數(shù)據(jù)來源:Web of Science 文獻出版時間:2015-01—2016-09 檢索時間:2016-10-14
Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture 計算機科學,硬件和架構
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物IEEE Transactions on NeuralA combined adaptive neural network andWang, Tong; 124nonlinear model predictive control for multirateGao, Huijun; Networks and Learning Systemsnetworked industrial process controlQiu, Jianbin2016, 27(2): 416-425IEEE Transactions on NeuralIncremental support vector learning for ordinalGu, Bin; 46Networks and Learning SystemsregressionSheng,VictorS.;Tay, Keng Yeow; et al.2015, 26(7): 1403-1416 42 Adaptive NN controller design for a class of nonlinear MIMO discrete-time systems Liu, Yanjun; Tang, Li; Tong, Shaocheng; et al. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2015, 26(5): 1007-1018Physarum optimization: A biology-inspired Liu, Liang; IEEE Transactions on Computers 41algorithm for the steiner tree problem inSong, Yuning;networksZhang, Haiyang; et al.2015, 64(3): 819 39 EDAL: An energy-efficient, delay-aware, and lifetime-balancing data collection protocol for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks Yao, Yanjun; Cao, Qing; Vasilakos, Athanasios V. IEEE-Acm Transactions on Networking 2015, 23(3): 810-823Peng, Mugen; IEEE Network 34System architecture and key technologies for5G heterogeneous cloud radio access networksLi, Yong; Zhao,Zhongyuan; et al.2015, 29(2): 6-14 31 Security, privacy and trust in internet of things: The road ahead Sicari, S.; Rizzardi, A.; Grieco, L. A.; et al. Computer Networks 2015, 76: 146-164IEEE Transactions on NeuralReinforcement learning design-based adaptiveLiu, Yanjun; 29tracking control with less learning parametersTang, Li; Tong, Networks and Learning Systemsfor nonlinear discrete-time MIMO systemsShaocheng; et al.2015, 26(1): 165-176 23 Lifetime maximization through dynamic ring-based routing scheme for correlated data collecting in WSNs Jiang, Liangshan; Liu, Anfeng; Hu, Yanling; Computers & Electrical Engineering 2015, 41(SI): 191-215Su,Zhou;IEEE Network 22A novel design for content delivery oversoftware defined mobile social networksXu, Qichao;Zhu, Haojin; et al.2015, 29(4): 62-67
Computer Science, Information Systems 計算機科學,信息系統(tǒng)
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物A novel routing protocol providing good Shen, Jian;Journal of Internet Technology 65transmission reliability in underwater sensorTan, Haowen;networksWang, Jin; et al.2015, 16(1): 171-178Hashem, Ibrahim Abaker Information Systems 64The rise of “big data” on cloud computing:Review and open research issuesTargio; Yaqoob, Ibrar;Anuar, Nor Badrul; et al.2015, 47: 98-115 57 Mutual verifiable provable data auditing in public cloud storage Ren, Yongjun; Shen, Jian; Wang, Jin; et al. Journal of Internet Technology 2015, 16(2): 317-323Lu,Xiao;IEEE Communications Surveys 56Wireless networks with RF energyand Tutorials harvesting: A contemporary surveyWang, Ping;Niyato, Dusit; et al.2015, 17(2): 757-789 40 Cloud RAN for mobile networks: A technology overview Checko, Aleksandra; Christiansen, Henrik L.; Yan, Ying; et al. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2015, 17(1): 405-426Yang,Ping;IEEE Communications Surveys 38Design guidelines for spatial modulationDi Renzo, Marco;andTutorialsXiao, Yue; et al.2015, 17(1): 6-26 36 Steganalysis of LSB matching using differences between nonadjacent pixels Xia, Zhihua; Wang, Xinhui; Sun, Xingming; et al. Multimedia Tools and Applications 2016, 75(4): 1947-1962Urena, R.; Chiclana, F.;Information Sciences 36Managing incomplete preference relations indecision making: A review and future trendsMorente-Molinera, J. A.;et al.2015, 302: 14-32 36 Wireless network virtualization: A survey, some research issues and challenges Liang, Chengchao; Yu, F. Richard IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2015, 17(1): 358-380A secure temporal-credential-based mutualHe,Debiao;Information Sciences 35authentication and key agreement schemewith pseudo identity for wireless sensorKumar, Neeraj;2015, 321: 263-277 networksChilamkurti, Naveen
Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 計算機科學,跨學科的應用
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Anders, Simon; Bioinformatics 611HTSeq-a Python framework to work withhigh-throughput sequencing dataPyl, Paul Theodor;Huber, Wolfgang2015, 31(2): 166-169Bates, Douglas;Journal of Statistical Software 432Fitting linear mixed-effects models using lme4Maechler, Martin;Bolker, Benjamin M.;2015, 67(1): 1-48 et al.97 An introduction to PYTHIA 8.2 Sjostrand, Torbjorn; Ask, Stefan; Christiansen, Jesper R.; et al. Computer Physics Communications 2015, 191: 159-177Hu, Bo; Bioinformatics 72GSDS 2.0: An upgraded gene featurevisualization serverJin, Jinpu;Guo, Anyuan;2015, 31(8): 1296-1297 72 repDNA: A Python package to generate various modes of feature vectors for DNA sequences by incorporating user-defined physicochemical properties and sequence-order effects Liu, Bin; Liu, Fule; Fang, Longyun; et al. Bioinformatics 2015, 31(8): 1307-1309A method based on the Jacobi tauJournal of Computational Physics 59approximation for solving multi-termBhrawy, A. H.;time-space fractional partial differential Zaky, M. A.2015, 281: 876-895 equations49 micrOMEGAs4.1: Two dark matter candidates Belanger, G.; Boudjema, F.; Pukhov, A.; et al. Computer Physics Communications 2015, 192: 322-329Advances in Engineering45The ant lion optimizerMirjalili, SeyedaliSoftware2015, 83: 80-98 44 BUSCO: Assessing genome assembly and annotation completeness with single-copy orthologs Simao, Felipe A.; Waterhouse, Robert M.; Ioannidis, Panagiotis; et al. Bioinformatics 2015, 31(19): 3210-3212Politzer, Peter; Journal of Molecular Modeling 44Mathematical modeling and physical reality innoncovalent interactionsMurray, Jane S.;Clark, Timothy2015, 21(3): 52
Computer Science, Software Engineering 計算機科學,軟件工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Advances in Engineering45The ant lion optimizerMirjalili, SeyedaliSoftware2015, 83: 80-98Xia,Zhihua;Multimedia Tools and36Steganalysis of LSB matching using differencesWang, Xinhui;Applications between nonadjacent pixelsSun, Xingming;et al.2016, 75(4): 1947-1962 36 Cloud-based design and manufacturing: A new paradigm in digital manufacturing and design innovation Wu, Dazhong; Rosen, David W.; Wang, Lihui; et al. Computer-Aided Design 2015, 59: 1-14Multimedia Tools and31Medical information service system based onKim, Sungho;Applications human 3D anatomical modelChung, Kyungyong2015, 74(20): 8939-8950 28 Social network and tag sources based augmenting collaborative recommender system Ma, Tinghuai; Zhou, Jinjuan; Tang, Meili; et al. Ieice Transactions on Information and Systems 2015, E98D(4): 902-910IEEE Transactions onGu, Ke; 25Using free energy principle for blind imageMultimedia quality assessmentZhai, Guangtao;Yang, Xiaokang; et al.2015, 17(1): 50-63 22 Towards virtualized and automated software performance test architecture Kim, Gwanghun; Kim, Yeongyun; Chung, Kyungyong Multimedia Tools and Applications 2015, 74(20): 8745-8759Waldspurger, Irene; Mathematical Programming 22Phase recovery, MaxCut and complexsemidefinite programmingd'Aspremont, Alexandre;Mallat, Stephane2015, 149(1-2): 47-81 21 Concurrent multiscale modeling of three dimensional crack and dislocation propagation Talebi, Hossein; Silani, Mohammad; Rabczuk, Timon Advances in Engineering Software 2015, 80(SI): 82-92VinhPhuNguyen;Mathematics and Computers in20Isogeometric analysis: An overview andAnitescu, Cosmin;Simulation computer implementation aspectsBordas, Stephane P. A.;et al.2015, 117: 89-116
Computer Science, Theory & Methods 計算機科學理論與方法
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物IEEE Transactions on NeuralA combined adaptive neural network andWang,Tong;124nonlinear model predictive control for multirateGao, Huijun; Networks and Learning Systemsnetworked industrial process controlQiu, Jianbin2016, 27(2): 416-425IEEE Transactions on InformationSegmentation-based image copy-move forgeryLi, Jian; 71Forensics and SecuritydetectionschemeLi,Xiaolong;Yang, Bin; et al.2015, 10(3): 507-518 59 A secure and dynamic multi-keyword ranked search scheme over encrypted cloud data Xia, Zhihua; Wang, Xinhui; Sun, Xingming; et al. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2016, 27(2): 340-352Gu,Bin;IEEE Transactions on Neural46Incremental support vector learning for ordinalSheng, Victor S.;Networks and Learning Systems regressionTay,KengYeow;etal.2015, 26(7): 1403-1416 42 Adaptive NN controller design for a class of nonlinear MIMO discrete-time systems Liu, Yan-Jun; Tang, Li; Tong, Shaocheng; et al. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2015, 26(5): 1007-1018IEEE-Acm Transactions onEDAL: An energy-efficient, delay-aware, andYao, Yanjun; 39lifetime-balancing data collection protocol forCao, Qing; Vasilakos, Networkingheterogeneous wireless sensor networksAthanasios V.2015, 23(3): 810-823 36 Steganalysis of LSB matching using differences between nonadjacent pixels Xia, Zhihua; Wang, Xinhui; Sun, Xingming; et al. Multimedia Tools and Applications 2016, 75(4): 1947-1962Robust anonymous authentication protocol for He, Debiao; Multimedia Systems 34health-care applications using wireless medicalKumar, Neeraj;sensor networksChen, Jianhua; et al.2015, 21(1): 49-60 32 Adaptive fuzzy control for a class of unknown nonlinear dynamical systems Liu, Yanjun; Tong, Shaocheng Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2015, 263: 49-70Multimedia Tools and Applications 31Medical information service system based onKim, Sungho;human 3D anatomical modelChung, Kyungyong2015, 74(20): 8939-8950
Construction & Building Technology 建筑與建筑技術
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Bourada, Mohamed;A new simple shear and normal deformations82Kaci, Abdelhakim; Houari,Steel and Composite Structurestheory for functionally graded beamsMohammed Sid Ahmed;2015, 18(2): 409-423 et al.A sinusoidal plate theory with 5-unknownsand stretching effect for thermomechanicalHamidi, Ahmed; Houari,Steel and Composite Structures 54bending of functionally graded sandwichMohammed Sid Ahmed;2015, 18(1): 235-253 platesMahmoud, S. R.; et al.32 Bending and buckling analyses of functionally graded material (FGM) size-dependent nanoscale beams including the thickness stretching effect Chaht, Fouzia Larbi; Kaci, Abdelhakim; Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed; et al. Steel and Composite Structures 2015, 18(2): 425-442Computational Fluid Dynamics for urbanBuilding and Environment 29physics: Importance, scales, possibilities,limitations and ten tips and tricks towardsBlocken, Bert2015, 91(SI): 219-245 accurate and reliable simulations25 Phase change materials and products for building applications: A state-of-the-art review and future research opportunities Kalnaes, Simen Edsjo; Jelle, Bjorn Petter Energy and Buildings 2015, 94: 150-176CFD simulation and validation of urban Toparlar, Y.;Building and Environment 24microclimate: A case study for BergpolderBlocken, B.;Zuid, RotterdamVos, P.; et al.2015, 83: 79-90 23 On vibration properties of functionally graded nano-plate using a new nonlocal refined four variable model Belkorissat, Ismahene; Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed; Tounsi, Abdelouahed; et al. Steel and Composite Structures 2015, 18(4): 1063-1081Occupant behavior modeling for building Yan, Da;Energy and Buildings 22performance simulation: Current state andO'Brien, William;future challengesHong, Tianzhen; et al.2015, 107: 264-278 22 Mechanical properties of kenaf fibre reinforced polymer composite: A review Saba, N.; Paridah, M. T.; Jawaid, M. Construction and Building Materials 2015, 76: 87-96How high albedo and traditional buildings' Salata, Ferdinando;Energy and Buildings 21materials and vegetation affect the qualityGolasi, Iacopo; Vollaro,of urban microclimate. A case studyAndrea de Lieto; et al.2015, 99: 32-49
Critical Care Medicine 危重病急救醫(yī)學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Blood eosinophil counts, exacerbations, andresponse to the addition of inhaled fluticasonePascoe,Steven;74furoate to vilanterol in patients with chronicLocantore, Nicholas; Lancet Respiratory Medicineobstructive pulmonary disease: A secondaryDransfield, Mark T.;2015, 3(6): 435-442 analysis of data from two parallel randomisedet al.controlled trialsAn official ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT clinical practice American Journal ofguideline: Treatment of idiopathic pulmonaryRaghu, Ganesh; 69Respiratory and Critical Carefibrosis an update of the 2011 clinical practiceRochwerg, Bram;Zhang, Yuan; et al.Medicineguideline2015, 192(2): E3-E19 59 Surviving sepsis campaign: Association between performance metrics and outcomes in a 7.5 year study Levy, Mitchell M.; Rhodes, Andrew; Phillips, Gary S.; et al. Critical Care Medicine 2015, 43(1): 3-12Perkins, Gavin D.;European resuscitation council guidelines for 57resuscitation 2015 section 2. Adult basic lifeHandley, Anthony J.;Resuscitationsupport and automated external defibrillationKoster, Rudolph W.;2015, 95: 81-99 et al.57 Prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in the general population: The HypnoLaus study Heinzer, R.; Vat, S.; Marques-Vidal, P.; et al. Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2015, 3(4): 310-318Soar, Jasmeet;European resuscitation council guidelines for 55resuscitation 2015 Section 3. Adult advanced lifeNolan, Jerry P.;ResuscitationsupportBoettiger, Bernd W.;2015, 95: 100-147 et al.50 Reslizumab for inadequately controlled asthma with elevated blood eosinophil counts: Results from two multicentre, parallel, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trials Castro, Mario; Zangrilli, James; Wechsler, Michael E.; et al. Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2015, 3(5): 355-366Refractory cardiac arrest treated with mechanical Stub, Dion; 50CPR, hypothermia, ECMO and early reperfusionBernard, Stephen;Resuscitation(the CHEER trial)Pellegrino, Vincent; et al.2015, 86: 88-94 47 Repeated nebulisation of non-viral CFTR gene therapy in patients with cystic fibrosis: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b trial Alton, Eric W. F. W.; Armstrong, David K.; Ashby, Deborah; et al. Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2015, 3(9): 684-691Hoste, Eric A. J.; 43Epidemiology of acute kidney injury in critically Intensive Care Medicineill patients: The multinational AKI-EPI studyBagshaw, Sean M.;Bellomo, Rinaldo; et al.2015, 41(8): 1411-1423
Crystallography 結晶學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Acta Crystallographica Section 1907Crystal structure refinement with SHELXLSheldrick, George M.C-Structural Chemistry2015, 71: 3-8Acta Crystallographica 356SHELXT - Integrated space-group andA-Foundation and Advances crystal-structure determinationSheldrick, George M.2015, 71: 3-8 191 PLATON SQUEEZE: A tool for the calculation of the disordered solvent contribution to the calculated structure factors Spek, Anthony L. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Structural Chemistry 2015, 71: 9-18Groom, Colin R.;Acta Crystallographica SectionB-Structural Science Crystal 125The cambridge structural databaseBruno, Ian J.;Lightfoot, Matthew Engineering and MaterialsP.; et al.2016, 72: 171-179 94 Comparison of silver and molybdenum microfocus X-ray sources for single-crystal structure determination Krause, Lennard; Herbst-Irmer, Regine; Sheldrick, George M.; et al. Journal of Applied Crystallography 2015, 48: 3-10Bourhis, Luc J.;The anatomy of a comprehensive constrained,Acta Crystallographica Section 77restrained refinement program for the modernDolomanov, Oleg V.;C-Structural Chemistrycomputing environment-Olex2 dissectedGildea, Richard J.;et al.2015, 71: 59-75 51 Bulk crystal growth of hybrid perovskite material CH3NH3PbI3Dang, Yangyang; Liu, Yang; Sun, Youxuan; et al. Crystengcomm 2015, 17(3): 665-670Crystal engineering, structure-function Crystengcomm 49relationships, and the future of metal-organicAllendorf, Mark D.;frameworksStavila, Vitalie2015, 17(2): 229-246 49 A series of d(10) metal coordination polymers based on a flexible bis(2-methylbenzimidazole) ligand and different carboxylates: Synthesis, structures, photoluminescence and catalytic properties Hao, Jin-ming; Yu, Bao-yi; Van Hecke, Kristof; et al. Crystengcomm 2015, 17(11): 2279-2293Burla, MariaJournal of Applied 42Crystal structure determination and refinement viaCristina; Caliandro,Crystallography SIR2014Rocco; Carrozzini,Benedetta; et al.2015, 48: 306-309
Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine 牙科,口腔外科醫(yī)學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Eke, Paul I.; Journal of Periodontology 39Update on prevalence of periodontitis in adults inthe united states: NHANES 2009 to 2012Dye, Bruce A.;Wei, Liang; et al.2015, 86(5): 611-622Schwendicke, F.;Journal of Dental Research 34Socioeconomic inequality and caries: A systematicDoerfer, C. E.;review and meta-analysisSchlattmann, P.;2015, 94(1): 10-18 et al.29 Global burden of untreated caries: A systematic review and metaregression Kassebaum, N. J.; Bernabe, E.; Dahiya, M.; et al. Journal of Dental Research 2015, 94(5): 650-658Dental Materials 25Bonding to oxide ceramics—Laboratory testingversus clinical outcomeKern, Matthias2015, 31(1): 8-14 22 Cone beam computed tomography in Endodontics: A review Patel, S.; Durack, C.; Abella, F.; et al. International Endodontic Journal 2015, 48(1): 3-15Non-surgical periodontal therapy with systemicJournalofPeriodontalKeestra, J. A. J.; 18antibiotics in patients with untreated chronicResearch periodontitis: A systematic review andGrosjean, I.;meta-analysisCoucke, W.; et al.2015, 50(3): 294-314 18 The use of prophylactic antibiotics prior to dental procedures in patients with prosthetic joints Sollecito, Thomas P.; Abt, Elliot; Lockhart, Peter B.; et al. Journal of the American Dental Association 2015, 146(1): 11Araujo,MauricioG.;Clinical Oral ImplantsRidge alterations following grafting of fresh 17extraction sockets in man. A randomized clinicalCosta da Silva, Joao ResearchtrialCarlos; de Mendonca,Arthur Furtado; et al.2015, 26(4): 407-412 17 Periodontal soft tissue root coverage procedures: A systematic review from the AAP regeneration workshop Chambrone, Leandro; Tatakis, Dimitris N. Journal of Periodontology 2015, 86(2): S8-S51Primary and secondary prevention of periodontalJournalofClinicalTonetti, Maurizio S.; 16and peri-implant diseases Introduction to, andPeriodontology objectives of the 11th European Workshop onChapple, Iain L. C.;Periodontology consensus conferenceJepsen, Soren; et al.2015, 42(SI): S1-S4
Dermatology 皮膚科
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物European Society of Contact Dermatitis guideline Johansen, Jeanne D.; 43for diagnostic patch testing: Recommendations onAalto-Korte, Kristiina;Contact Dermatitisbest practiceAgner, Tove; et al.2015, 73(4): 195-221Journal of the EuropeanZouboulis, C. C.; 43European S1 guideline for the treatment ofAcademy of Dermatology andhidradenitis suppurativa/acne inversaDesai, N.;Emtestam, L.; et al.Venereology2015, 29(4): 619-644 40 Secukinumab is superior to ustekinumab in clearing skin of subjects with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: CLEAR, a randomized controlled trial Thaci, Diamant; Blauvelt, Andrew; Reich, Kristian; et al. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2015, 73(3): 400-409Secukinumab administration by pre-filled syringe:Blauvelt, A.; 36Efficacy, safety and usability results from a British Journal of Dermatologyrandomized controlled trial in psoriasisPrinz, J. C.;2015, 172(2): 484-493 (FEATURE)Gottlieb, A. B.; et al.35 The psychological burden of skin diseases: A crosssectional multicenter study among dermatological out-patients in 13 European countries Dalgard, Florence J.; Gieler, Uwe; Tomas-Aragones, Lucia; et al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2015, 135(4): 984-991Efficacy and safety of omalizumab in patients with Saini, Sarbjit S.;Journal of Investigative34chronic idiopathic/spontaneous urticaria whoBindslev-Jensen,remain symptomatic on H-1 antihistamines: ACarsten; Maurer,Dermatologyrandomized, placebo-controlled studyMarcus; et al.2015, 135(1): 67-75 31 Apremilast, an oral phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor, in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: Results of a phase III, randomized, controlled trial (Efficacy and Safety Trial Evaluating the Effects of Apremilast in Psoriasis [ESTEEM] 1) Papp, Kim; Reich, Kristian; Leonardi, Craig L.; et al. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2015, 73(1): 37-49Journal of the EuropeanEfficacy, safety and usability of secukinumabPaul, C.; 26administration by autoinjector/pen in psoriasis: ALacour, J. -P.;Academy of Dermatology andrandomized, controlled trial (JUNCTURE)Tedremets, L.; et al.Venereology2015, 29(6): 1082-1090 26 North american contact dermatitis group patch test results: 2011-2012 Warshaw, Erin M.; Maibach, Howard I.; Taylor, James S.; et al. Dermatitis 2015, 26(1): 49-59Superiority of ivermectin 1% cream over metroni-Taieb, A.;dazole 0.75% cream in treating inflammatory lesionsOrtonne, J. P.;British Journal of Dermatologyof rosacea: A randomized, investigator-blinded trialRuzicka, T.; et al.2015, 172(4): 1103-1110
Developmental Biology 發(fā)育生物學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Kok, Fatma O.;Reverse genetic screening reveals poorDevelopmentalCell 98correlation between morpholino: Induced andShin, Masahiro;mutant phenotypes in zebrafishNi, Chih-Wen;2015, 32(1): 97-108 et al.Ablain, Julien; Developmental Cell 45A CRISPR/Cas9 vector system fortissue-specific gene disruption in zebrafishDurand, Ellen M.;Yang, Song; et al.2015, 32(6): 756-764 40 Fatty acid trafficking in starved cells: Regulation by lipid droplet lipolysis, autophagy, and mitochondrial fusion dynamics Rambold, Angelika S.; Cohen, Sarah; Lippincott-Schwartz, Jennifer Developmental Cell 2015, 32(6): 678-692Development 39Establishing neural crest identity: A geneSimoes-Costa, Marcos;regulatory recipeBronner, Marianne E.2015, 142(2): 242-257 38 The fibroblast growth factor signaling pathway Ornitz, David M.; Itoh, Nobuyuki Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Developmental Biology 2015, 4(3): 215-266A pathway to bone: Signaling molecules and Kozhemyakina, Elena; Development 35transcription factors involved in chondrocyteLassar, Andrew B.;development and maturationZelzer, Elazar2015, 142(5): 817-831 34 Cancer stem cells in glioblastoma Lathia, Justin D.; Mack, Stephen C.; Mulkearns-Hubert, Erin E.; et al. Genes & Development 2015, 29(12): 1203-1217Suarez, Cristian;Profilin regulates F-actin network Developmental Cell 31homeostasis by favoring formin over Arp2/3Carroll, Robert T.;complexBurke, Thomas A.;2015, 32(1): 43-53 et al.29 Profilin-1 serves as a gatekeeper for actin assembly by Arp2/3-dependent and -independent pathways Rotty, Jeremy D.; Wu, Congying; Haynes, Elizabeth M.; et al. Developmental Cell 2015, 32(1): 54-67Seminars in Cell &Extracellular vesicles in cancer: Exosomes,Minciacchi, Valentina R.; 28microvesicles and the emerging role of largeFreeman, Michael R.; Developmental BiologyoncosomesDi Vizio, Dolores2015, 40: 41-51
Ecology 生態(tài)學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Kopelman, Naama M.;Clumpak: A program for identifying clusteringMolecularEcologyResources 61modes and packaging population structureMayzel, Jonathan;inferences across KJakobsson, Mattias;2015, 15(5): 1179-1191 et al.Sitch, S.;Biogeosciences 48Recent trends and drivers of regional sources andsinks of carbon dioxideFriedlingstein, P.;Gruber, N.; et al.2015, 12(3): 653-679 46 A guide to Bayesian model selection for ecologists Hooten, M. B.; Hobbs, N. T. Ecological Monographs 2015, 85(1): 3-28Improved annotation of antibiotic resistance Gibson, Molly K.;Isme Journal 43determinants reveals microbial resistomes clusterForsberg, Kevin J.;by ecologyDantas, Gautam2015, 9(1): 207-216 42 Environmental DNA: An emerging tool in conservation for monitoring past and present biodiversity Thomsen, Philip Francis; Willerslev, Eske Biological Conservation 2015, 183(SI): 4-18On underestimation of global vulnerability to tree Allen, Craig D.;Ecosphere 40mortality and forest die-off from hotter droughtBreshears, David D.;in the AnthropoceneMcDowell, Nate G.2015, 6(8): 129 40 Loss of plant species diversity reduces soil erosion resistance Berendse, Frank; van Ruijven, Jasper; Jongejans, Eelke; et al. Ecosystems 2015, 18(5): 881-888Plowright, Raina K.;Proceedings of the Royal Society 40Ecological dynamics of emerging bat virusB-Biological Sciences spilloverEby, Peggy;Hudson, Peter J.; et al.2015, 282(1798): 20142124 39 Climate-related range shifts: A global multidimensional synthesis and new research directions Lenoir, J.; Svenning, J. -C. Ecography 2015, 38(1): 15-28Wang, Jingjing;Modulation of gut microbiota duringIsmeJournal 37probiotic-mediated attenuation of metabolicTang, Huang;syndrome in high fat diet-fed miceZhang, Chenhong;2015, 9(1): 1-15 et al.
Electrochemistry 電化學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Journal of the ElectrochemicalBrousse,Thierry;129To be or not to be pseudocapacitive?Belanger, Daniel;SocietyLong, Jeffrey W.2015, 162(5): A5185-A5189Significant impact of 2D graphene nanosheets Zhao, Yang; Journal of Power Sources 57on large volume change tin-based anodes inLi, Xifei;lithium-ion batteries: A reviewYan, Bo; et al.2015, 274: 869-884 49 Fluorescent carbon nanoparticles for the fluorescent detection of metal ions Guo, Yongming; Zhang, Lianfeng; Zhang, Shushen; et al. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2015, 63: 61-71Halldorsson, Skarphedinn;Biosensors & Bioelectronics 46Advantages and challenges of microfluidic cellLucumi, Edinson;culture in polydimethylsiloxane devicesGomez-Sjoeberg, Rafael;2015, 63: 218-231 et al.44 A fluorescent biosensor based on carbon dots-labeled oligodeoxyribonucleotide and graphene oxide for mercury (II) detection Cui, Xin; Zhu, Lei; Wu, Jing; et al. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2015, 63: 506-512Zhu, Yirong; Journal of Power SourcesMesoporous NiCO2S4nanoparticles as 43 high-performance electrode materials forWu, Zhibin;supercapacitorsJing, Mingjun; et al.2015, 273: 584-590 42 The influence of water and protons on Li2O2crystal growth in aprotic LiO2cells Schwenke, K. Uta; Metzger, Michael; Restle, Tassilo; et al. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2015, 162(4): A573-A584Sensors and ActuatorsYang, Ning; 41Carbon nanotube based biosensorsChen, Xianping; B-ChemicalRen, Tianling; et al.2015, 207: 690-715 39 Combined State of charge and state of health estimation over lithium-ion battery cell cycle lifespan for electric vehicles Zou, Yuan; Hu, Xiaosong; Ma, Hongmin; et al. Journal of Power Sources 2015, 273: 793-803Sensors and ActuatorsMolecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles 38in chemical sensing: Synthesis, characterisationWackerlig, Judith; B-Chemicaland applicationLieberzeit, Peter A.2015, 207: 144-157
Emergency Medicine 急救醫(yī)學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Perkins, Gavin D.;European resuscitation council guidelines for57resuscitation 2015 section 2. Adult basic life Handley, Anthony J.;Resuscitationsupport and automated external defibrillationKoster, Rudolph W.;2015, 95: 81-99 et al.European resuscitation council guidelines forSoar, Jasmeet;Resuscitation 55resuscitation 2015 section 3. Adult advancedNolan, Jerry P.;life supportBoettiger, Bernd W.; et al.2015, 95: 100-147 50 Refractory cardiac arrest treated with mechanical CPR, hypothermia, ECMO and early reperfusion (the CHEER trial) Stub, Dion; Bernard, Stephen; Pellegrino, Vincent; et al. Resuscitation 2015, 86: 88-94European resuscitation council guidelines for Monsieurs, Koenraad G.;Resuscitation 36resuscitation 2015 section 1. ExecutiveNolan, Jerry P.;summaryBossaert, Leo L.; et al.2015, 95: 1-80 34 European resuscitation council and european society of intensive care medicine guidelines for post-resuscitation care 2015 section 5 of the european resuscitation council guidelines for resuscitation 2015 Nolan, Jerry P.; Soar, Jasmeet; Cariou, Alain; et al. Resuscitation 2015, 95: 202-222European resuscitation council guidelines for Truhlar, Anatolij;Resuscitation 31resuscitation 2015 section 4. Cardiac arrest inDeakin, Charles D.;special circumstancesSoar, Jasmeet; et al.2015, 95: 148-201 30 Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival improving over time: Results from the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Daya, Mohamud R.; Schmicker, Robert H.; Zive, Dana M.; et al. Resuscitation 2015, 91: 108-115Wyllie, Jonathan;European resuscitation council guidelines forResuscitation 29resuscitation 2015 section 7. ResuscitationBruinenberg, Jos;and support of transition of babies at birthRoehr, Charles Christoph;2015, 95: 249-263 et al.22 Emergency physician perceptions of medically unnecessary advanced diagnostic imaging Kanzaria, Hemal K.; Hoffman, Jerome R.; Probst, Marc A.; et al. Academic Emergency Medicine 2015, 22(4): 390-398European resuscitation council guidelines for Maconochie, Ian K.;Resuscitation 21resuscitation 2015 section 6. Paediatric lifeBingham, Robert;supportEich, Christoph; et al.2015, 95: 223-248
Endocrinology & Metabolism 內分泌與代謝
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes,2015: A patient-centered approach update to aInzucchi, Silvio E.; 394position statement of the American diabetesBergenstal, Richard M.;Diabetes Careassociation and the european association for the Buse, John B.; et al.2015, 38(1): 140-149study of diabetes2015 American thyroid association managementguidelines for adult patients with thyroid nodulesHaugen, Bryan R.; 134and differentiated thyroid cancer the AmericanAlexander, Erik K.; Bible,Thyroidthyroid association guidelines task force on Keith C.; et al.2016, 26(1): 1-133thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer102 Management of hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes, 2015: A patient-centred approach. update to a position statement of the american diabetes association and the European association for the study of diabetes Inzucchi, Silvio E.; Bergenstal, Richard M.; Buse, John B.; et al. Diabetologia 2015, 58(3): 429-442Cypess, Aaron M.; 84Activation of human brown adipose tissue by a Cell Metabolismbeta 3-adrenergic receptor agonistWeiner, Lauren S.;Roberts-Toler, Carla; et al.2015, 21(1): 33-38 73 Euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis: A Potential complication of treatment with sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibition Peters, Anne L.; Buschur, Elizabeth O.; Buse, John B.; et al. Diabetes Care 2015, 38(9): 1687-1693American association of clinical endocrinologistsHandelsman, Yehuda; 73and american college of endocrinology: Clinical Endocrine Practicepractice guidelines for developing a diabetesBloomgarden, Zachary T.;2015, 21(1): 1-87 mellitus comprehensive care plan-2015Grunberger, George; et al.72 Melatonin: An ancient molecule that makes oxygen metabolically tolerable Manchester, Lucien C.; Coto-Montes, Ana; Boga, Jose Antonio; et al. Journal of Pineal Research 2015, 59(4): 403-419Journal of ClinicalApovian, Caroline M; 70Pharmacological management of obesity: AnEndocrinology &endocrine society clinical practice guidelineAronne, Louis J.;Bessesen, Daniel H.; et al.Metabolism2015, 100(2): 342-362 68 Revised american thyroid association guidelines for the management of medullary thyroid carcinoma Wells, Samuel A., Jr.; Asa, Sylvia L.; Dralle, Henning; et al. Thyroid 2015, 25(6): 567-610Journal of Bone and MineralDiagnosis and management of osteonecrosis ofKhan, Aliya A.; 64the jaw: A systematic review and internationalMorrison, Archie; ResearchconsensusHanley, David A.; et al.2015, 30(1): 3-23
Energy & Fuels 能源與燃料
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Green, Martin A.;537Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 45)Emery, Keith;Progress in PhotovoltaicsHishikawa, Yoshihiro;2015, 23(1): 1-9 et al.Understanding the rate-dependent J-V hysteresis, Energy & Environmental187slow time component, and aging in CH3NH3PbI3Tress, W.;perovskite solar cells: The role of a compensated Marinova, N.;Scienceelectric fieldMoehl, T.; et al.2015, 8(3): 995-1004 171 Engineering heterogeneous semiconductors for solar water splitting Li, Xin; Yu, Jiaguo; Low, Jingxiang; et al. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3(6): 2485-2534Moniz, Savio J. A.;Energy & Environmental162Visible-light driven heterojunction photocatalystsShevlin, Stephen A.;Science for water splitting: A critical reviewMartin, David James;et al.2015, 8(3): 731-759 153 Solar cell efficiency tables (version 46) Green, Martin A.; Emery, Keith; Hishikawa, Yoshihiro; et al. Progress in Photovoltaics 2015, 23(7): 805-812Energy & EnvironmentalYu, Zenan; 149Supercapacitor electrode materials: Nanostructuresfrom 0 to 3 dimensionsTetard, Laurene;ScienceZhai, Lei; et al.2015, 8(3): 702-730 146 Hysteresis-less inverted CH3NH3PbI3planar perovskite hybrid solar cells with 18.1% power conversion efficiency Heo, Jin Hyuck; Han, Hye Ji; Kim, Dasom; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(5): 1602-1608Journal of MaterialsNiu, Guangda; 142Review of recent progress in chemical stability ofperovskite solar cellsGuo, Xudong;Chemistry AWang, Liduo2015, 3(17): 8970-8980 136 A high efficiency solution processed polymer inverted triple-junction solar cell exhibiting a power conversion efficiency of 11.83% Yusoff, Abd. Rashid bin Mohd; Kim, Dongcheon; Kim, Hyeong Pil; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(1): 303-316High-efficiency non-fullerene organic solar cells Energy & EnvironmentalZhao, Jingbo; 99enabled by a difluorobenzothiadiazole-based donorpolymer combined with a properly matched smallLi, Yunke;Sciencemolecule acceptorLin, Haoran; et al.2015, 8(2): 520-525
Engineering, Aerospace 航空航天工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物On heat and mass transfer analysis for the Mohyud-Din, Syed Aerospace Science and Technology 13flow of a nanofluid between rotatingTauseef; Zaidi, Zulfiqarparallel platesAli; Khan, Umar; et al.2015, 46: 514-522A new radar waveform design algorithmAubry, A.; IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and 12with improved feasibility for spectralDe Maio, A.; Electronic SystemscoexistenceHuang, Y.; et al.2015, 51(2): 1029-1038 12 MHD boundary layer flow of a nanofluid passed through a porous shrinking sheet with thermal Radiation Nadeem, S.; Ul Haq, Rizwan Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2015, 28(2): 04014061Accumulation of errors in numerical Smirnov, N. N.; Acta Astronautica 11simulations of chemically reacting gasBetelin, V. B.;dynamicsNikitin, V. F.; et al.2015, 117: 338-355 11 Robust optimal sliding mode control for spacecraft position and attitude maneuvers Pukdeboon, Chutiphon; Kumam, Poom Aerospace Science and Technology 2015, 43: 329-342Mu,Junshan;Journal of Guidance Control and 11Coupled control of reflectivity modulatedDynamics solar sail for geosail formation flyingGong, Shengping;Li, Junfeng2015, 38(4): 740-751 11 Continuous second-order sliding mode based impact angle guidance law He, Shaoming; Lin, Defu; Wang, Jiang Aerospace Science and Technology 2015, 41: 199-208Nonlinear dynamic response and vibrationAerospace Science and Technology 11of shear deformable imperfect eccentricallyNguyen Dinh Duc;stiffened S-FGM circular cylindrical shells Pham Toan Thang2015, 40: 115-127 surrounded on elastic foundations10 Thermal buckling of temperature dependent FG-CNT reinforced composite conical shells Mirzaei, M.; Kiani, Y. Aerospace Science and Technology 2015, 47: 42-53Okulov, Valery L.; Progress in Aerospace Sciences 10The rotor theories by professor Joukowsky:Vortex theoriesSorensen, Jens N.;Wood, David H.2015, 73(SI): 19-46
Engineering, Biomedical 生物醫(yī)學工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Hyaluronic acid-modified Fe3O4@AuBiomaterials 55core/shell nanostars for multimodal imagingLi, Jingchao; Hu, Yong;and photothermal therapy of tumorsYang, Jia; et al.2015, 38: 10-21TPGS-stabilized NaYbF4: Er upconversionTian, Gan; Zheng,Biomaterials 36nanoparticles for dual-modal fluorescent/CTimaging and anticancer drug delivery toXiaopeng; Zhang, Xiao;2015, 40: 107-116 overcome multi-drug resistanceet al.31 Tumor microenvironment sensitive doxorubicin delivery and release to glioma using angiopep-2 decorated gold nanoparticles Ruan, Shaobo; Yuan, Mingqing; Zhang, Li; et al. Biomaterials 2015, 37: 425-435Bioactive glasses beyond bone and teeth: Miguez-Pacheco,Acta Biomaterialia 30Emerging applications in contact with softValentina; Hench, LarrytissuesL.; Boccaccini, Aldo R.2015, 13: 1-15 30 A review of basic to clinical studies of irreversible electroporation therapy Jiang, Chunlan; Davalos, Rafael V.; Bischof, John C. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2015, 62(1): 4-20CD40-targeted dendritic cell delivery of Rosalia, Rodney A.;Biomaterials 28PLGA-nanoparticle vaccines induce potentCruz, Luis J.; vananti-tumor responsesDuikeren, Suzanne; et al.2015, 40: 88-97 27 Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications Yu, Qian; Wu, Zhaoqiang; Chen, Hong Acta Biomaterialia 2015, 16: 1-13Bioprintable, cell-laden silk fibroin-gelatinActa Biomaterialia 27hydrogel supporting multilineageDas, Sanskrita; Pati,differentiation of stem cells for fabrication of Falguni; Choi, Yeongjin;2015, 11: 233-246 three-dimensional tissue constructs27 Genipin-crosslinked catechol-chitosan mucoadhesive hydrogels for buccal drug delivery Xu, Jinke; Strandman, Satu; Zhu, Julian X. X.; et al. Biomaterials 2015, 37: 395-404Injectable glycopolypeptide hydrogels as Ren, Kaixuan; He,Biomaterials 26biomimetic scaffolds for cartilage tissueChaoliang; Xiao,engineeringChunsheng; et al.2015, 51: 238-249
Engineering, Chemical 化學工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Understanding the rate-dependent J-V hysteresis,Energy & Environmental Science187slow time component, and aging in CH3NH3PbI3Tress, W.;perovskite solar cells: The role of a compensatedMarinova, N.;2015, 8(3): 995-1004electricfieldMoehl,T.;etal.Moniz, Savio J. A.;Energy & Environmental Science 162Visible-light driven heterojunction photocatalystsShevlin, Stephen A.;for water splitting: A critical reviewMartin, David James;2015, 8(3): 731-759 et al.149 Supercapacitor electrode materials: Nanostructures from 0 to 3 dimensions Yu, Zenan; Tetard, Laurene; Zhai, Lei; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(3): 702-730Heo, Jin Hyuck; Energy & Environmental ScienceHysteresis-less inverted CH3NH3PbI3planar 146perovskite hybrid solar cells with 18.1% powerHan, Hye Ji;conversion efficiencyKim, Dasom; et al.2015, 8(5): 1602-1608 136 A high efficiency solution processed polymer inverted triple-junction solar cell exhibiting a power conversion efficiency of 11.83% Yusoff, Abd. Rashid bin Mohd; Kim, Dongcheon; Kim, Hyeong Pil; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(1): 303-316Decontamination of wastewaters containing Brillas, Enric; Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 128synthetic organic dyes by electrochemicalMartinez-Huitle,methods: An updated reviewCarlos A.2015, 166: 603-643 99 High-efficiency non-fullerene organic solar cells enabled by a difluorobenzothiadiazole-based donor polymer combined with a properly matched small molecule acceptor Zhao, Jingbo; Li, Yunke; Lin, Haoran; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(2): 520-525Recent progress and perspective in solution-Chueh, Chuchen; Li, Energy & Environmental Science 97processed Interfacial materials for efficient andstable polymer and organometal perovskite solarChangzhi;2015, 8(4): 1160-1189 cellsJen, Alex K. -Y.90 Defect migration in methylammonium lead iodide and its role in perovskite solar cell operation Azpiroz, Jon M.; Mosconi, Edoardo; Bisquert, Juan; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(7): 2118-2127Han, Man Huon;Energy & Environmental Science 89A comprehensive review of sodium layeredGonzalo, Elena;oxides: Powerful cathodes for Na-ion batteriesSingh, Gurpreet;2015, 8(1): 81-102 et al.
Engineering, Civil 土木工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Bourada, Mohamed;Steel and Composite Structures 82A new simple shear and normal deformationsKaci, Abdelhakim;theory for functionally graded beamsHouari, Mohammed Sid2015, 18(2): 409-423 Ahmed; et al.Removal of hazardous organics from water using Journal of Hazardous Materials 79metal-organic frameworks (MOFs): PlausibleHasan, Zubair;mechanisms for selective adsorptionsJhung, Sung Hwa2015, 283: 329-339 61 Wave propagation in functionally graded plates with porosities using various higher-order shear deformation plate theories Yahia, Sihame Ait; Atmane, Hassen Ait; Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed; et al. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 2015, 53(6): 1143-1165Hamidi, Ahmed;A sinusoidal plate theory with 5-unknowns andSteelandCompositeStructures 54stretching effect for thermomechanical bendingHouari, Mohammedof functionally graded sandwich platesSid Ahmed; Mahmoud,2015, 18(1): 235-253 S. R.; et al.43 Enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity of active Al2O3/g-C3N4heterojunctions synthesized via surface hydroxyl Modification Li, Fa-tang; Zhao, Ye; Wang, Qing; et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2015, 283: 371-381Neural network river forecasting with Journal of Hydroinformatics 40multi-objective fully informed particle swarmTaormina, Riccardo;optimizationChau, Kwokwing2015, 17(1): 99-113 39 Improving forecasting accuracy of annual runoff time series using ARIMA based on EEMD decomposition Wang, Wenchuan; Chau, Kwokwing; Xu, Dongmei; et al. Water Resources Management 2015, 29(8): 2655-2675Controlled hydrothermal synthesis ofJiang,Yurou;Journal of Hazardous Materials 33BiOxCly/BiOmIn, composites exhibitingvisible-light photocatalytic degradation of crystalLin, Hopan;2015, 283: 787-805 violetChung, Wenhsin; et al.32 Bending and buckling analyses of functionally graded material (FGM) size-dependent nanoscale beams including the thickness stretching effect Chaht, Fouzia Larbi; Kaci, Abdelhakim; Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed; et al. Steel and Composite Structures 2015, 18(2): 425-442Mao, Xuhui; Journal of Hazardous Materials 31Use of surfactants for the remediation ofcontaminated soils: A reviewJiang, Rui;Xiao, Wei; et al.2015, 285: 419-435
Engineering, Electrical & Electronic 電氣與電子工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物IEEE Transactions on IndustrialData-based techniques focused on modernYin, Shen; 190Electronicsindustry:AnoverviewLi,Xianwei;Gao, Huijun; et al.2015, 62(1): 657-667IEEE Transactions on IndustrialImproved PLS focused on key-performance-Yin, Shen; 134Electronics indicator-related fault diagnosisZhu, Xiangping;Kaynak, Okyay2015, 62(3): 1651-1658 124 A combined adaptive neural network and nonlinear model predictive control for multirate networked industrial process control Wang, Tong; Gao, Huijun; Qiu, Jianbin IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2016, 27(2): 416-425Kreutz, Diego;Proceedings of the IEEE 119Software-defined networking: A comprehensiveRamos, Fernando M. V.;surveyVerissimo, Paulo Esteves;2015, 103(1): 14-76 et al.91 Operation, control, and applications of the modular multilevel converter: A review Debnath, Suman; Qin, Jiangchao; Bahrani, Behrooz; IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2015, 30(1): 37-53IEEE Transactions on FuzzyFuzzy adaptive output feedback control of MIMOTong, Shaocheng; 90nonlinear systems with partial tracking errorsSui, Shuai; SystemsconstrainedLi, Yongming2015, 23(4): 729-742 88 Performance monitoring for vehicle suspension system via fuzzy positivistic C-means clustering based on accelerometer measurements Yin, Shen; Huang, Zenghui IEEE-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics 2015, 20(5): 2613-2620IEEE Transactions on FuzzyLi, Hongyi; 79Filter design for interval type-2 fuzzy systemsSystems with D stability constraints under a unified framePan, Yingnan;Zhou, Qi2015, 23(3): 719-725 79 Circuit topologies, modeling, control schemes, and applications of modular multilevel converters Perez, Marcelo A.; Bernet, Steffen; Rodriguez, Jose; et al. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2015, 30(1): 4-17Observer-based adaptive fuzzy tracking controlIEEETransactionsonFuzzyLi, Yongming; 76of MIMO stochastic nonlinear systems withSystems unknown control directions and unknown deadTong, Shaocheng;zonesLi, Tieshan2015, 23(4): 1228-1241
Engineering, Environmental 環(huán)境工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Decontamination of wastewaters containing Applied Catalysis 128synthetic organic dyes by electrochemicalBrillas, Enric;B-Environmentalmethods. An updated reviewMartinez-Huitle, Carlos A.2015, 166: 603-643Removal of hazardous organics from water Journal of Hazardous 79using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs):Hasan, Zubair;MaterialsPlausible mechanisms for selective adsorptionsJhung, Sung Hwa2015, 283: 329-339 73 Adsorption of methylene blue by a high-efficiency adsorbent (polydopamine microspheres): Kinetics, isotherm, thermodynamics and mechanism analysis Fu, Jianwei; Chen, Zhonghui; Wang, Minghuan; et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 2015, 259: 53-61Xiang, Quanjun;Applied Catalysis 69Graphene-modified nanosized Ag3PO4photocatalysts for enhanced visible-lightLang, Di;B-Environmentalphotocatalytic activity and stabilityShen, Tingting; et al.2015, 162: 196-203 66 Adsorption and desorption of U(VI) on functionalized graphene oxides: A combined experimental and theoretical study Sun, Yubing; Yang, Shubin; Chen, Yue; et al. Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49(7): 4255-4262Applied CatalysisEffect of contact interface between TiO2andHuang, Ze'ai; 62Sun, Qiong;B-Environmentalg-C3N4on the photoreactivity of g-C3N4/TiO2photocatalyst: (001) vs (101) facets of TiO2Lv, Kangle; et al.2015, 164: 420-427 57 Enhanced photocatalytic activity and stability of Z-scheme Ag2CrO4-GO composite photocatalysts for organic pollutant degradation Xu, Difa; Cheng, Bei; Cao, Shaowen; et al. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2015, 164: 380-388Wang, Ke;Applied Catalysis 56?Sulfur-doped g-C3N4with enhanced B-Environmental photocatalytic CO2-reduction performanceLi, Qin;Liu, Baoshun; et al.2015, 176: 44-52 56 Novel visible-light-driven CQDs/Bi2WO6hybrid materials with enhanced photocatalytic activity toward organic pollutants degradation and mechanism insight Di, Jun; Xia, Jiexiang; Ge, Yuping; et al. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2015, 168: 51-61Modeling of competitive ultrasonic assistedGhaedi, M.;Chemical Engineering 56removal of the dyes: Methylene blue andHajjati, S.;JournalSafranin-O using Fe3O4nanoparticlesMahmudi, Z.; et al.2015, 268: 28-37
Engineering, Geological 地質工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物International Journal of 28Particle-scale insight into deformation noncoaxialityLi, X.;of granular materialsYu, H. -S.Geomechanics2015, 15(4): 04014061A multiple response-surface method for slope Li, Dianqing; 24reliability analysis considering spatial variability ofJiang, Shuihua;Engineering Geologysoil propertiesCao, Zijun; et al.2015, 187: 60-72 23 Efficient system reliability analysis of slope stability in spatially variable soils using monte carlo simulation Jiang, Shuihua; Li, Dianqing; Cao, Zijun; et al. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 2015, 141(2): 04014096Armaghani, Danial Bulletin of EngineeringAn adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for 15predicting unconfined compressive strength andJahed; Mohamad, EdyGeology and theYoung's modulus: A study on Main Range graniteTonnizam; Momeni, EnvironmentEhsan; et al.2015, 74(4): 1301-1319 15 Ground vibration prediction in quarry blasting through an artificial neural network optimized by imperialist competitive algorithm Hajihassani, Mohsen; Armaghani, Danial Jahed; Marto, Aminaton; et al. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 2015, 74(3): 873-886Mohamad, Edy Bulletin of Engineering14Prediction of the unconfined compressive strengthTonnizam; Armaghani,Geology and theof soft rocks: A PSO-based ANN approachDanial Jahed; Momeni, EnvironmentEhsan; et al.2015, 74(3): 745-757 13 Prediction and optimization of back-break and rock fragmentation using an artificial neural network and a bee colony algorithm Ebrahimi, Ebrahim; Monjezi, Masoud; Khalesi, Mohammad Reza; et al. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 2016, 75(1): 27-36Numerical simulation of crack growth andZhou, X. P.; Rock Mechanics and Rock 12coalescence in rock-like materials containingBi, J.; Engineeringmultiple pre-existing flawsQian, Q. H.2015, 48(3): 1097-1114 12 A fractal model for characterizing fluid flow in fractured rock masses based on randomly distributed rock fracture networks Liu, Richeng; Jiang, Yujing; Li, Bo; et al. Computers and Geotechnics 2015, 65: 45-55Murphy, Kyle D.; 12Evaluation of thermo-mechanical and thermal Acta Geotechnicabehavior of full-scale energy foundationsMcCartney, John S.;Henry, Karen S.2015, 10(2): 179-195
Engineering, Industrial 工業(yè)工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Deng,Ruilong;IEEE Transactions on Industrial 23A survey on demand response in smart grids:Informatics Mathematical models and approachesYang, Zaiyue;Chow, Moyuen; et al.2015, 11(9): 570-582Graditi,Giorgio;DiIEEETransactionsonIndustrial23Heuristic-based shiftable loads optimalInformatics management in smart micro-gridsSilvestre, Maria Luisa;Gallea, Roberto; et al.2015, 11(1): 271-280 20 An integrated green supplier selection approach with analytic network process and improved Grey relational analysis Hashemi, Seyed Hamid; Karimi, Amir; Tavana, Madjid International Journal of Production Economics 2015, 159(SI): 178-191Fahimnia,Behnam;International Journal of Production 19Green supply chain management: A review andEconomics bibliometric analysisSarkis, Joseph;Davarzani, Hoda2015, 162: 101-114 18 Expected cost minimization of smart grids with plug-in hybrid electric vehicles using optimal distribution feeder reconfiguration Rostami, Mohammad-Ali; Kavousi-Fard, Abdollah; Niknam, Taher IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2015, 11(2): 388-397Improvement of fatigue resistance and ductilityJournalofMaterialsProcessing 17of TiAl6V4 processed by selective laserKasperovich, Galina;TechnologymeltingHausmann, Joachim2015, 220: 202-214 16 A hybrid framework for the modelling and optimisation of decision problems in sustainable supply chain management Sitek, Pawel; Wikarek, Jaroslaw International Journal of Production Research 2015, 53(21): 6611-6628Quality-related fault detection approach basedIEEETransactionsonIndustrial 16on orthogonal signal correction and modifiedWang, Guang; Yin,InformaticsPLSShen2015, 11(2): 398-405 16 The production routing problem: A review of formulations and solution algorithms Adulyasak, Yossiri; Cordeau, Jean-Francois; Jans, Raf Computers & Operations Research 2015, 55: 141-152Lin, Qiuzhen;Computers & Operations Research 15A novel hybrid multi-objective immunealgorithm with adaptive differential evolutionZhu, Qingling;Huang, Peizhi; et al.2015, 62: 95-111
Engineering, Manufacturing 制造工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Performance monitoring for vehicle suspension IEEE-Asme Transactions on88system via fuzzy positivistic C-meansYin, Shen;Mechatronics clustering based on accelerometer Huang, Zenghuimeasurements2015, 20(5): 2613-2620IEEE-Asme Transactions onOptimal dimensioning and power managementHu, Xiaosong; Murgovski, 32of a fuel cell/Battery hybrid bus via convexNikolce; Johannesson, Lars MechatronicsprogrammingMardh; et al.2015, 20(1): 457-468 27 Big Data in product lifecycle management Li, Jingran; Tao, Fei; Cheng, Ying; et al. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2015, 81(1-4): 667-684IEEE-Asme Transactions on25Top tension control of a flexible marine riser byHe, Wei; Sun, Chen; Ge,Mechatronics using integral-barrier lyapunov functionShuzhi Sam2015, 20(2): 497-505 21 Enhanced stress transfer and thermal properties of polyimide composites with covalent functionalized reduced graphene oxide Cao, Li; Sun, Qingqing; Wang, Haixia; et al. Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2015, 68: 140-148International Journal ofMachine Tools & 21Diamond machining of silicon: A review ofGoel, Saurav; Luo, Xichun;advances in molecular dynamics simulationAgrawal, Anupam; et al.Manufacture2015, 88: 131-164 20 An integrated green supplier selection approach with analytic network process and improved Grey relational analysis Hashemi, Seyed Hamid; Karimi, Amir; Tavana, Madjid International Journal of Production Economics 2015, 159(SI): 178-191International Journal of19Green supply chain management: A review andFahimnia, Behnam; Sarkis,Production Economics bibliometric analysisJoseph; Davarzani, Hoda2015, 162: 101-114 19 Vibration isolation for active suspensions with performance constraints and actuator saturation Sun, Weichao; Gao, Huijun; Kaynak, Okyay IEEE-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics 2015, 20(2): 675-683IEEE-Asme Transactions on20Vibration control of a nonuniform wind turbineMechatronics tower via disturbance observerHe, Wei; Ge, Shuzhi Sam2015, 20(1): 237-244
Engineering, Marine 船舶工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Backlund transformation and shock-wave-typeOcean Engineering 17solutions for a generalized (3+1)-dimensionalvariable-coefficient B-type Kadomtsev-Gao,Xinyi2015, 96: 245-247 Petviashvili equation in fluid mechanicsRadar and automatic identification system track Journal of Navigation 13fusion in an electronic chart display andKazimierski, Witold;information systemStateczny, Andrzej2015, 68(6): 1141-1154 11 Experiments on the water entry of curved wedges: High speed imaging and particle image velocimetry Panciroli, R.; Shams, A.; Porfiri, M. Ocean Engineering 2015, 94: 213-222Burdziakowski, Pawel;Polish Maritime Research 9Maritime laser scanning as the source forJanowski, Artur;spatial dataKholodkov, Arthem;2015, 22(4): 9-14 et al.9 Simplified body nonlinear time domain calculation of vertical ship motions and wave loads in large amplitude waves Rajendran, Suresh; Fonseca, Nuno; Guedes Soares, C. Ocean Engineering 2015, 107: 157-177Shear and tensile failure of thin aluminium Liu, B.;Ships and Offshore Structures 9plates struck by cylindrical and sphericalVillavicencio, R.;indentersGuedes Soares, C.2015, 10(1): 45-58 8 Full-scale unsteady RANS CFD simulations of ship behaviour and performance in head seas due to slow steaming Tezdogan, Tahsin; Demirel, Yigit Kemal; Kellett, Paula; et al. Ocean Engineering 2015, 97: 186-206Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity for both Shen, Shuilong;Ocean Engineering 7marine and deltaic deposits based on piezoconeWang, Junpeng;testingWu, Huaina; et al.2015, 110: 174-182 7 Stochastic dynamic analysis and reliability of a vessel rolling in random beam seas Chai, Wei; Naess, Arvid; Leira, Bernt J. Journal of Ship Research 2015, 59(2): 113-131Power-saving device for air bubble generation Kumagai, Ichiro;Ocean Engineering 7using a hydrofoil to reduce ship drag: Theory,Takahashi, Yoshiaki;experiments, and application to shipsMurai, Yuichi2015, 95: 183-194
Engineering, Mechanical 機械工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Performance monitoring for vehicle suspension IEEE-Asme Transactions on 88system via fuzzy positivistic C-means clusteringYin, Shen; Mechatronicsbased on accelerometer measurementsHuang, Zenghui2015, 20(5): 2613-2620Three dimensional mesoscopic simulation of International Journal of Heat and 79magnetic field effect on natural convection ofSheikholeslami, M.; Mass TransfernanofluidEllahi,R.2015, 89: 799-808 63 Lattice Boltzmann simulation of magnetohydrodynamic natural convection heat transfer of Al2O3-water nanofluid in a horizontal cylindrical enclosure with an inner triangular cylinder Sheikholeslami, Mohsen; Gorji-Bandpy, Mofid; Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2015, 80: 16-25Yahia, Sihame Ait;Wave propagation in functionally graded platesStructural Engineering and 61with porosities using various higher-order shearAtmane, Hassen Ait; Mechanicsdeformation plate theoriesHouari, Mohammed SidAhmed; et al.2015, 53(6): 1143-1165 55 Shape effects of nanosize particles in Cu-H2O nanofluid on entropy generation Ellahi, R.; Hassan, M.; Zeeshan, A. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2015, 81: 449-456Baeyens, Jan; Progress in Energy and 54Challenges and opportunities in improving theCombustion Science production of bio-ethanolKang, Qian;Appels, Lise; et al.2015, 47: 60-88 50 Review of high efficiency and clean reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion in internal combustion engines Reitz, Rolf D.; Duraisamy, Ganesh Progress in Energy and Combustion SciencE 2015, 46: 12-71Multivariate weighted complex networkGao, Zhongke; Experimental Thermal and Fluid 46analysis for characterizing nonlinear dynamicFang, Pengcheng; Sciencebehavior in two-phase flowDing, Meishuang; et al.2015, 60: 157-164 45 Numerical simulation for two-dimensional variable-order fractional nonlinear cable equation Bhrawy, A. H.; Zaky, M. A. Nonlinear Dynamics 2015, 80(1-2): 101-116Sheikholeslami, Mohsen;Forced convection heat transfer in a semiInternational Journal of Heat and 43annulus under the influence of a variableVajravelu, Kuppalapalle; Mass Transfermagnetic fieldRashidi, MohammadMehdi2016, 92: 339-348
Engineering, Multidisciplinary 綜合工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物A new hyperbolic shear deformation theoryfor bending and free vibration analysis ofMahi, Amale;Applied Mathematical Modelling 60isotropic, functionally graded, sandwich andBedia, El Abbas Adda;2015, 39(9): 2489-2508 laminated composite platesTounsi, AbdelouahedComputer Methods in AppliedNanofluid flow and heat transfer between 57parallel plates considering Brownian motionSheikholeslami,Mohsen;Mechanics and EngineeringGanji, Davood Domiriusing DTM2016, 283: 651-663 55 New approach to delay-dependent H-infinity control for continuous-time Markovian jump systems with time-varying delay and deficient transition descriptions Qiu, Jianbin; Wei, Yanling; Karimi, Hamid Reza Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics 2015, 352(1): 189-215Computer Methods in AppliedEffect of non-uniform magnetic field onSheikholeslami, M.; 49forced convection heat transfer ofRashidi, M. M.;Mechanics and EngineeringFe3O4-water nanofluid Ganji, D. D.49 MHD flow and radiation heat transfer of nanofluids in porous media with variable surface heat flux and chemical reaction Zhang, Chaoli; Zheng, Liancun; Zhang, Xinxin; et al. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2015, 39(1): 165-181Advances in Engineering45The ant lion optimizerMirjalili, SeyedaliSoftware2016, 83: 80-98 44 An extended isogeometric thin shell analysis based on Kirchhoff-Love theory Nguyen-Thanh, N.; Valizadeh, N.; Nguyen, M. N.; et al. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2015, 284(SI): 265-291Buckling analysis of FG-CNT reinforced Zhang, L. W.;Composites Part B-Engineering 41composite thick skew plates using anLei, Z. X.;element-free approachLiew, K. M.2015, 75: 36-46 31 Mechanical and tribological properties of self-lubricating metal matrix nanocomposites reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and grapheme: A review Moghadam, Afsaneh Dorri; Omrani, Emad; Menezes, Pradeep L.; et al. Composites Part B-Engineering 2015, 77: 402-420Fiore, V.;Composites Part B-Engineering 31A review on basalt fibre and its compositesScalici, T.;Di Bella, G.; et al.2015, 74: 74-94
Engineering, Ocean 海洋工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Backlund transformation and shock-wave-typeOcean Engineering 17solutions for a generalized (3+1)-dimensionalvariable-coefficient B-type Kadomtsev-PetviashviliGao, Xinyi2015, 96: 245-247 equation in fluid mechanicsJournal of Atmospheric and12The evolution of the goddard profiling algorithmKummerow, ChristianOceanic Technology to a fully parametric schemeD.; Randel, David L.;Kulie, Mark; et al.2015, 32(12): 2265-2280 11 Experiments on the water entry of curved wedges: High speed imaging and particle image velocimetry Panciroli, R.; Shams, A.; Porfiri, M. Ocean Engineering 2015, 94: 213-222Marine Georesources &Wu, Huaina; 10Evaluation of the strength increase of marine clayGeotechnology under staged embankment loading: A case studyShen, Shuilong;Ma, Lei; et al.2015, 33(6): 532-541 10 Applicability of smoothed particle hydrodynamics for estimation of sea wave impact on coastal structures Altomare, Corrado; Crespo, Alejandro J. C.; Dominguez, Jose M.; et al. Coastal Engineering 2015, 96: 1-12Chella, Mayilvahanan Coastal Engineering 10Breaking characteristics and geometric propertiesof spilling breakers over slopesAlagan; Bihs, Hans;Myrhaug, Dag; et al.2015, 95: 4-19 9 Simplified body nonlinear time domain calculation of vertical ship motions and wave loads in large amplitude waves Rajendran, Suresh; Fonseca, Nuno; Guedes Soares, C. Coastal Engineering 2015, 107: 157-177Journal of Atmospheric and9Empirical removal of artifacts from the ISCCPNorris, Joel R.;Oceanic Technology and PATMOS-x satellite cloud recordsEvan, Amato T.2015, 32(4): 691-702 9 The impact of sea level rise on storm surge water levels in the northern part of the German Bight Arns, A.; Wahl, T.; Dangendorf, S.; et al. Coastal Engineering 2015, 96: 118-131A numerical study of vegetation impact on Hu, Kelin; Coastal Engineering 9reducing storm surge by wetlands in aChen, Qin;semi-enclosed estuaryWang, Hongqing2015, 95: 66-76
Engineering, Petroleum 石油工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Mixed convection-radiation on stagnation-Journal of Petroleum Science and 11point flow of nanofluids over a stretching/Pal, Dulal;Engineering shrinking sheet in a porous medium with heatMandal, Gopinathgeneration and viscous dissipation2015, 126: 16-25Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetics ofWang Xuechun;China Petroleum Processing & 10Petrochemical Technology methyl oleate based on TG-FTIR methodFang Jianhua;Chen Boshui; et al.2015, 17(2): 17-25 10 N2+CO2+NaCl brine interfacial tensions and contact angles on quartz at CO2storage site conditions in the Gippsland basin, Victoria/Australia Al-Yaseri, Ahmed; Sarmadivaleh, Mohammad; Saeedi, Ali; et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2015, 129: 58-62Journal of Petroleum Science and 9CO2EOR and storage in Jilin oilfield China:Zhang, Liang;Monitoring program and preliminary resultsRen, Bo;EngineeringHuang, Haidong; et al.2015, 125: 1-12 8 Modeling techniques for foam flow in porous media Ma, Kun; Ren, Guangwei; Mateen, Khalid; et al. Spe Journal 2015, 20(3): 453-470Simultaneous multifracture treatments: Fully Spe Journal 8coupled fluid flow and fracture mechanics forWu, Kan;horizontal wellsOlson, Jon E.2015, 20(2): 337-346 8 Modeling of fault activation and seismicity by injection directly into a fault zone associated with hydraulic fracturing of shale-gas reservoirs Rutqvist, Jonny; Rinaldi, Antonio P.; Cappa, Frederic; et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2015, 127: 377-386The pyrolizing of Waste Lubricating OilAburas, H.;Petroleum Science and 8(WLO) into diesel fuel over a supportedBafail, A.;Technologycalcium oxide additiveDemirbas, A.2015, 33(2): 226-236 8 API gravity, sulfur content, and desulfurization of crude oil Demirbas, A.; Alidrisi, H.; Balubaid, M. A. Petroleum Science and Technology 2015, 33(1): 93-101Sun,Hao;SpeJournal7Understanding shale gas flow behavior usingnumerical simulationChawathe, Adwait;Hoteit, Hussein; et al.2015, 20(1): 142-154