Yingzhi CAO,Guanshun HE
National Marine Data and Information Service,Tianjin 300171,China
On March 3,2012,the NationalMarine Functional Zoning(2011-2020)was approved by the State Council.This divided marine areas under the jurisdiction of China into 8 functional zones:agricultural and fishing zone,port shipping zone,industrial and urban marine zone,mineral and energy zone,tourism and recreational zone,protectedmarine zone,special use zone,and reserve zone.Itmade overall deployment and specific arrangement of development,use and environment protection ofmarine areas for the year 2011 to2020[1].In this study,we take these 8 functional zones as scientific basis for allocation of China'smarine resources.
1.1 Connotation ofmarine functional zoningMarine area is a vertical resource space.It is highly scientific for which is suitable for marine area and what mutual influence there exists[2].There are three purposes to establishmarine functional zoning system.Firstly,it is intended to develop marine economy.Marine area is carrier of development of marine economy.Marine resources are source ofmarine economic development.Thus,it is required to properly developmarine resources.Secondly,it is intended to protectmarine environment.Developingmarine economy should notbe established at the sacrifice ofmarine environment.It is required to promote harmonious developmentofmarine resources and marine development.Thirdly,it is intended to solve conflict between industrial use,marine users,and non marine users.Functional zoning focuseson natural factorsofocean,such asgeographical position,resource situation,and environment condition of ocean.It also considers social factors of ocean,such as economic development level,and neighboring relations.Besides,it takes scientific evaluationmethods and criteria tomake orientation of values and functions of the correspondingmarine area.Marine functional zoning is different from marine natural zoning made mainly on the basis of natural resources and environmental conditions,and it is also different from marine economic zoningmade according tomarine economic developmentsituation and socialand economic development demands.It is a zoning method between marine natural zoning and economic zoning[3].Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas givesmarine functional zoning to a higher legal status,and expressly specified that the use of sea areas shall be in conformity or connection with the functional zoning of the sea.
1.2 Development process and basic characteristics ofmarine functional zoningIn fact,China'smarine functional zoning experiences a long time of development process.In August 1979,the State Council approved State Scientific and Technological Commission,State Agricultural Commission,General Staff Department of Central Military Commission,State Bureau of Oceanography,and State Aquatic Product General Bureau to jointly launched comprehensive survey of national littoral zone and mud flat resources.In February 1980,at the enlargedmeeting of comprehensive survey of national littoral zone and mud flat resources held by State Bureau of Oceanography,it firstly proposed marine functional zoning.At that time,it was called"proper use zoning of littoral zone andmud flat resources".This is the earliest form of marine functional zoning[4].Later,the State Council approved Three Programs of the State Bureau of Oceanography in 1988.It assigned the State Bureau of Oceanography with responsibility of organizing drafting marine development plan and comprehensive use plan of key marine areas,and determiningmarine functional zones together with coastal provinces,autonomous regions,and municipality directly under the Central Government.In order to perform obligations imposed by the State Council in 1988,the State Bureau of Oceanography launched the first time preparation ofmarine functional zoning in 1989,and finally obtained many substantial achievements,such as Reportof China'sMarine Functional Zoning,Maps of China's Marine Functional Zoning,and Technical Directives for the Division of Marine Functional Zones(GB 17108-1997).The first time preparation of marine functional zoning in 1989 basically reveals natural attribute of China's marine areas,and further reflects the relationship betweenmarine resources and social economic development.
To further bring into play technological support function of marine functional zoning tomarine area usemanagement and marine environment protection,the State Bureau of Oceanography formally launched the second time preparation of nationalmarine functional zoning in May 1998.In October and November 2001,the National Marine Functional Zoning passed review of technical guidance team and leading team meeting of preparation of national marine functional zoning.
On August 22,2002,the State Council officially approved and issued the National Marine Functional Zoning.The Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China revised in 1999 and Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of theUseof Sea Areas formally implemented on January 1,2002 also clearly determined legal status of marine functional zoning.Especially,Law of the People'sRepublic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas stipulates approval and modification procedures of nationalmarine functional zoning in detail.
With deepening of China'smarine development and use and rapid development ofmarine economy,the State Bureau of Oceanography started the third time preparation of national marine functional zoning taking the first two times preparation of functional zoning as basis,with reference to Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of theUseof Sea Areas.In March 2012,the new National Marine Functional Zoning(2011-2020)was officially approved by the State Council[5].The new marine functional zoningeffectively connects the strategy of promotingmarine economic development proposed in the eleventh five year plan and makes comprehensive deployment and specific arrangement for development and use and environment protection of marine areas[6].In the National Marine Functional Zoning of 2002,there are ten marine functional zones:fishery resource use and conservation zone,port shipping zone,engineering marine zone,mineral resource use zone,tourist zone,sea water resource use zone,ocean energy use zone,ocean protection zone,special use zone,and reserve zone.In the new NationalMarine Functional Zone of 2012,it improves the ten zones into eight zones:agricultural and fishing zone,port shipping zone,industrial and urban marine zone,mineral and energy zone,tourism and recreational zone,protected marine zone,special use zone,and reserve zone.
Resource allocation is combination of resources and combination of resources and other economic elements,allocation situation of resources in different users,and structural arrangement of resources in time,space,and industries[7].Marine resource allocation is the processofmarine resources and use objects.There are two stages ofmarine resource allocation.The first stage is the stage of unclear functions ofmarine areas.At this stage,themajor task is completelymainly through marine functions.The second stage is the stage after functions of a certain marine area are determined.At this stage,marine functional zoning is still fundamental and scientific basis ofmarine resource allocation.Therefore,the study onmarine functional zoning hasguidance value onmarine resource allocation.Specifically,it is necessary to study specific requirements ofmarine resource allocation.
2.1 M arine resource allocation should follow scientific functional zoning systemThe core of marine functional zoning is based on natural feature ofmarine areas and also considers social feature.According to requirements of geographical location,natural resources,environment conditions,and social economic development,it is recommended to divide marine areas into different types of functional zones as per scientific functional zoning criteria.Through determining optimum use functions ofmarine areas and use sequence,it is expected to adjust,control and guide use direction ofmarine areas,so as to provide scientific basis for reasonable development and use ofmarine resources.Therefore,the function ofmarine function zoning is to provide guidance on determining which purpose themarine areas can be used.For example,to ensure there is enough development space in certainmarine areas,it is feasible to transfer out those industries not coordinating with themarine area to other areas,avoid disturbing development of leading enterprises.Besides,to properly dealwith the relationship between developmentand use and protection,it is required to set various reservation zone,natural reserve zone,and various reserve zone.Therefore,marine functional zoning should properly dealwith the relationship between marine development and use,regulation and protection,local and overall,and short-term and long-term relationship,comprehensively balance benefits of departments and industries,and coordinate conflictsofmarine industrial departments and areas,so as to realize sustainable development and use of marine resources,and obtain maximum social,economic,and environmental benefits.
2.2 Marine resource allocation should comp ly w ith marine development and use plan of correspondingmarine areaMarine functional zoning,as scientific basis of China'smarine development and management,is also the basis for formulatingmarine development and use plan[8].Marine development plan should not violatemarine functional zoning and the preparation ofmarine area development and use plan should comply with marine functional zoning.Marine resource allocation should observe development and use plan of the correspondingmarine area.Specifically,the development plan of directly using sea water aquiculture,sea salt industry,and marine tourism should conform tomarine functional zoning,and the plan of coastal land use plan,urban plan,and port plan related to marine area use should also be coordinated withmarine functional zoning.
2.3 M arine resource allocation should effectively consider demands of current and future resource allocationMarine functional zoning should adhere to following 6 principles[9].
(i)Taking natural feature as primary and social feature as auxiliary.Natural feature and social feature are basic parts of intrinsic features of different marine areas.When dividing marine functional zones,the precondition is based on similar natural features of a specific marine area and difference of differentmarine areas,while the social feature isauxiliary factor ofdividingmarine functional zones.If there is no certain natural feature in certain marine area,themarine area is not provided with certain marine functions and thus it is not appropriate to include this area into such functional zones.
(ii)Orientating towards scientific development.It is recommended to control or limit scale of construction use ofmarine areas,make overall arrangement of industrial use of marine areas,properly optimize distribution of marine primary,secondary and tertiary industries,and save variousmarine resources in accordance with demands of social and economic development.
(iii)Focusing on protecting fishery.At present,fishery use of marine areas accounts for 60%of marine resource allocation[10].Fishery resources and ecological environment are foundation of fishery production.Therefore,it is required to ensure no occupation of traditional fisherymarine areas,maintain sustainable development of fishery,and ensure increase of fishermen's income and safety and stability of fishery zones.
(iv)Taking environmental protection as precondition.Functional zoning should comprehensively consider protection ofmarine environment and prevention and control of land based pollution,protectmarine ecosystem such as bays,estuaries,island,coastal wetland,and strengthenmarine environmental protection and ecological construction.
(v)Making overall arrangement of land and marine areas.Coastline is precious resource ofmarine areas andmust be strictly protected.It is required to make overall arrangement ofmarine space development and marine area development.
(vi)The national security is the key.Marine rights and interests concern survival of the nation.Thus,it is required to guarantee security of national defense and demand ofmilitary use of marine areas and surrounding areas,safeguard marine rights and interests of China.
In conclusion,marine functional zoning should establish scientific functional zoning classification system and indicator system,conform to local existing resource development plans,and keep sustainability and continuity ofmarine resource development.In addition,it is required to take into consideration actual demandsand actual technological level ofmarine development and use,effectively combine presentsituation and future development trend,and formulate practical and feasible measures for present and future marine resource allocation.
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Asian Agricultural Research2015年9期