



      Smart City誰能擋住智能化城市的腳步

      2015-11-05 11:41
      時代英語·高一 2015年5期

      The smart citys computers will calculate where offices and shops can be laid out most efficiently, where people should sleep, and how all the parts of urban life should be fitted together. Science fiction? Smart cities are being built in the Middle East and in Korea; they have become a model for developers in China, and for redevelopment in Europe.

      Imagine that you are a master planner facing a blank computer screen and that you can design a city from scratch, free to incorporate every bit of high technology into your design. You might come up with Masdar, in the United Arab Emirates, or Songdo, in South Korea. These are two versions of the stupefying smart city.

      Masdar is a half-built city rising out of the desert, whose planning—overseen by the master architect Norman Foster—comprehensively lays out the activities of the city, the technology monitoring and regulating the function from a central command centre. The city is conceived in “Fordist” terms—that is, each activity has an appropriate place and time. Urbanites become consumers of choices laid out for them by prior calculations of where to shop, or to get a doctor, most efficiently.

      Songdo represents the stupefying smart city in its architectural aspect—massive, clean, efficient housing blocks rising up in the shadow of South Koreas western mountains, like an inflated 1960s British housing estate—but now heat, security, parking and deliveries are all controlled by a central Songdo “brain”. The massive units of housing are not conceived as structures with any individuality in themselves, nor is the ensemble of these faceless buildings meant to create a sense of place.





      China’s Artificial Intelligence Revolution
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