宋 飏,黃 原
陜西師范大學生命科學學院,西安 710062
目前, 科學界已經認識到土壤是地球上生物多樣性最豐富的生境之一[13]。雖然土壤生物多樣性的研究已有很長時間,但是,關于土壤生物多樣性本身的很多基礎科學問題仍然不清楚。從某種意義上說,對土壤生物多樣性的研究還處于初期階段[14]。
本文選取18S核糖體小亞基RNA(18S rRNA)基因和細胞色素C氧化酶亞基I(COI)基因的部分序列作為分子標記,應用DNA復合條形碼技術對秦嶺太白山地區(qū)5種不同生境(高山草甸,針葉林,落葉小葉林,落葉闊葉林,農田)的中小型土壤動物多樣進行研究,并討論該方法目前應用于中小型土壤動物研究的優(yōu)缺,為進一步探討秦嶺中小型土壤動物多樣性格局以及秦嶺生物多樣性保護提供科學依據。
于2014年6月上旬在太白山自然保護區(qū)及周圍選取高山草甸、針葉林、落葉小葉林、落葉闊葉林和農田5種生境進行取樣。每種生境選取10m×10m的3個樣方,在每個樣方內隨機采取3份土樣,采樣深度為0—15cm。將土樣帶回實驗室,用Tullgren漏斗進行分離(40W白熾燈分離48 h)。將收集到的土壤動物保存在100%乙醇中,用于總DNA的提取。樣地詳細信息見表1。
表1 樣地詳細信息
PCR反應體系為25μL,包括2×Taq PCR StarMix with Loading Dye 12.5μL,滅菌超純水9.5μL,正向引物(10μmol/L)1.0μL,反向引物(10μmol/L)1.0μL,總DNA 1.0μL。
18S rRNA基因部分序列(大約350bp)的擴增使用正向引物#3:5′-GYGGTGCATGGCCGTTSKTRGTT-3′和反向引物#5_RC:5′-GTGTGYACAAAGGBCAGGGAC-3′[18]。為了同時對多個樣本進行測序,在每個樣本的正向引物5′端加上了7bp的barcode序列,用于后續(xù)分析中區(qū)分序列來自哪個樣本。PCR的循環(huán)程序為:95℃ 10min;10個循環(huán):95℃ 10s,57℃ 30s(每個循環(huán)降低0.5℃),72℃ 60s;30個循環(huán):95℃ 10s,55℃ 30s,75℃ 60s;最后在72℃下延長5min。
COI基因部分序列(大約313bp)的擴增使用正向引物mlCOlintF:5′-GGWACWGGWTGAACWGT WTAYCCYCC-3′[19]和反向引物jgHCO2198:5′-TANACYTCNGGRTGNCCRAARAAYCA-3′[20](用N替換了原序列中的I)。同樣在每個樣本的正向引物5′端加上了7bp的barcode序列。PCR的循環(huán)程序為:16個循環(huán):95℃ 10s,62℃ 30s(每個循環(huán)降低1℃),72℃ 60s;25個循環(huán):95℃ 10s,46℃ 30s,72℃ 30s;最后在72℃下延長5min。
每份總DNA擴增3次,然后將3份PCR產物等濃度混合。PCR產物的測序使用Illumina MiSeq平臺,采用250PE測序策略,由上海派森諾生物科技有限公司完成。
使用Qiime將序列按相似度0.97聚類為OTU(Operational Taxonomic Unit)[23],選取每個OTU最長的序列作為代表序列。將18S rRNA基因和COI基因的OTU代表序列分別與Silva[24]數據庫(115版)和BOLD[25]數據庫(截止到Release 5.00-v1)進行比對,獲得每個OTU的分類學信息。使用兩個標記的OTU列表生成物種列表,然后合并,刪去不屬于土壤動物的類群。使用Excel繪制目水平上的群落組成百分比堆積圖。使用R軟件VennDiagram程序包繪制Venn圖。
使用R軟件vegan程序包對各樣本之間的Bray-Curtis距離進行計算,然后使用ape程序包基于Bray-Curtis距離對樣本進行主坐標分析(Principal Coordinates Analysis; PCoA)。
1.4.5 聚類分析
圖1 各樣本在科水平的Venn圖Fig.1 Venn diagram for families of samplesA: 高山草甸represents alpine meadow,B: 針葉林represents coniferous forest,C: 落葉小葉林represents deciduous small-leaved forest,D: 落葉闊葉林represents deciduous broad-leaved forest,E: 農田represents farmland
經最初的質量過濾與拼接后得到611959序列,其中18S rRNA基因309167條,COI基因302792條。經Qiime與mothur進一步過濾后得到用于后續(xù)分析的序列,共437313條,其中18S rRNA基因211436條,COI基因225877條。合格序列聚類后,18S rRNA基因共得到1653個OTU,COI基因共得到2138個OTU。
本文的土壤動物分類參照《中國土壤動物檢索圖鑒》[26]。調查共鑒定到土壤動物3門9綱28目199科,其中18S rRNA基因鑒定到2門8綱23目101科,COI基因鑒定到3門7綱16目128科,兩者共同鑒定到2門6綱12目31科。高山草甸包含21目136科,針葉林包含20目141科,落葉小葉林包含21目122科,落葉闊葉林包含21目138科,農田包含23目132科。各樣本所包含的類群及各類群在各樣本中所含序列條數見附表。
圖2 目水平上各類群的序列豐度在各樣本中所占的百分比 Fig.2 Percentage of sequence aboundance of taxa for order in each sanple
表2 各生境多樣性指數
表3 各樣本之間的Bray-Curtis距離
圖3 PCoA分析Fig.3 PCoA analysis A: 高山草甸 represents alpine meadow,B: 針葉林represents coniferous forest,C: 落葉小葉林represents deciduous small-leaved forest,D: 落葉闊葉林represents deciduous broad-leaved forest,E: 農田represents farmland
圖4 聚類分析Heatmap圖Fig.4 Heatmap of cluster analysisA: 高山草甸represents alpine meadow,B: 針葉林represents coniferous forest,C: 落葉小葉林represents deciduous small-leaved forest,D: 落葉闊葉林represents deciduous broad-leaved forest,E: 農田represents farmland
從類群列表來看,兩個分子標記鑒定到的類群沒有完全重疊,兩者共同鑒定到的類群只有31科。而18S rRNA基因單獨鑒定到70科,COI基因單獨鑒定到97科,遠大于它們共同鑒定到的類群數。即使是在目水平上,兩者鑒定到的類群也有很大的區(qū)別。這是由于不同分子標記的通用引物在不同類群中的擴增能力不同與數據庫的覆蓋度不同造成的[18-19,27]。因此單獨使用一種分子標記來鑒定樣本中含有的類群會造成對類群數的低估,同時使用多種分子標記可以更全面的鑒定樣本中所含類群[10,28]??紤]到數據庫的可用性,對于后生動物來說,較好的分子標記有COI、18S rRNA和28S rRNA基因[18,25,29-30]。
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The application of DNA metabarcoding in the study of soil animal diversity in Taibai Mountain
SONG Yang, HUANG Yuan*
DNA metabarcoding which couples DNA barcoding with high-throughput sequencing technology enables quick and easy identification of species in a multiple sample, and has become a reliable method for surveying species composition and richness of a community. Taibai Mountain is the main peak of the Qinling Mountains. It is a well-preserved natural ecological system, and is a key area of biodiversity protection in China. Surveys on the diversity of soil meso-microanimals in Taibai Mountain will enrich the data of soil fauna composition and provide scientific basis for biodiversity protection in China. In this paper, we used the metabarcoding approach to analyze the diversity of soil meso-microanimals in 5 different habitats of Taibai Mountain in the Qinling Mountains. These habitats include alpine meadow, coniferous forest, deciduous small-leaved forest, deciduous broad-leaved forest, and farmland. We set 3 plots of 10 m × 10 m in each habitat, and 3 soil samples were collected randomly from each plot, the sampling depth was 0—15cm under ground. A Tullgren funnel was used to separate soil animals from soil samples. Soil animals from the same plot were transferred to 1.5-mL centrifuge tubes and the total DNA was extracted. The universal primers for the fraction of 18S rRNA and COI genes were used to amplify specific barcoding sequences. Sequencing of PCR amplicons was performed on a MiSeq Illumina sequencing platform. Raw data was analyzed using the Qiime and Mothur software to obtain the OTUs list and species list. Ecological analysis was performed using software R. A total of 199 families from 28 orders, 9 classes, and 3 phyla for soil animals were observed. Community composition analysis showed that habitat changes have some effect on the soil animal community composition. Alpha diversity analysis showed that the highest community richness index for soil animals is the coniferous forest and the lowest is the farmland; in addition, the highest community diversity index for soil animals is the coniferous forest and the lowest is the deciduous small-leaved forest. The community similarity analysis showed that the soil animal community composition in alpine meadow, coniferous forest, and farmland has a high similarity. The soil animal community composition in deciduous small-leaved forest and deciduous broad-leaved forest greatly differed from that in alpine meadow, coniferous forest, and farmland. The difference between the soil animal community composition in deciduous small-leaved forest and deciduous broad-leaved forest also differed greatly. The results of cluster analysis was in conformity with the community similarity analysis.
DNA metabarcoding; Taibai Mountain; soil animals; biodiversity
國家自然科學基金(31172076, 31372192)
2014-12-12; 網絡出版日期:2015-10-30
Corresponding author.E-mail: yuanh@snnu.edu.cn
Song Y, Huang Y.The application of DNA metabarcoding in the study of soil animal diversity in Taibai Mountain.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2016,36(14):4531-4539.