



      PetroChina’s Aldehyde Hydrotreating Catalyst Has Been for the First Time Applied at SINOPEC’s Qilu Petrochemical Company

      2016-02-04 20:20:36
      中國煉油與石油化工 2016年3期

      PetroChina’s Aldehyde Hydrotreating Catalyst Has Been for the First Time Applied at SINOPEC’s Qilu Petrochemical Company

      The VAH type catalyst for gas-phase hydrotreating of aldehyde developed by PetroChina’s Petrochemical Research Institute has been applied in commercial scale at the 85 kt/a octanol unit of SINOPEC’s Qilu Petrochemical Company. This unit was successfully put on stream at the frst attempt with all quality indicators of products meeting the requirements of the technical agreement to display the advantages of the catalyst in terms of its high activity, high selectivity and high liquid-resistant ability.

      It is learned that this is an example of frst successful application of this catalyst at SINOPEC’s refning enterprise following adoption of the said catalyst at the Daqing Petrochemical Company, the Jilin Petrochemical Company, the Shandong Nuoao Chemical Company, the Shandong Lihuayi Group Co., the Shandong Jianlan Co., and the Tianjin Soda Plant.

      The catalyst for aldehyde hydrotreating is a most critical catalyst used in the production of butanol and octanol and is very expensive because of the complicated production process, technical diffculty and high safety hazards. This VAH type catalyst for aldehyde hydrotreating can substitute for the imported one to be disseminated and adopted in the enterprises under the jurisdiction of PetroChina and SINOPEC as well as local enterprises, with all quality indicators of this catalyst reaching the level of the catalysts made by famous international companies. The results for application of this catalyst have been recognized by the clients and its market share is also greatly increased.

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