



      Advances in research on chemical constituents,pharmacological actions and processing of atractylodes macrocephala

      2017-01-16 03:42:51YingZHOUJingjingLIBaoxiangJIANGXiaoyuXU

      Ying ZHOU,Jing-jing LI,Bao-xiang JIANG,Xiao-yu XU

      (College of Pharmaceutical Sciences&Chinese Medicine,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China;Chongqing Key Laboratory of New Drug Screening from Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chongqing 400715,China;Pharmacology of Chinese MateriaMedica-the Key Discipline Constructed by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chongqing 400715,China)


      Advances in research on chemical constituents,pharmacological actions and processing of atractylodes macrocephala

      Ying ZHOU1,2,3,Jing-jing LI1,2,3,Bao-xiang JIANG1,2,3,Xiao-yu XU1,2,3

      (College of Pharmaceutical Sciences&Chinese Medicine,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China;Chongqing Key Laboratory of New Drug Screening from Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chongqing 400715,China;Pharmacology of Chinese MateriaMedica-the Key Discipline Constructed by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chongqing 400715,China)

      Rhizome atractylodes macrocephalae is the dry roots of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.It is one of commonly used Chinese medicine.In the ″Shennong′s Herbal″,it was listed as the top grade.It mainly contains volatile oil,atractylenolides,atractylodes polysaccharides,glycosides and amino acids.And it has the medical functions of good for spleen and intestine,diuretic and dehumidifi?cation,hidroschesis,miscarriage prevention and soon.In order to provide references for further devel?opment and utilization,this paper systematic arranged the Chinese medicine atractylodes chemical composition,pharmacological effects,processing technology and effect of processing technology on chemical composition and pharmacological action.

      atractylodes macrocephala Koidz;chemical constituents;pharmacological effects;processing technology

      The project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(81473549);National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project(31402237);National″Major New Drug Creation″Major Science and Technology Projects(2014ZX09304-306-04);and Ministry of Education of the Central University Basic Scientific Research Business Fee(XDJK2015D016)

      Xiao-yu XU,Tel:(023)68250765,E-mail:xuxiaoyu@swu.edu.cn

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