



      ACC Secretary-General Attended the Closing Ceremony of the 1stASEAN-China Youth Summer Camp

      2016-09-15 08:28:44ByASEANChinaCentreACC

      By ASEAN-China Centre (ACC)

      ACC Secretary-General Attended the Closing Ceremony of the 1stASEAN-China Youth Summer Camp

      By ASEAN-China Centre (ACC)

      ACC Secretary-General Yang Xiuping attended the closing ceremony of the 1st ASEAN-China Youth Summer Camp and made a remark.

      On 21 June 2016, the closing ceremony of the “1st ASEAN-China Youth Summer Camp” was held in Tianjin International Chinese College (TICC). H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended the ceremony and made a remark.

      Mme. Yang Xiuping congratulated on the success of the 1stASEAN-China Youth Summer Camp and expressed appreciation to TICC, Embassies of ASEAN countriesin China, CEAIE and Tianjin Municipal Education Commission for their strong support. She stressed that the youth were the hope for the future and the important impetus to promote sustained and in-depth development of ASEAN-China relations. Expanding youth exchange was the solid social foundation for China-ASEAN relations. She hoped that the participants in the 1stASEAN-China Youth Summer Camp could take this opportunity to learn more about ASEAN-China relations and regional cooperation, so as to make new contributions to further developing ASEANChina relations. She mentioned that a priority of ACC was to support ASEAN-China youth exchange. 2016 was Year of ASEAN-China Educational Exchange, for which ACC had held various events such as Beijing ASEAN Students Games, China-ASEAN Forum of Youth and Humanities, and ASEAN-China Youth Leadership Summit. Meanwhile, ACC would co-sponsor the 9th China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week (CAECW) in August. She emphasized that ACC would continuously work with all sectors of the society to promote sustained and in-depth development of educational exchange and relations between ASEAN and China.

      Mme. Yang Xiuping and other distinguished guests presented certifi cates of the summer camp and HKC to all participants. The students demonstrated traditional Chinese Kungfu, facial makeup in Beijing opera and calligraphy to the guests. Hosted and sponsored by ACC, and co-organized by CEAIE and TICC, the 1stASEAN-China Youth Summer Camp was successfully concluded with the beautiful song “Auld Lang Syne” sung by the students.

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