





      Cancer Biology & Medicine is a peer-reviewed open-access journal of Chinese Anti-cancer Association (CACA), which is the leading professional society of oncology in China. The journal quarterly provides innovative and significant information on biological basis of cancer, cancer microenvironment, translational cancer research, and all aspects of clinical cancer research. The journal also publishes significant perspectives on indigenous cancer types in China. The scope covers the following topics: ● Cancer epigenetics ● Cancer stem cell ● Improved in vivo and in vitro cancer models ● Cancer prevention and epidemiology ● Biomarkers for predicting drug response ● Mechanism of drug sensitivity and resistance ● New approaches for cancer detection and diagnosis ● Oncology clinical trials ● Targeted therapy ● Multidisciplinary treatment for cancer Author benefits: ● Easy online submission via Editorial Manager ● Efficient and professional peer-review by expert referees from around the world ● Rapid pre-print online publication ● No charge for publication and Open Access ● International visibility - the journal is available free online

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