWang,Chengshu; Feng,Biological Controlarthropod pestsMing-Guang2014,68: 129-135 14 The novel isoxazoline ectoparasiticide fluralaner:Selective inhibition of arthropod gamma-aminobutyric acid- and L-glutamate-gated chloride channels and insecticidal/acaricidal activity Gassel,Michael; Wolf,Christian; Noack,Sandra; et al. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2014,49: 111-124Sexual communication and related behaviours inBenelli,Giovanni; Daane,13Tephritidae: current knowledge and potentialKent M.; Canale,Angelo; etJournal of Pest Scienceapplications for Integrated Pest Managemental.2014,87(3): 385-405 13 Genetic Control of Mosquitoes Alphey,Luke Annual Review of Entomology 2014,59:205-224Building the Coleoptera tree-of-life for > 8000Bocak,Ladislav; Barton,13species: composition of public DNA data and fit withChristopher; Crampton-Platt,Systematic EntomologyLinnaean classificationAlex; et al.2014,39(1): 97-110 12 Performance of the predatory mite Amblydromalus limonicus on factitious foods Vangansbeke,Dominiek; Duc Tung Nguyen; Audenaert,Joachim; et al. Biocontrol 2014,59(1): 67-77A four-component synthetic attractant for Drosophila12suzukii(Diptera: Drosophilidae)isolated fromCha,Dong H.; Adams,Todd;Pest Management Sciencefermented bait headspaceWerle,Christopher T.; et al.2014,70(2): 324-331
Environmental Sciences環(huán)境科學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Formamidinium lead trihalide: a broadly tunableEperon,Giles E.; Stranks,Energy & Environmental130perovskite for efficient planar heterojunction solarSamuel D.; Menelaou,SciencecellsChristopher; et al.2014,7(3): 982-988The origin of high efficiency in low-temperatureEnergy & EnvironmentalSun,Shuangyong; Salim,111solution-processable bilayer organometal halide ScienceTeddy; Mathews,Nripan; et al. hybrid solar cells2014,7(1): 399-407 105 Sub-150 degrees C processed meso-superstructured perovskite solar cells with enhanced efficiency Wojciechowski,Konrad; Saliba,Michael; Leijtens,Tomas; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014,7(3): 1142-1147Efficient,high yield perovskite photovoltaicEnergy & EnvironmentalXiao,Zhengguo; Bi,Cheng;95devices grown by interdiffusion ofScienceShao,Yuchuan; et al. solution-processed precursor stacking layers2014,7(8): 2619-2623 85 Lithium ion battery applications of molybdenum disulfide(MoS2)nanocomposites Stephenson,Tyler; Li,Zhi;Olsen,Brian; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014,7(1): 209-231Energy & EnvironmentalHeterogeneous nanocarbon materials for oxygen83Wang,Da-Wei; Su,Dangsheng Science reduction reaction2 014,7(2): 576-591 78 Recent intensification of wind-driven circulation in the Pacific and the ongoing warming hiatus England,Matthew H.;McGregor,Shayne; Spence,Paul; et al. Nature Climate Change 2014,4(3): 222-227Boot-Handford,M. E.;Energy & Environmental77Carbon capture and storage updateAbanades,J. C.; Anthony,E. J.;Scienceet al.2014,7(1): 130-189 76 Energy applications of ionic liquids MacFarlane,Douglas R.;Tachikawa,Naoki; Forsyth,Maria; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014,7(1): 232-250Energy & EnvironmentalPseudocapacitive oxide materials for high-rateAugustyn,Veronica; Simon,71Science electrochemical energy storagePatrice; Dunn,Bruce2 014,7(5): 1597-1614
Environmental Studies環(huán)境研究
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物England,Matthew H.;Recent intensification of wind-driven circulation inNature Climate Change 78McGregor,Shayne; Spence,the Pacific and the ongoing warming hiatus2014,4(3): 222-227Paul; et al.Increasing frequency of extreme El Nino events dueCai,Wenju; Borlace,Simon;Nature Climate Change 43to greenhouse warmingLengaigne,Matthieu; et al.2014,4(2): 111-116 36 Changes in the global value of ecosystem services Costanza,Robert; de Groot,Rudolf; Sutton,Paul; et al. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 2014,26: 152-158Trenberth,Kevin E.; Dai,Nature Climate Change 36Global warming and changes in droughtAiguo; van der Schrier,Gerard;2014,4(1): 17-22 et al.Nature Climate Change 2014,4(2): 117-12127 Retreat of Pine Island Glacier controlled by marine ice-sheet instability 2014,4(4): 287-291 22 Sustained mass loss of the northeast Greenland ice sheet triggered by regional warmingFavier,L.; Durand,G.;Cornford,S. L.; et al. A meta-analysis of crop yield under climate changeChallinor,A. J.; Watson,J.;Nature Climate Change 25and adaptationLobell,D. B.; et al.Nature Climate Change 2014,4(4): 292-299Khan,Shfaqat A.; Kjaer,Kurt H.; Bevis,Michael; et al.Biofuels from crop residue can reduce soil carbonLiska,Adam J.; Yang,Haishun;Nature Climate Change 21and increase CO2emissionsMilner,Maribeth; et al.2014,4(5): 292-299 20 Heavier summer downpours with climate change revealed by weather forecast resolution model Nature Climate Change 2014,4(7): 570-576Kendon,Elizabeth J.; Roberts,Nigel M.; Fowler,Hayley J.; etal.Regional EnvironmentalJacob,Daniela; Petersen,20EURO-CORDEX: new high-resolution climateChange Juliane; Eggert,Bastian; et al. change projections for European impact research2014,14(2): 563-579
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Carayon,Pascale; Wetterneck,Human factors systems approach to healthcareApplied Ergonomics20Tosha B.; Rivera-Rodriguez,A. quality and patient safety2014,45(1): 14-25 Joy; et al.2014,43(3-4): 387-401 12 Fundamentals of systems ergonomics/human factors Wilson,John R. Applied Ergonomics 2014,45(1): 5-13 State estimation for a class of discrete nonlinearInternational Journal ofHu,Jun; Chen,Dongyan; Du,18systems with randomly occurring uncertainties andGeneral SystemsJunhua distributed sensor delaysCrossing levels in systems ergonomics: A framework Karsh,Ben-Tzion; Waterson,Applied Ergonomics 11 2014,45(1): 45-54 6 Effects of Mental Fatigue on the Development of Physical Fatigue: A Neuroergonomic Approachto support 'mesoergonomic' inquiryPatrick; Holden,Richard J.Mehta,Ranjana K.;Parasuraman,Raja Human Factors 2014,56(4): 645-656Onnasch,Linda; Wickens,Human Performance Consequences of Stages andHuman Factors 6Christopher D.; Li,Huiyang; et Levels of Automation An Integrated Meta-Analysis2014,56(3): 476-488 al.6 ADHD and relative risk of accidents in road traffic: A meta-analysis Vaa,Truls Accident Analysis and Prevention 2014,62: 415-425Exploration and comparison of crash modificationAccident Analysis andPark,Juneyoung; Abdel-Aty,5factors for multiple treatments on rural multilanePreventionMohamed; Lee,Chris roadways2014,70: 167-177 5 Controversy in human factors constructs and the explosive use of the NASA-TLX: a measurement perspective de Winter,J. C. F. Cognition Technology & Work 2014,16(3): 289-297Parent comments and instruction during the first fourGoodwin,Arthur H.; Foss,Accident Analysis and5months of supervised driving: An opportunityRobert D.; Margolis,Lewis H.;Preventionmissed?etal.2014,69(SI): 15-22
Evolutionary Biology生物進(jìn)化學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Trends in Ecology &Genome sequencing and population genomics in37Ellegren,Hans Evolution non-model organisms2 014,29(1): 51-63Climate change,adaptation,and phenotypic Merilae,Juha; Hendry,Andrew Evolutionary Applications 36plasticity: the problem and the evidenceP.2014,7(1): 1-14 34 NEESTIMATOR v2: re-implementation of software for the estimation of contemporary effective population size(N-e)from genetic data Do,C.; Waples,R. S.; Peel,D.;et al. Molecular Ecology Resources 2014,14(1): 209-214Trends in Ecology &Agricultural expansion and its impacts on tropicalLaurance,William F.; Sayer,30EvolutionnatureJeffrey; Cassman,Kenneth G.2 014,29(2): 107-116 29 Evolution in an acidifying ocean Sunday,Jennifer M.; Calosi,Piero; Dupont,Sam; et al. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2014,29(2): 117-125Reanalysis suggests that genomic islands ofCruickshank,Tami E.; Hahn,Molecular Ecology 27speciation are due to reduced diversity,not reducedMatthew W. 2014,23(13): 3133-3157 gene flow25 Illuminating the Base of the Annelid Tree Using Transcriptomics Weigert,Anne; Helm,Conrad;Meyer,Matthias; et al. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2014,31(6): 1391-1401From algae to angiosperms-inferring the phylogenyRuhfel,Brad R.; Gitzendanner,Bmc Evolutionary Biology 25of green plants(Viridiplantae)from 360 plastidMatthew A.; Soltis,Pamela S.;2014,14 genomesetal.24 Evaluation of demographic history and neutral parameterization on the performance of F-ST outlier tests Lotterhos,Katie E.; Whitlock,Michael C. Molecular Ecology 2014,23(9): 2178-2192Trends in Ecology &How important is intraspecific genetic admixture to24Rius,Marc; Darling,John A.Evolution the success of colonising populations?2 014,29(4): 233-242
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Pikitch,Ellen K.; Rountos,The global contribution of forage fish to marineFish and Fisheries31Konstantine J.; Essington,fisheries and ecosystems2014,15(1): 43-64 Timothy E.; et al.Reviews in Fish BiologyIdentification of global marine hotspots: sentinels20Hobday,Alistair J.; Pecl,Gretta T.and Fisheriesfor change and vanguards for adaptation action2 014,24(2): 415-425 15 Energy acquisition and allocation to egg production in relation to fish reproductive strategies McBride,Richard S.; Somarakis,Stylianos; Fitzhugh,Gary R.; et al. Fish and Fisheries 2015,16(1): 23-57Pauly,Daniel; Belhabib,Dyhia;Fish and Fisheries 15China's distant-water fisheries in the 21st centuryBlomeyer,Roland; et al.2014,15(3): 474-488 15 Evolutionary impact assessment: accounting for evolutionary consequences of fishing in an ecosystem approach to fisheries management Laugen,Ane T.; Engelhard,Georg H.; Whitlock,Rebecca; et al. Fish and Fisheries 2014,15(1): 65-96Recent advances of genome mapping and Fish and Fisheries 13Yue,Gen Hua marker-assisted selection in aquaculture2014,15(3): 376-396 13 Moving beyond the current paradigm in marine population connectivity: are adults the missing link?Frisk,Michael G.; Jordaan,Adrian; Miller,Thomas J. Fish and Fisheries 2014,15(2): 242-254Excretory nitrogen metabolism and defence Journal of Fish Biology 11Chew,S. F.; Ip,Y. K.against ammonia toxicity in air-breathing fishes2014,84(3): 603-638 10 The Achilles heel for spiny lobsters: the energetics of the non-feeding post-larval stage Fitzgibbon,Quinn P.; Jeffs,Andrew G.; Battaglene,Stephen C. Fish and Fisheries 2014,15(2): 312-326Cryopreservation of rainbow trout semen using a Ciereszko,A.; Dietrich,G. J.;Aquaculture 10glucose-methanol extenderNynca,J.; et al.2014,420: 275-281
Food Science & Technology食品科學(xué)與技術(shù)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Granato,Daniel; de Araujo23Observations on the use of statistical methodsFood Research Internationalin Food Science and TechnologyCalado,Veronica Maria; Jarvis,Basil2014,55: 137-149Solid phase extraction of trace amounts ofsilver,cadmium,copper,mercury,and lead inMashhadizadeh,Mohammad22various food samples based on ethylene glycolFood Chemistrybis-mercaptoacetate modifiedHossein; Amoli-Diva,Mitra;2014,151: 300-3053-(trimethoxysilyl)-1-propanethiol coatedShapouri,Mahmoud Reza; et al.Fe3O4nanoparticles22 Review of recent data on the metabolism,biological effects,and toxicity of resveratrol in humans Cottart,Charles-Henry;Nivet-Antoine,Valerie;Beaudeux,Jean-Louis Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2014,58(1): 7-21A new strategy for determination of bisphenolNajafi,Maryam; Khafilzadeh,20A in the presence of Sudan I using aFood ChemistryZnO/CNTs/ionic liquid paste electrode in foodMohammad A.; Karimi-Maleh,2014,158 : 125-131samplesHassan20 A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for food - an international consensus Minekus,M.; Alminger,M.;Alvito,P.; et al. Food & Function 2014,5(6): 1113-1124Recent Advances in Wavelength Selection 2014,7(2): 307-323 19 Principal component analysis Bro,Rasmus; Smilde,Age K. Analytical Methods 2014,6(9): 2812-2831 Food and Bioprocess20Techniques for Hyperspectral Image ProcessingLiu,Dan; Sun,Da-Wen; Zeng,T echnology in the Food IndustryXin-AnA novel nanosensor based on Pt: Co nanoalloyJamali,Tahoora; Karimi-Maleh,Lwt-Food Science and16ionic liquid carbon paste electrode forvoltammetric determination of vitamin B-9 inHassan; Khalilzadeh,MohammadTechnologyfood samplesA.2014,57(2): 679-685 16 Effect of Convective and Vacuum-Microwave Drying on the Bioactive Compounds,Color,and Antioxidant Capacity of Sour Cherries Wojdyo,Aneta; Figiel,Adam;Lech,Krzysztof; et al. Food and Bioprocess Technology 2014,7(3): 829-841Nabavi,Seyed Fazel; Daglia,Comprehensive Reviews in15Curcumin and Liver Disease: from ChemistryFood Science and Foodto MedicineMaria; Moghaddam,AkbarHajizadeh; et al.Safety2014,13(1): 62-77
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物The spatial and temporal dynamics of speciesForest Ecology and19interactions in mixed-species forests: FromForrester,David I.Managementpattern to process2014,312:282-292Understanding the key mechanisms of tropicalForest Ecology andShiels,Aaron B.; Gonzalez,12forest responses to canopy loss and biomassManagementGrizelle deposition from experimental hurricane effects2014,332: 1-10 10 Cultural Practices for Prevention and Mitigation of Mountain Pine Beetle Infestations Fettig,Christopher J.; Gibson,Kenneth E.; Munson,A. Steven;et al. Forest Science 2014,60(3): 450-463Agricultural and ForestSchlesinger,William H.;10Transpiration in the global water cycleMeteorologyJasechko,Scott2 014,189: 115-117 10 A review of approaches for evapotranspiration partitioning Kool,D.; Agam,N.;Lazarovitch,N.; et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2014,184: 56-70Dendroecological dating of geomorphic Stoffel,Markus; Corona,Tree-Ring Research 10disturbance in treesChristophe2014,70(1): 3-20 10 Tree species is the major factor explaining C:N ratios in European forest soils Cools,N.; Vesterdal,L.; De Vos,B.; et al. Forest Ecology and Management 2014,311(SI): 3-16Are trait-based species rankings consistent Kazakou,Elena; Violle,Cyrille;Journal of Vegetation Science 10across data sets and spatial scales?Roumet,Catherine; et al.2014,25(1): 235-247 9 Airborne laser scanning-based decision support for wood procurement planning Vauhkonen,Jari; Packalen,Petteri; Malinen,Jukka; et al. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 2014,29(SI): 132-143Jenkins,Michael J.; Runyon,Interactions among the Mountain Pine Beetle,F(xiàn)orest Science 9Justin B.; Fettig,Christopher J.;Fires,and Fuels2014,60(3): 489-501 et al.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology胃腸病與肝病
Genetics & Heredity遺傳學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物L(fēng)ong non-coding RNAs: new players in cell Fatica,Alessandro; Bozzoni,Nature Reviews Genetics 91differentiation and developmentIrene2014,15(1): 7-21A general framework for estimating the relative Kircher,Martin; Witten,Nature Genetics 88pathogenicity of human genetic variantsDaniela M.; Jain,Preti; et al.2014,46(3): 310 88 Analysis of off-target effects of CRISPR/Cas-derived RNA-guided endonucleases and nickases Cho,Seung Woo; Kim,Sojung; Kim,Yongsub; et al. Genome Research 2014,24(1): 132-141The Human Gene Mutation Database: buildingStenson,Peter D.; Mort,a comprehensive mutation repository for Human Genetics 74Matthew; Ball,Edward V.; et clinical and molecular genetics,diagnostic2014,133(1): 1-9al. testing and personalized genomic medicine62 Genomic architecture and evolution of clear cell renal cell carcinomas defined by multiregion sequencing Gerlinger,Marco; Horswell,Stuart; Larkin,James; et al. Nature Genetics 2014,46(3): 225A guide to genome engineering with Kim,Hyongbum; Kim,Nature Reviews Genetics 59programmable nucleasesJin-Soo2014,15(5): 321-334 49 Highly efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in in zebrafish by homology-independent DNA repair Auer,Thomas O.; Duroure,Karine; De Cian,Anne; et al. Genome Research 2014,24(1): 142-153Epistasis and quantitative traits: using model Nature Reviews Genetics 47Mackay,Trudy F. C.organisms to study gene-gene interactions2014,15(1): 22-33 46 Application of a 5-tiered scheme for standardized classification of 2360 unique mismatch repair gene variants in the InSiGHT locus-specific database Thompson,Bryony A.;Spurdle,Amanda B.; Plazzer,John-Paul; et al. Nature Genetics 2014,46(2): 107Salama,Rafik; Sadaie,Genes & Development 46Cellular senescence and its effector programsMahito; Hoare,Matthew; et2014,28(2): 99-114 al.
Geochemistry & Geophysics地球化學(xué)與地球物理學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Early On-Orbit Performance of the VisibleCao,Changyong; De Luccia,IEEE Transactions on27Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Onboard theGeoscience And RemoteSuomi National Polar-Orbiting PartnershipFrank J.; Xiong,Xiaoxiong;Sensing(S-NPP)Satelliteetal.2014,52(2): 1142-1156Journal of Geophysical21Igneous mineralogy at Bradbury Rise: The firstSautter,V.; Fabre,C.; Forni,ChemCam campaign at Gale craterO.; et al.Research-Planets2014,119(1): 30-46 19 MIMO-SAR: Opportunities and Pitfalls Krieger,Gerhard IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014,52(5): 2628-2645In situ produced branched glycerol dialkylDe Jonge,Cindy;Geochimica Et Cosmochimica18 2014,125 : 476-491 17 The origin of water in the primitive Moon as revealed by the lunar highlands samplesglycerol tetraethers in suspended particulateStadnitskaia,Alina; Hopmans,Actamatter from the Yenisei River,Eastern SiberiaEllen C.; et al.Barnes,Jessica J.; Tartese,Romain; Anand,Mahesh; et al. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2014,390 : 244-252IEEE Transactions on17Spectral-Spatial Constraint HyperspectralJi,Rongrong; Gao,Yue;Geoscience and RemoteImage ClassificationHong,Richang; et al.Sensing2014,52(3): 1811-1824 17 Finite-frequency Rayleigh wave tomography of the western Mediterranean: Mapping its lithospheric structure Palomeras,I.; Thurner,S.;Levander,A.; et al. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 2014,15(1): 140-160Use of General Regression Neural Networks forIEEE Transactions On17 2014,52(1): 209-223 16 Ophiolites and Their Origins Dilek,Yildirim; Furnes,HaraldGenerating the GLASS Leaf Area Index Xiao,Zhiqiang; Liang,Geoscience And RemoteProduct From Time-Series MODIS SurfaceShunlin; Wang,Jindi; et al.SensingReflectanceElements 2014,10(2): 93-100Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes of16major lithologies from the Jiaodong Terrane:Wu,Meiling; Zhao,Guochun;LithosImplications for the crustal evolution of the Sun,Min; et al.2014,190 : 71-84Eastern Block of the North China Craton
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Global Environmental36Changes in the global value of ecosystemCostanza,Robert; de Groot,Change-Human and PolicyservicesRudolf; Sutton,Paul; et al.Dimensions2014,26 : 152-158Global Environmental18Food choices,health and environment: EffectsWesthoek,Henk; Lesschen,Change-Human and Policyof cutting Europe's meat and dairy intakeJan Peter; Rood,Trudy; et al.Dimensions2014,26 : 196-205 15 Urban green space,public health,and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough' Wolch,Jennifer R.; Byrne,Jason; Newell,Joshua P. Landscape and Urban Planning 2014,125(SI): 234-244Landscape and Urban10Urban ecology and sustainability: Thestate-of-the-science and future directionsWu,JianguoPlanning2014,125(SI): 209-221 10 International trade undermines national emission reduction targets: New evidence from air pollution Kanemoto,K.; Moran,D.;Lenzen,M.; et al. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 2014,24 : 52-59Global Environmental9Reconceptualising adaptation to climate changeWise,R. M.; Fazey,I.; Smith,Change-Human and Policyas part of pathways of change and responseM. Stafford; et al.Dimensions2014,28 : 325-336 9 Phosphorus vulnerability: A qualitative framework for assessing the vulnerability of national and regional food systems to the multidimensional stressors of phosphorus scarcity Cordell,D.; Neset,T-S S. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 2014,24 : 108-102Why are policy innovations rare and so oftenGlobal Environmental8negative? Blame avoidance and problem denialHowlett,MichaelChange-Human and Policyin climate change policy-makingDimensions2014,29 : 395-403 8 Defining and observing stages of climate-mediated range shifts in marine systems Bates,Amanda E.; Pecl,Gretta T.; Frusher,Stewart; et al. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 2014,26 : 27-38Landscape and Urban8Methods for identifying land use conflictBrown,Greg; Raymond,potential using participatory mappingChristopher M.Planning2014,122 : 196-208
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Blaschke,Thomas; Hay,Isprs Journal of PhotogrammetryGeographic Object-Based Image Analysis -39Geoffrey J.; Kelly,Maggi; et and Remote Sensing Towards a new paradigmal.2014,87 : 180-191Earth Surface Processes and30Plants as river system engineersGurnell,AngelaLandforms2014,39(1): 4-25 29 The Randolph Glacier Inventory: a globally complete inventory of glaciers Pfeffer,W. Tad; Arendt,Anthony A.; Bliss,Andrew; et al. Journal of Glaciology 2014,60(221): 537-552Global and Planetary Change 27Cretaceous eustasy revisitedHaq,Bilal U.2 014,133 : 180-191 24 Chinese cave records and the East Asia Summer Monsoon Liu,Zhengyu; Wen,Xinyu;Brady,E. C.; et al. Quaternary Science Reviews 2014,83 : 115-128Spatiotemporal characteristics,patterns,andJournal of GeographicalLiu Jiyuan; Kuang Wenhui;21causes of land-use changes in China since the lateSciencesZhang Zengxiang; et al.1980s2014,24(2): 195-210 20 Unmanned aerial systems for photogrammetry and remote sensing: A review Colomina,I.; Molina,P. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2014,92 : 79-97Journal of Biogeography 19Why are there so many species in the tropics?Brown,James H.2 014,41(1): 8-22 19 Sediment fingerprinting in agricultural catchments:A critical re-examination of source discrimination and data corrections Smith,Hugh G.; Blake,William H. Geomorphology 2014,204 : 177-191A range correction for ICESat and its potential Borsa,A. A.; Moholdt,G.;Cryosphere 18impact on ice-sheet mass balance studiesFricker,H. A.; et al.2014,8(2): 345-357
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Spatio-temporal distribution and tectonic settings of Zhang,Zhaochong; Hou,Ore Geology Reviews 25the major iron deposits in China: An overviewTong; Santosh,M.; et al.2014,57(SI): 247-263Metallogeny and craton destruction: Records from Ore Geology Reviews 25Li,Sheng-Rong; Santosh,M.the North China Craton2014,56(SI): 376-414 14 Mesozoic gold metallogenic system of the Jiaodong gold province,eastern China Yang,LiQiang; Deng Jun;Wang,ZhongLiang; et al. Acta Petrologica Sinica 2014,30(9): 2447-2467Reactivated lithospheric-scale discontinuitiesMiller,Meghan S.; Becker,Geology 14localize dynamic uplift of the Moroccan AtlasThorsten W. 2014,40(1): 35-38 Mountains12 The chemistry of hydrothermal magnetite: A review Nadoll,Patrick; Angerer,Thomas; Mauk,Jeffrey L.; et al. Ore Geology Reviews 2014,61 : 1-32Apatites in lunar KREEP basalts: The missing linkTartese,Romain; Anand,Geology 12to understanding the H isotope systematics of theMahesh; McCubbin,F(xiàn)rancis2014,42(4): 363-366 MoonM.;etal.12 Baogutu: An example of reduced porphyry Cu deposit in western Junggar Cao,Mingjian; Qin,Kezhang;Li,Guangming; et al. Ore Geology Reviews 2014,56(SI): 159-180Enrichment mechanism of iron in Zhang,ZhaoChong; Hou,Acta Petrologica Sinica 11magmatic-hydrothermal systemTong; Li,HouMin; et al.2014,30(5): 1189-1204 11 Geochronology and geochemistry of submarine volcanic rocks in the Yamansu iron deposit,Eastern Tianshan Mountains,NW China: Constraints on the metallogenesis Hou,Tong; Zhang,Zhaochong; Santosh,M.; et al. Ore Geology Reviews 2014,56(SI): 487-502Metallogeny in response to lithospheric thinningand craton destruction: Geochemistry and U-Pb Li,Sheng-Rong; Santosh,M.;Ore Geology Reviews 11zircon chronology of the Yixingzhai gold deposit,Zhang,Hua-Feng; et al.2014,56(SI): 457-471central North China Craton
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Reassessment of continental growth during theKroener,A.; Kovach,V.;Gondwana Research 51accretionary history of the Central AsianBelousova,E.; et al. 2014,25(1): 103-125 Orogenic BeltNance,R. Damian; Murphy,Gondwana Research 40The supercontinent cycle: A retrospective essayJ. Brendan; Santosh,M.2014,25(1): 4-29 39 Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis -Towards a new paradigm Blaschke,Thomas; Hay,Geoffrey J.; Kelly,Maggi; et al. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2014,87 : 180-191Goldfarb,Richard J.; Taylor,Phanerozoic continental growth and goldGondwana Research38Ryan D.; Collins,Gregory S.;metallogeny of Asia2014,25(1): 48-102 et al.30 Plants as river system engineers Gurnell,Angela Earth Surface Processes And Landforms 2014,39(1): 4-25Accretionary complexes in the Asia-PacificGondwana Research 30region: Tracing archives of ocean plateSafonova,I. Yu; Santosh,M.2014,25(1): 126-158 stratigraphy and tracking mantle plumes29 Widespread,rapid grounding line retreat of Pine Island,Thwaites,Smith,and Kohler glaciers,West Antarctica,from 1992 to 2011 Rignot,E.; Mouginot,J.;Morlighem,M.; et al. Geophysical Research Letters 2014,41(10): 3502-3509Juvenile vs. recycled crust in NE China: ZirconU-Pb geochronology,Hf isotope and an Yang,Qiongyan; Santosh,M.;Gondwana Research 29integrated model for Mesozoic goldShen,Junfeng; et al.2014,25(4): 1445-1468mineralization in the Jiaodong Peninsula29 The Randolph Glacier Inventory: a globally complete inventory of glaciers Pfeffer,W. Tad; Arendt,Anthony A.; Bliss,Andrew; et al. Journal of Glaciology 2014,60(221): 537-552Arctic amplification dominated by temperature Pithan,F(xiàn)elix; Mauritsen,Nature Geoscience 27feedbacks in contemporary climate modelsThorsten2014,7(3): 181-184
Geriatrics & Gerontology老年醫(yī)學(xué)與老年學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Ten-Year Effects of the Advanced CognitiveJournal of the American34Training for Independent and Vital ElderlyRebok,George W.; Ball,Cognitive Training Trial on Cognition andKarlene; Guey,Lin T.; et al.Geriatrics SocietyEveryday Functioning in Older Adults2014,62(1): 16-24Journal of the American32Sarcopenia in Asia: Consensus Report of theChen,Liang-Kung; Liu,Asian Working Group for SarcopeniaLi-Kuo; Woo,Jean; et al.Medical Directors Association2014,15(2): 95-101 27 MicroRNAs in Alzheimer's disease: differential expression in hippocampus and cell-free cerebrospinal fluid Muller,Mareike; Kuiperij,H. Bea; Claassen,Jurgen A.; et al. Neurobiology of Aging 2014,35(1): 152-158The FNIH Sarcopenia Project: Rationale,StudyStudenski,Stephanie A.;Journals of Gerontology Series26Description,Conference Recommendations,andPeters,Katherine W.; Alley,A-Biological Sciences andFinal EstimatesDawn E.; et al.Medical Sciences2014,69(5): 547-558 24 Global changes in DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in Alzheimer's disease human brain Coppieters,Natacha; Dieriks,Birger V.; Lill,Claire; et al. Neurobiology of Aging 2014,35(6): 1334-1344Journals of Gerontology Series24Rapamycin Extends Life and Health in C57BL/6Zhang,Yiqiang; Bokov,Alex;A-Biological Sciences andMiceGelfond,John; et al.Medical Sciences2014,69(2): 119-130 23 Autophagy in aging and neurodegenerative diseases: implications for pathogenesis and therapy Tan,Chen-Chen; Yu,Jin-Tai;Tan,Meng-Shan; et al. Neurobiology of Aging 2014,35(5): 941-957Rapamycin-mediated lifespan increase in mice isMiller,Richard A.; Harrison,22dose and sex dependent and metabolically distinc tDavid E.; Astle,Clinton M.;Aging Cellfrom dietary restrictionetal.2014,13(3): 468-477 20 Chronic Inflammation(Inflammaging)and Its Potential Contribution to Age-Associated Diseases Franceschi,Claudio; Campisi,Judith Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2014,69(S1): S4-S9Dam,Thuy-Tien; Peters,Journals of Gerontology Series18An Evidence-Based Comparison of OperationalA-Biological Sciences andCriteria for the Presence of SarcopeniaKatherine W.; Fragala,Maren; et al.Medical Sciences2014,69(5): 584-590
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物62Landscape of genetic lesions in 944 patients withHaferlach,T.; Nagata,Y.;Leukemiamyelodysplastic syndromesGrossmann,V.; et al.2014,28(2): 241-247JAK2 or CALR mutation status defines subtypes54of essential thrombocythemia with substantiallyRumi,Elisa; Pietra,Daniela;Blooddifferent clinical course and outcomesFerretti,Virginia; et al.2014,123(10): 1544-1551 53 CALR vs JAK2 vs MPL-mutated or triple-negative myelofibrosis: clinical,cytogenetic and molecular comparisons Tefferi,A.; Lasho,T. L.;Finke,C. M.; et al. Leukemia 2014,28(7): 1472-1477Impact of calreticulin mutations on clinical andRotunno,Giada; Mannarelli,50hematological phenotype and outcome inCarmela; Guglielmelli,Paola;Bloodessential thrombocythemiaet al.2014,123(10): 1552-1555 48 Antibody-modified T cells: CARs take the front seat for hematologic malignancies Maus,Marcela V.; Grupp,Stephan A.; Porter,David L.;et al. Blood 2014,123(17): 2625-2635Idelalisib,an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositolBrown,Jennifer R.; Byrd,473-kinase p110 delta,for relapsed/refractoryJohn C.; Coutre,Steven E.; etBloodchronic lymphocytic leukemiaal.2014,123(22): 3390-3397 46 Clonal evolution and clinical correlates of somatic mutations in myeloproliferative neoplasms Lundberg,Pontus; Karow,Axel; Nienhold,Ronny; et al. Blood 2014,123(14): 2220-2228Effectiveness and safety of novel oralanticoagulants as compared with vitamin KJournal of Thrombosis and40antagonists in the treatment of acute symptomaticvan der Hulle,T.; Kooiman,Haemostasisvenous thromboembolism: a systematic reviewJ.; Den Exter,P. L.; et al.2014,12(3): 32-328and meta- analysis40 Long-Term Effects of AAV1/SERCA2a Gene Transfer in Patients With Severe Heart Failure Analysis of Recurrent Cardiovascular Events and Mortality Zsebo,Krisztina;Yaroshinsky,Alex; Rudy,Jeffrey J.; et al. Circulation Research 2014,114(1): 108-101Husted,Steen; de Caterina,35Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulantsThrombosis and Haemostasis(NOACs): No longer new or novelRaffaele; Andreotti,F(xiàn)elicita;et al.2014,111(5): 781-782
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Varshney,Rajeev K.; Thudi,Theoretical and Applied18Genetic dissection of drought tolerance inchickpea(Cicer arietinum L.)Mahendar; Nayak,Spurthi N.;Geneticset al.2014,127(2): 445-462Single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping17using Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR(KASP):Semagn,Kassa; Babu,Molecular Breedingoverview of the technology and its application inRaman; Hearne,Sarah; et al.2014,33(1): 1-14crop improvement12 Sodium carbonate and bicarbonate treatments induce resistance to postharvest green mould on citrus fruit Youssef,Khamis; Sanzani,Simona Marianna; Ligorio,Angela; et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2014,87(1): 61-69Characterization of Yr54 and other genes10associated with adult plant resistance to yellowBasnet,B. R.; Singh,R. P.;Molecular Breedingrust and leaf rust in common wheat Quaiu 3Ibrahim,A. M. H.; et al.2014,33(2): 385-399 10 Integrating environmental covariates and crop modeling into the genomic selection framework to predict genotype by environment interactions Heslot,Nicolas; Akdemir,Deniz; Sorrells,Mark E.; et al. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2014,127(2): 463-480Zmienko,Agnieszka;Theoretical and Applied10Copy number polymorphism in plant genomesSamelak,Anna; Kozlowski,GeneticsPiotr; et al.2014,127(1): 1-18 8 Genome-wide association mapping of yield and yield components of spring wheat under contrasting moisture regimes Edae,Erena A.; Byrne,Patrick F.; Haley,Scott D.; et al. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2014,127(4): 791-807Herrera-Foessel,Sybil A.;Theoretical and Applied8Lr67/Yr46 confers adult plant resistance to stemrust and powdery mildew in wheatSingh,Ravi P.; Lillemo,GeneticsMorten; et al.2014,127(4): 781-789 8 A reaction norm model for genomic selection using high-dimensional genomic and environmental data Jarquin,Diego; Crossa,Jose;Lacaze,Xavier; et al. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2014,127(3): 595-607Lemongrass essential oil incorporated intoAzarakhsh,Nima; Osman,Postharvest Biology and8alginate-based edible coating for shelf-lifeextension and quality retention of fresh-cutAzizah; Ghazali,HasanahTechnologypineappleMohd; et al.2014,88 : 1-7
Imaging Science & Photographic Technology成像科學(xué)與攝影技術(shù)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Embryonic and Adult-Derived Resident CardiacMacrophages Are Maintained through Distinct Epelman,Slava; Lavine,Kory Immunity 77Mechanisms at Steady State and duringJ.; Beaudin,Anna E.; et al.2014,40(1): 91-104InflammationMacrophage Activation and Polarization:Murray,Peter J.; Allen,Judith Immunity 76Nomenclature and Experimental GuidelinesE.; Biswas,Subhra K.; et al.2014,41(1): 14-20 70 Regulation of type I interferon responses Ivashkiv,Lionel B.; Donlin,Laura T. Nature Reviews Immunology 2014,14(1): 36-49Activation of Gpr109a,Receptor for Niacin and theSingh,Nagendra; Gurav,Immunity 68Commensal Metabolite Butyrate,SuppressesAshish; Sivaprakasam,2014,40(1): 128-139 Colonic Inflammation and CarcinogenesisSathish; et al.65 Transcriptome-Based Network Analysis Reveals a Spectrum Model of Human Macrophage Activation Xue,Jia; Schmidt,Susanne V.; Sander,Jil; et al. Immunity 2014,40(2): 274-288Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells Are Critical for theHalim,Timotheus Y. F.; Steer,Immunity 55Initiation of Adaptive T Helper 2 Cell-MediatedCatherine A.; Mathae,Laura;2014,40(3): 425-435 Allergic Lung Inflammationetal.55 NOD proteins: regulators of inflammation in health and disease Philpott,Dana J.; Sorbara,Matthew T.; Robertson,Susan J.; et al. Nature Reviews Immunology 2014,14(1): 9-23Monocytes and macrophages: developmental Ginhoux,F(xiàn)lorent; Jung,Nature Reviews Immunology 52pathways and tissue homeostasisSteffen2014,14(6): 392-404 50 Tumor-Associated Macrophages: From Mechanisms to Therapy Noy,Roy; Pollard,Jeffrey W. Immunity 2014,41(1): 49-61Journal of Allergy and ClinicalFood allergy: Epidemiology,pathogenesis,Sicherer,Scott H.; Sampson,50Immunology diagnosis,and treatmentHugh A.2 014,133(2): 291
Infectious Diseases傳染病學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Haagmans,Bart L.; AlMiddle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus inLancet Infectious Diseases76Dhahiry,Said H. S.; Reusken,dromedary camels: an outbreak investigation2014,41(2): 140-145 Chantal B. E. M.; et al.European Society of Clinical Microbiology andClinical Microbiology andInfectious Diseases: update of the treatment Debast,S. B.; Bauer,M. P.;52Infection guidance document for Clostridium difficileKuijper,E. J.2014,20(S2): 1-26 infection42 A Novel Strain of Clostridium botulinum That Produces Type B and Type H Botulinum Toxins Barash,Jason R.; Arnon,Stephen S. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2014,209(2): 183-191ESCMID guidelines for the management of theClinical Microbiology andinfection control measures to reduce transmission Tacconelli,E.; Cataldo,M. 41Infection of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria inA.; Dancer,S. J.; et al.2014,20(SI): 1-55 hospitalized patients39 Molecular Characterization of a Novel Botulinum Neurotoxin Type H Gene Dover,Nir; Barash,Jason R.;Hill,Karen K.; et al. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2014,209(2): 192-202DALI: Defining Antibiotic Levels in IntensiveRoberts,Jason A.; Paul,Care Unit Patients: Are Current beta-Lactam Clinical Infectious Diseases 38Sanjoy K.; Akova,Murat; et Antibiotic Doses Sufficient for Critically Ill2014,58(8): 1072-1083al.Patients?38 Interventions to reduce colonisation and transmission of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in intensive care units: an interrupted time series study and cluster randomised trial Derde,Lennie P. G.; Cooper,Ben S.; Goossens,Herman; et al. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2014,14(1): 31-39Antibodies against MERS Coronavirus inMeyer,Benjamin; Mueller,Emerging Infectious Diseases 37Dromedaries,United Arab Emirates,2003 andMarcel A.; Corman,Victor2014,20(4): 552-559 2013M.;etal.36 New antituberculosis drugs,regimens,and adjunct therapies: needs,advances,and future prospects Zumla,Alimuddin I.;Gillespie,Stephen H.;Hoelscher,Michael; et al. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2014,14(4): 327-340The present and future disease burden of hepatitisRazavi,H.; Waked,I.;Journal of Viral Hepatitis 35C virus(HCV)infection with today's treatmentSarrazin,C.; et al. 2014,21(SI): 34-59 paradigm
Information Science & Library Science圖書情報(bào)學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Bell,Gillian C.; Crews,Journal of the American Medical12Development and use of active clinical decisionsupport for preemptive pharmacogenomicsKristine R.; Wilkinson,Informatics AssociationMark R.; et al.2014,21(E1): E93-E99Fleurence,Rachael L.;Journal of the American Medical11Launching PCORnet,a national patient-centeredclinical research networkCurtis,Lesley H.; Califf,Informatics AssociationRobert M.; et al.2014,21(4): 578-582 11 Tweeting Biomedicine: An Analysis of Tweets and Citations in the Biomedical Literature Haustein,Stefanie; Peters,Isabella; Sugimoto,Cassidy R.; et al. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2014,65(4): 656-669F1000 Recommendations as a Potential NewJournal of the Association for10 2014,65(3): 433-445 10 The expansion of Google Scholar versus Web of Science: a longitudinal studyData Source for Research Evaluation: AWaltman,Ludo; Costas,Information Science andComparison With CitationsRodrigoTechnologyde Winter,Joost C. F.;Zadpoor,Amir A.; Dodou,Dimitra Scientometrics 2014,98(2): 1547-1565How well developed are altmetrics? A9cross-disciplinary analysis of the presence ofZahedi,Zohreh; Costas,Scientometrics‘a(chǎn)lternative metrics' in scientific publicationsRodrigo; Wouters,Paul2014,101(2): 1491-1513 9 Do Blog Citations Correlate With a Higher Number of Future Citations? Research Blogs as a Potential Source for Alternative Metrics Shema,Hadas; Bar-Ilan,Judit; Thelwall,Mike Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2014,65(5): 1018-102792014,98(3): 1971-1983 8 Trusting Humans and Avatars: A Brain Imaging Study Based on Evolution TheoryH-Classics: characterizing the concept of citationMartinez,M. A.; Herrera,Scientometricsclassics through H-indexM.; Lopez-Gijon,J.; et al.Riedl,Rene; Mohr,Peter N. C.; Kening,Peter H.; et al. Journal of Management Information Systems 2014,30(4): 83-113Tenreiro Machado,J. A.;8On development of fractional calculus during theScientometricslast fifty yearsGalhano,Alexandra M. S.F.; Trujillo,Juan J.2014,98(1): 577-582
Instruments & Instrumentation儀器與儀器儀表
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物IEEE Transactions on IndustrialReal-Time Implementation of Fault-TolerantYin,Shen; Luo,Hao; Ding,153Electronics Control Systems With Performance OptimizationSteven X.2 014,61(5): 2402-2411IEEE Transactions on IndustrialOutput-Feedback-Based H-infinity Control forLi,Hongyi; Jing,Xingjian;90ElectronicsVehicle Suspension Systems With Control DelayKarimi,Hamid Reza2 014,61(1): 436-446 55 Highly sensitive and selective gas sensors using p-type oxide semiconductors: Overview Kim,Hyo-Joong; Lee,Jong-Heun Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2014,192 : 607-627IEEE Transactions on IndustrialA Review on Basic Data-Driven Approaches forYin,Shen; Ding,Steven X.;49ElectronicsIndustrial Process MonitoringXie,Xiaochen; et al.2 014,61(11): 6418-6428 46 3-D Object Retrieval With Hausdorff Distance Learning Gao,Yue; Wang,Meng; Ji,Rongrong; et al. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2014,61(4): 2088-2098IEEE Transactions on IndustrialPredictive Output Feedback Control forYang,Rongni; Liu,34ElectronicsNetworked Control SystemsGuo-Ping; Shi,Peng; et al.2 014,61(1): 512-520 28 Simultaneous determination of dopamine,ascorbic acid and uric acid at electrochemically reduced graphene oxide modified electrode Yang,La; Liu,Dong;Huang,Jianshe; et al. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2014,193 : 166-172Arink,R.; Bachmann,S.;Journal of Instrumentation 25Performance of the LHCb Outer TrackerBagaturia,Y.; et al.2014,9 24 State-of-Charge Balance Using Adaptive Droop Control for Distributed Energy Storage Systems in DC Microgrid Applications Lu,Xiaonan; Sun,Kai;Guerrero,Josep M.; et al. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2014,61(6): 2804-2815Graphene quantum dots as a fluorescent sensingSensors and ActuatorsWang,F(xiàn)engxiang; Gu,24platform for highly efficient detection of B-ChemicalZhenyan; Lei,Wu; et al. copper(II)ions2014,190 : 516-522
Integrative & Complementary Medicine中西醫(yī)結(jié)合與補(bǔ)充醫(yī)學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Pharmacological Chaperone Design for ReducingHuang,Hung-Jin; Lee,Evidence-Based Complementary12Risk Factor of Parkinson's Disease fromCheng-Chun; Chen,Calvinand Alternative MedicineTraditional Chinese MedicineYu-Chian2014,(1)Witaicenis,Aline; Seito,Antioxidant and intestinal anti-inflammatoryPhytomedicine10Leonardo Noboru; Chagas,effects of plant-derived coumarin derivatives2014,21(3): 240-246 Alexandre da Silveira; et al.10 Quantifying the domestic market in herbal medicine in Benin,West Africa Quiroz,Diana; Towns,Alexandra; Legba,Senan Ingrid; et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2014,151(3): 1100-1108Complementary Therapies inHealth benefits of qigong or tai chi for cancer Zeng,Yingchun; Luo,10Medicine patients: a systematic review and meta-analysesTaizhen; Xie,Huaan; et al.2 014,22(1): 173-186 9 What is in a name? The need for accurate scientific nomenclature for plants Rivera,Diego; Allkin,Robert; Obon,Concepcion;et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2014,152(3): 393-402Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.: Ethnopharmacology,He,Xirui; Wang,Jinhui; Li,Journal of Ethnopharmacology 8phytochemistry and pharmacology of anMaoxing; et al. 2014,151(1): 78-92 important traditional Chinese medicine8 Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Berberine in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Li,Zheng; Geng,Ya-Na;Jiang,Jian-Dong; et al. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014,(7)Ginsenoside Rg1 provides neuroprotectionagainst blood brain barrier disruption andZhou,Yun; Li,Hui-qin; Lu,Phytomedicine 7neurological injury in a rat model of cerebralLin; et al. 2014,21(7): 998-1003 ischemia/reperfusion through downregulation ofaquaporin 4 expression7 Anti-inflammatory activities and mechanisms of Artemisia asiatica ethanol extract Jeong,Deok; Yi,Young-Su;Sung,Gi-Ho; et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2014,151(3): 487-496Simulated digestion of dried leaves of ArtemisiaWeathers,Pamela J.;Journal of Ethnopharmacology 7annua consumed as a treatment(pACT)forJordan,Nikole J.; Lasin,2014,151(2): 858-863 malariaPraphapan; et al.
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Scavia,Donald; Allan,J.Assessing and addressing the re-eutrophication ofJournal of Great Lakes Research18David; Arend,Kristin K.; et Lake Erie: Central basin hypoxia2014,40(2): 226-246 al.Uncertainty in evapotranspiration from landLong,Di; Longuevergne,Water Resources Research 17surface modeling,remote sensing,and GRACELaurent; Scanlon,Bridget2014,50(2): 1131-1151 satellitesR.10 Critical forces defining alternative futures for the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin Laurent,Katrina L.; Scavia,Donald; Friedman,Kathryn B.; et al. Journal of Great Lakes Research 2015,41(SI): 131-138Global-scale assessment of groundwaterdepletion and related groundwater abstractions:Doell,Petra; MuellerWater Resources Research 10Combining hydrological modeling withSchmied,Hannes; Schuh,2014,50(7): 5698-5720 information from well observations and GRACECarina; et al.satellites10 The interaction between climate warming and eutrophication to promote cyanobacteria is dependent on trophic state and varies among taxa Rigosi,Anna; Carey,Cayelan C.; Ibelings,Bas W.; et al. Limnology and Oceanography 2014,59(1): 99-114Long-term snow distribution observations in amountain catchment: Assessing variability,time Winstral,Adam; Marks,Water Resources Research 10stability,and the representativeness of an indexDanny2014,50(1): 293-305site9 Governance and geopolitics as drivers of change in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence basin Jetoo,Savitri; Thorn,Adam;Friedman,Kathryn; et al. Journal of Great Lakes Research 2015,41(SI): 108-118Demographics and societal values as drivers ofMethot,Josee; Huang,Journal of Great Lakes Research 9change in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence RiverXiyu; Grover,Himanshu 2015,41(SI): 30-44 basin9 Image processing of multiphase images obtained via X- ray microtomography: A review Schlueter,Steffen;Sheppard,Adrian; Brown,Kendra; et al. Water Resources Research 2014,50(4): 3615-3639Ocean reflectance spectra at the red,near-infrared,and shortwave infrared from highly Limnology and Oceanography 9Shi,Wei; Wang,Menghua turbid waters: A study in the Bohai Sea,Yellow2014,59(2): 427-444Sea,and East China Sea
Marine & Freshwater Biology海洋與淡水生物學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Identification of global marine hotspots:Hobday,Alistair J.; Pecl,GrettaReviews in Fish Biology and20sentinels for change and vanguards forFisheriesadaptation actionT.2014,24(2): 415-425Assessing and addressing theJournal of Great Lakes18re-eutrophication of Lake Erie: Central basinScavia,Donald; Allan,J. David;ResearchhypoxiaArend,Kristin K.; et al.2014,40(2): 226-246 16 Microbially Mediated Transformations of Phosphorus in the Sea: New Views of an Old Cycle Karl,David M. Annual Review of Marine Science 2014,6 : 279-337Ocean Acidification in the Coastal Zone fromAnnual Review of Marine15an Organism's Perspective: Multiple SystemWaldbusser,George G.;Parameters,F(xiàn)requency Domains,andSalisbury,Joseph E.ScienceHabitats2014,6 : 221-247 14 Oxidative pathways of chemical toxicity and oxidative stress biomarkers in marine organisms Regoli,F(xiàn)rancesco; Giuliani,Maria Elisa Marine Environmental Research 2014,93(SI): 106-117Towards understanding the influence ofenvironmental conditions on demersal13resources and ecosystems in the westernMassuti,E.; Olivar,M. P.;Journal of Marine SystemsMediterranean: Motivations,aims andMonserrat,S.; et al.2014,138(SI): 3-19methods of the IDEADOS project13 DNA-based species delimitation in algae Leliaert,F(xiàn)rederik; Verbruggen,Heroen; Vanormelingen,Pieter;et al. European Journal of Phycology 2014,49(2): 179-196Distribution and Diversity of13Nitrite-Dependent AnaerobicShen,Li-dong; Liu,Shuai; Zhu,Microbial EcologyMethane-Oxidising Bacteria in the SedimentsQun; et al.2014,67(2): 341-349of the Qiantang River13 Resurrecting the Ecological Underpinnings of Ocean Plankton Blooms Behrenfeld,Michael J.; Boss,Emmanuel S. Annual Review of Marine Science 2014,6 : 167-U20812The biological effects of antidepressants onAquatic Toxicologythe molluscs and crustaceans: A reviewFong,Peter P.; Ford,Alex T.2014,151(SI): 4-13
Materials Science,Biomaterials生物材料學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Aggregation induced emission-based44fluorescent nanoparticles: fabricationZhang,Xiqi; Zhang,Xiaoyong;Journal of Materials Chemistry Bmethodologies and biomedical applicationsTao,Lei; et al.2014,2(28): 4398-441430Electrospun scaffolds for tissue engineeringHasan,Anwarul; Memic,Acta Biomaterialiaof vascular graftsAdnan; Annabi,Nasim; et al.2014,10(1): 11-25 28 Hyaluronic acid-modified hydrothermally synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles for targeted tumor MR imaging Li,Jingchao; He,Yao; Sun,Wenjie; et al. Biomaterials 2014,35(11): 3666-3677Mussel-inspired self-coating atmacro-interface with improved28biocompatibility and bioactivity viaMa,Lang; Qin,Hui; Cheng,Journal of Materials Chemistry Bdopamine grafted heparin-like polymers andChong; et al.2014,2(4): 363-375heparin27 Dual-modal upconversion fluorescent/X-ray imaging using ligand-free hexagonal phase NaLuF4:Gd/Yb/Er nanorods for blood vessel visualization Zeng,Songjun; Wang,Haibo;Lu,Wei; et al. Biomaterials 2014,35(9): 2934-2941Water-soluble and phosphorus-containing27carbon dots with strong green fluorescenceWang,Wei; Li,Yongmao;Journal of Materials Chemistry Bfor cell labelingCheng,Lu; et al.2014,2(1): 46-48 26 Click hydrogels,microgels and nanogels:Emerging platforms for drug delivery and tissue engineering Jiang,Yanjiao; Chen,Jing;Deng,Chao; et al. Biomaterials 2014,35(18): 4969-4985A voltammetric sensor based on NiO/CNTsSanati,Afsaneh L.;Materials Science & Engineering26ionic liquid carbon paste electrode forC-Materials for Biologicaldetermination of morphine in the presence ofKarimi-Maleh,Hassan; Badiei,ApplicationsdiclofenacAlireza; et al.2014,35 : 379-385 26 Enhanced Tumor Accumulation of Sub-2 nm Gold Nanoclusters for Cancer Radiation Therapy Zhang,Xiao-Dong; Chen,Jie;Luo,Zhentao; et al. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2014,3(1): 133-141Curcumin nanoformulations: A review ofNaksuriya,Ornchuma;25pharmaceutical properties and preclinicalBiomaterialsstudies and clinical data related to cancerOkonogi,Siriporn; Schiffelers,2014,35(10): 3365-3383treatmentRaymond M.; et al.
Materials Science,Ceramics陶瓷材料學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Decoding the Fingerprint of FerroelectricJournal of the American Ceramic42Loops: Comprehension of the MaterialJin,Li; Li,F(xiàn)ei; Zhang,ShujunSocietyProperties and Structures2014,97(1): 1-27The Cobalt Zinc Spinel Ferrite Nanofiber:Journal of the American CeramicHuang,Xiaogu; Zhang,Jing;18Lightweight and Efficient MicrowaveSocietyXiao,Shaorong; et al.Absorber2014,97(5): 1363-1366 15 Mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of alumina/MWCNT and alumina/zirconia/MWCNT composites Michalek,Martin; Sedlacek,Jaroslav; Parchoviansky,Milan;et al. Ceramics International 2014,40(1): 1289-1295Electric-field-induced phase transition andJournal of the European CeramicUllah,Arnir; Malik,Rizwan 14large strain in lead-free Nb-dopedSocietyAhmed; Ullah,Aman; et al. BNKT-BST ceramics2014,34(1): 35-41 13 TiO2wrapped graphene as a high performance photocatalyst for acid orange 7 dye degradation under solar/UV light irradiations Muthirulan,P.; Devi,C. Nirmala; Sundaram,M. Meenakshi Ceramics International 2014,40(4): 5945-5957Effect of grain size on the energy storageJournal of the European CeramicSong,Zhe; Liu,Hanxing;13properties of(Ba0.4Sr0.6)TiO3paraelectricSocietyZhang,Shujun; et al.ceramics2014,34(5): 1209-1217 13 Life time of new SYSZ thermal barrier coatings produced by plasma spraying method under thermal shock test and high temperature treatment Loghman-Estarki,Mohammad Reza; Razavi,Reza Shoja;Edris,Hossein; et al. Ceramics International 2014,40(1): 1405-1414Highly efficient visible light-drivenShi,Lei; Liang,Lin; Ma,Jun; et Ceramics International 12Ag/AgBr/ZnO composite photocatalyst foral.2014,40(2): 3495-3502 degrading Rhodamine B11 Enhanced photocatalytic performance of graphene-ZnO nanoplatelet composite thin films prepared by electrostatic spray deposition Joshi,Bhavana N.; Yoon,Hyun;Na,Seung-Heon; et al. Ceramics International 2014,40(2): 3647-3654An overview on silica aerogels synthesis and Maleki,Hajar; Duraes,Luisa;Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 11different mechanical reinforcing strategiesPortugal,Antonio2014,385 : 55-74
Materials Science,Characterization & Testing材料科學(xué),表征與測(cè)試
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物An efficient and simple refined theory forMeziane,Mohamed Ait Amar;Journal of Sandwich Structures &buckling and free vibration of exponentially16Abdelaziz,Hadj Henni; Tounsi,Materials graded sandwich plates under variousAbdelouahed 2014,16(3): 293-318 boundary conditionsDetermination of Damage Severity on RotorOng,Z. C.; Rahman,A. G. A.;Experimental Techniques 8Shaft Due to Crack Using Damage IndexIsmail,Z. 2014,38(5): 18-30 Derived from Experimental Modal Data8 Dropwise condensation on micro- and nanostructured surfaces Enright,Ryan; Miljkovic,Nenad; Alvarado,Jorge L.; et al. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 2014,18(3): 223-250EBSD imaging of orientation relationshipsMaterials Characterization 7and variant groupings in different martensiticCayron,Cyril2014,94 : 93-100 alloys and Widmanstatten iron meteorites7 Identification of the Elastic Properties of Isotropic and Orthotropic Thin-Plate Materials with the Pulsed Ultrasonic Polar Scan Kersemans,M.; Martens,A.;Lammens,N.; et al. Experimental Mechanics 2014,54(6): 1121-1132Determination of All 21 Independent ElasticCoefficients of Generally Anisotropic Solids Sedlak,P.; Seiner,H.; Zidek,J.;Experimental Mechanics 7by Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy:et al.2014,54(6): 1073-1085Benchmark Examples7 Softening mechanism and microstructure evolution of as-extruded 7075 aluminum alloy during hot deformation Sun,Zhi-Chao; Zheng,Li-Shuang; Yang,He Materials Characterization 2014,90 : 71-80Journal of Sandwich Structures &Dynamic crushing behavior absorption of Zhang,Xin-chun; An,Li-qiang;7Materials honeycombs with density gradientDing,Hai-min2 014,16(2): 125-147 7 Progress in the growth of CaCu3Ti4O12and related functional dielectric perovskites Singh,Laxman; Rai,U. S.;Mandal,K. D.; et al. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 2014,60(2): 15-62A Density Functional Theory Study of theMechanics of Advanced MaterialsPeng,Qing; Chen,Zhongfang;6Mechanical Properties of Graphane With vanand StructuresDe,Suvranu der Waals Corrections2015,22(9): 717-721
Materials Science,Coatings & Films材料科學(xué),涂料與薄膜
被引頻次文章題目作者來(lái)源出版物Quantifying Hysteresis and Voltage Fade inCroy,Jason R.; Gallagher,Journal of the Electrochemical20xLi2MnO3center dot(1-x)LiMn0.5Ni0.5O2Kevin G.; Balasubramanian,SocietyElectrodes as a Function of Li2MnO3ContentMahalingam; et al.2014,161(3): A318-A325Kinetics and thermodynamics of adsorptionWang,Peifang; Cao,Muhan;Applied Surface Science 18of methylene blue by a magneticWang,Chao; et al. 2014,290 : 116-124 graphene-carbon nanotube composite15 Electrochromics for smart windows:Oxide-based thin films and devices Granqvist,Claes G. Thin Solid Films 2014,564 : 1-38Gold nanoparticles directly modified glassyChang,Gang; Shu,Honghui; Ji,Applied Surface Science 15carbon electrode for non-enzymatic detectionKai; et al. 2014,288 : 524-529 of glucose15 Modeling Electrochemical Decomposition of Fluoroethylene Carbonate on Silicon Anode Surfaces in Lithium Ion Batteries Leung,Kevin; Rempe,Susan B.; Foster,Michael E.; et al. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2014,161(3): A213-A221Journal of the ElectrochemicalInvestigating the Real Time Dissolution of Rossrucker,L.; Mayrhofer,K. J . 15Society Mg Using Online Analysis by ICP-MSJ.; Frankel,G. S.; et al.2 014,161(3): C115-C119 13 Promotional effect of fluorine on the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3over CeO2-TiO2catalyst at low temperature Zhang,Rui; Zhong,Qin; Zhao,Wei; et al. Applied Surface Science 2014,289 : 237-244Mitigation of Layered to Spinel ConversionJournal of the ElectrochemicalAtes,Mehmet Nurullah; Jia,13of a Li-Rich Layered Metal Oxide CathodeSocietyQingying; Shah,Ankita; et al. Material for Li-Ion Batteries2014,161(3): A290-A301 13 Evaluating Si-Based Materials for Li-Ion Batteries in Commercially Relevant Negative Electrode Chevrier,Vincent L.; Liu,Li;Dinh Ba Le; et al. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2014,161(5): A783-A791Coating of biodegradable magnesium alloyRazavi,Mehdi; Fathi,Applied Surface Science 13bone implants using nanostructured diopsideMohammadhossein; Savabi,2014,288 : 130-137(CaMgSi2O6)Omid;etal.