



      Aims and Scope

      2016-12-17 02:06:48
      Frontiers of Nursing 2016年1期

      Aims and Scope

      Chinese Nursing Research (CNR, CN 14-1375/R, ISSN 2095-7718) is the official peer-reviewed research journal and an international platform of nursing academic exchange. This journal aims to promote excellence in nursing and health care through the dissemination of the latest, evidence-based, peer-reviewed research report, academic papers, review articles and clinical research, to reflect nursing academic trends, scientific research and clinical practice experience, to promote the development of nursing science and the international influence of nursing research. This journal covers a wide range of nursing topics such as nursing basic researches, scientific researches, research reviews, and expert review etc. CNR publishes 4 issues per year in Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec. CNR intended readership includes practicing nurses in all spheres and at all levels who are committed to advancing practice and professional development on the basis of new knowledge and evidence; managers and senior members of the nursing; nurse educators and nursing students etc. The journal publishes high quality full nursing research papers for rapid publication, and in-depth review articles. All papers are subjected to a fair peer-review process, and will immediately appear online available.


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