



      Cell-type specific examination of central amygdala dopamine receptor 2 expressing neurons as a translational target for pharmacological enhancement of extinction

      2017-01-16 03:42:51KennethMCCULLOUGHGeorgetteGAFFORDFilomeneGMORRISONKerryRESSLER
      中國藥理學與毒理學雜志 2017年10期

      Kenneth M.MCCULLOUGH,Georgette GAFFORD,Filomene GMORRISON,,Kerry J RESSLER,

      (1.Division of Depression&Anxiety Disorders,McLean Hospital,Department of Psychiatry,Harvard Medical School,Boston MA;2.Behavioral Neuroscience,Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,Emory University,Atlanta,GA)


      Cell-type specific examination of central amygdala dopamine receptor 2 expressing neurons as a translational target for pharmacological enhancement of extinction

      Kenneth M.MCCULLOUGH1,Georgette GAFFORD2,Filomene GMORRISON1,2,Kerry J RESSLER1,2

      (1.Division of Depression&Anxiety Disorders,McLean Hospital,Department of Psychiatry,Harvard Medical School,Boston MA;2.Behavioral Neuroscience,Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,Emory University,Atlanta,GA)

      Behavioral and molecular characterization of cell-type specific populations governing fear learning and behavior is a promising avenue for the rational identification of potential therapeutics for fear-related disorders.Identification of cell-type specific changes in neuronal translation following fear learning allows for targeted pharmacological intervention during fear extinction learning,mirroring possible treatment strategies in humans.Here we identify the central amygdala(CeA)Drd2-expressing population as a fear-supporting population that is molecularly distinct from other,previously identified fear-supporting CeA populations.Sequencing of actively translating transcripts ofDrd2neurons identifies mRNAs that are differentially regulated following fear learning includingNpy5r,Rxrg,Sst5r,Fgf3,ErbB4,Fkbp14,Dlk1,Ssh3andAdora2a.Direct pharmacological manipulation of NPY5R,RXR,and ADORA2A confirms their importance in fear behavior and validates the present approach of identifying pharmacological targets for the modulation of emotional learning.

      cell-type specific populations; fear-related disorders; central amygdala dopamine receptor 2

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