




      2016-11-16 08:20:40
      漢語世界 2016年3期


      Stephen Hawking is a popular guy in China,far more popular than his cult status among nerds would suggest elsewhere. But even with this fact in mind, it still came as a surprise when he landed on Weibo and amassed over a million followers within six hours. Comments were almost universally adulatory, with many being tongue-in-cheek responses that gave Hawking near godlike powers of prophecy and more. The Wall Street Journal reported that the Weibo account is being managed by an LA-based marketing company, which is also helping with the translations. Hawking’s first post on the platform described his visit to China in 1985 and has evidently proven to be a hit with readers. He followed up a day later with another post,this one with information on a project to launch teeny-tiny light-propelled devices into space which will hopefully be able to reach speeds as high as 20 percent of the speed of light and carry out a flyby mission to the closest star to our sun in 20 years. - DAVID DAWSON

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