Abstract: Aimed at the problem in negative swings in the supply chain with the bullwhip effect, this paper puts forward the pricing decision model of supply chain based on information sharing strategies. By building for retail group, and the upstream supplier's olyptimal pricing decision scheme during different information sharing strategies, the impact of inventory on supplier returns is comparatively analyzed, the optimal pricing decision model is optimized, and gives the retail group, suppliers and alliance under the overall revenue maximization of information cost control. The results show that policy makers of retailers and suppliers must be taken into account the cost of sharing demand information and the cost of the supplier inventory costs, then have the basis to further weigh the merits of different information sharing measures to achieve "win-win" in the overall supply chain network optimization target.
Key words: supply-chain;bullwhip effect;game model;information sharing
中圖分類號:F224 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1006-4311(2017)08-0069-03
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