Jokes: Small Humor, Big Smile
My three-year-old daughterstuck out[伸出]her hand and said, “Look at the fly I killed, Mommy.” Since she was eating a juicypickle[泡菜]at the time, Ithrust[猛推]hercontaminated[被污染的]hands under thefaucet[水龍頭]and washed them withantibacterial[抗菌的]soap.
After sitting her down to finish her pickle, I asked, with a touch ofawe[敬畏], “How did you kill that fly all by yourself?”
Between bites, she said, “I hit it with my pickle.”
My 11-year-old grandson spent a beautiful Saturday playing video games. His older sister triedcoaxing[哄騙]him outside by warning, “Someday, you’re going to be 30 years old, single, and living in Mom’sbasement[地下室]playing video games all day!”
He replied, “I can only dream.”
Dad rarelydresses up[打扮], so when he left the bedroomdecked out[打扮]in a suit and tie, he wanted tocommemorate[紀(jì)念]the moment. “Handing me a camera,”he asked, “Mind taking a selfie of me?”
I’ve been working on myPhD[博士學(xué)位]in engineering for the past five years, but my son doesn’t necessarily see that as work.
As we were driving pastWalmart[沃爾瑪]one day, my son spotted a “Now Hiring” sign and suggested that I could get a job there.
Hoping tomake a point[表明一種看法], I asked, “Do you think they’re looking for an engineer?”
“Oh, sure,” he said. “They’ll hire anybody.”