



      Journal Correction

      2016-02-08 22:54:07
      Zoological Research 2016年2期


      Journal Correction

      In the paper “The Australasian frog family Ceratobatrachidae in China, Myanmar and Thailand: discovery of a new Himalayan forest frog clade” (Zoological Research, 2016, 37(1): 7-14), all the scientific name of the species “alpine” should have been “alpina”. Under Figure 3 on page 12, “Liu. Alpine” and “Liu. Xizangensis” should have been “Liu. alpina” and “Liu. xizangensis”, respectively.

      In the paper “A new genus and species of treefrog from Medog, southeastern Tibet, China (Anura, Rhacophoridae)” (Zoological Research, 2016, 37(1): 15-20), in Table 1 on page 17, the GenBank accession number of Theloderma beibengensis, T. moloch and Nasutixalus medogensis sp. nov. should have been KU243080, KU243081 and KU243082, respectively.

      The online versions have been corrected. Zoological Research apologizes to the authors and readers for the mistakes.

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